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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Gulp Notes
'use strict';
// If you're unfamiliar with streams a lot of Gulp will seem super confusing.
// Streams are really critical to Node, and increasingly to the front-end.
// An excellent read:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var connect = require('gulp-connect');
// This is maybe a little esoteric, but a good example of why Gulp is potentially
// a better idea than Grunt; browserify itself is Node based, and the library
// exposes a stream. So you don't have to wrap it with a grunt task like `grunt-browserify`,
// you can just directly use it.
// Note that there *are* projects like `gulp-browserify`, but the gulp community is
// very keen on flagging projects that unnecessarily wrap. Note that gulp-browserify has been
// blacklisted by the Gulp community for that reason. Very interesting.
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
var bundler = browserify({
entries: ['./app/scripts/app.js'],
debug: true,
transform: ['debowerify']
return bundler
.plugin('minifyify', {
map: '',
output: 'dist/scripts/'
// The following three tasks might be combined... but I'm
// not sure what they right syntax is.
// gulp.src('./app/**/*.css|./app/**/*.js') or something.
gulp.task('bower', function() {
gulp.src('./bower_components/**/*.*', {
base: './bower_components'
gulp.task('css', function() {
return gulp.src('./app/**/*.css')
gulp.task('html', function() {
return gulp.src('./app/*.html')
// Okay, meat and potatoes here. The array of strings is actually the
// dependencies for this task, so Gulp will make sure those run before executing
// the callback.
gulp.task('server', ['html', 'css', 'bower', 'scripts'], function() {
root: ['dist'],
port: 9000,
livereload: true,
middleware: function() {
return [
// I've added 'html' as a dependency here just for show; Gulp is smart enough
// to know that 'html' was defined as a dependency of 'server' above, so if you run this
// it won't try to run 'html' twice, for example. It'll run in this order:
// 1) 'server's dependencies.
// 2) 'server'
// 3) 'watch'
// Another important thing to note is that the arrays of strings execute at the same time,
// on different threads. That's where the speed benefits of Gulp over Grunt come in,
// so its important to organize your dependencies in such a way that you can take advantage
// of it.
gulp.task('watch', ['server', 'html'], function() {'app/**/*.css', ['css']);'app/**/*.html', ['html']);'app/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
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