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Created November 8, 2023 13:48
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Simplify adding EventBus rules to SST
├── events
│   ├── emailSubscriptionCreated
│   │   ├── emailSubscriptionCreated.html
│   │   └── handler.ts
│   ├── invitationCreated
│   ├── outbox
│   ├── teamUpdated
│   └── userUpdated
├── utils
import {Config, EventBus, EventBusRuleProps, Queue, Stack, StackContext, Table} from "@serverless-stack/resources";
const snakeToCamel = (s: string) => s.replace(/(_\w)/g, k => k[1].toUpperCase());
const addBusinessRule = (stack: Stack, bus: EventBus, dlq: Queue, eventType: string) => {
const ruleKey = eventType.replace(".", "_");
const queueName = `${ruleKey}_queue`;
const handlerLambda = `functions/events/${snakeToCamel(ruleKey)}/handler.main`;
const rules: Record<string, EventBusRuleProps> = {};
rules[ruleKey] = {
pattern: {
detailType: [eventType]
targets: {
function: new Queue(
consumer: {
function: {
handler: handlerLambda,
deadLetterQueueEnabled: true,
deadLetterQueue: dlq.cdk.queue,
bus.addRules(stack, rules);
export function EventStack({stack}: StackContext) {
const bus = new EventBus(stack, "StudiousEventsBus", {});
const dlq = new Queue(stack, "StudiousEventsDLQ");
addBusinessRule(stack, bus, dlq, "emailSubscription.created");
addBusinessRule(stack, bus, dlq, "user.updated");
addBusinessRule(stack, bus, dlq, "team.updated");
addBusinessRule(stack, bus, dlq, "invitation.created");
const EVENT_BUS = new Config.Parameter(
value: bus.eventBusName
const table = new Table(stack, "StudiousEventsTable",
fields: {
sourceKey: "string",
createdAt: "string"
primaryIndex: {
partitionKey: "sourceKey",
sortKey: "createdAt"
stream: true,
consumers: {
outbox: {
function: {
handler: "functions/events/outbox/handler.main",
permissions: [bus],
config: [EVENT_BUS],
const EVENT_OUTBOX_TABLE_NAME = new Config.Parameter(
value: table.tableName
return {
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