Learning VIM in Xcode comes with its own set of challenges and limitations, but there is enough there for you to give your mousing hand a break and master the keyboard.
A limited set of commands are available in Xcode, and this document attempts help ease the learning curve of using VIM in Xcode by providing a handy reference as well as what I find works for me in practice.
Commands are case-sensitive. A command of N
means pressing shift + n
on the keyboard.
This document is a work in progress! Leave a comment if you would like to see a change.
Vim Input | Xcode Standard | Action |
h | ← | move left |
l | → | move right |
k | ↑ | move up |
j | ↓ | move down |
0 | ↖ | move to first character in line. e.g. "move to column zero" |
$ | ↘ | move to last character in line |
^ | ⌘← | move to first non-whitespace character in line |
g0 | ⌘←← | goto before first non-whitespace character in line |
g_ | ⌘→ | goto to last printed character in line |
gg | ⌘↑ | goto to first line in file |
G | ⌘↓ | goto to last line in file |
% | - | move to matching character in pair, e.g. {} , () |
{ | - | jump to next paragraph above |
} | - | jump to next paragraph below |
Vim Input | Xcode Standard | Action |
w | ⇧→ | jump forward to start of word |
W | ⌃→ | jump forward to start of Word, ignoring punctuation |
e | - | jump forward to end of word |
E | - | jump forward to End of word, ignoring punctuation |
b | ⇧← | jump backward to start of word |
B | - | jump Backward to start of word, ignoring punctuation |
Actions that scroll the code viewport without moving the cursor.
Vim Input | Action |
zz | scroll viewport to center on current line |
zt | scroll line to top of viewport |
zb | scroll line to bottom of viewport |
z⏎ | position viewport so the current line is at the top. e.g. Show me what is below this line. |
z. | position viewport so the current line is in the middle. e.g. Center on this line. |
z- | position viewport so the current line is at the bottom. e.g. Show me what is above this line |
H | move cursor to top of viewport |
M | move cursor to middle of viewport |
L | move cursor to bottom of viewport |
Actions that scroll the code viewport by moving the cursor.
Vim Input | Action |
^e | scroll one line down |
^y | scroll one line up |
^d | scroll one half page down |
^u | scroll one half page up |
^f | scroll one page forward |
^b | scroll one page back |
Vim uses yank
as a naming convention analgous to the copy
clipboard command. The delete command is analogous to the cut
command as it places the deleted content into a buffer that can be pasted.
Vim Input | Action |
yy | Copies the current line and places it into a buffer that can be used with p to paste. |
y | Copies characters from the current cursor position. |
Y | Copies the entire line at the cursor position. |
p | Pastes characters copied from y or d commands at the current cursor position. |
P | Pastes characters copied from y or d commands before the current cursor position. |
yiw | Copy a word at the cursor position. |
Vim Input | Action |
r | Replaces the character at the cursor position with the next input character. |
S | Clears all text on the current line and enters insert mode. |
Vim Input | Xcode Standard | Action |
dP |
N/A | Pressing d begins a delete that matches a selection based on the next position command of P . For example, dw deletes all characters jumping forward to the start of the next word. Usable for most all cursor position commands such as w , e , b , B . |
dd | ⌘D | Deletes the current line. |
dN |
N/A | Deletes N number of lines where N from the cursor position. e.g.: d5 deletes the next 5 lines. |
D | – | Deletes characters to the end of the line from the current cursor position. |
x | – | Deletes the character at the current cursor position. |
X | Backspace | Deletes the previous character from the character position. |
Vim Input | Action |
f{char} | move to next character ahead of cursor in line |
F{char} | move previous character behind cursor in line |
t{char} | move behind next character ahead of cursor in line |
T{char} | move ahead of next character behind cursor in line |
; | repeat previous f, t, F or T movement |
, | repeat previous f, t, F or T movement, backwards |
Vim Input | Action |
vP |
Selects text up to the next position, P . e.g. ve selects from the cursor to the end of the word. |
V | Selects the current line. Subsequent position commands will extend the selection. Very handy for beginning multi-line selections and edits. |
Xcode will drop the current selection after the action is performed, which makes these commands not as good as a standard Xcode indentation command with ⌘+([
or ]
) which retains the selection. Its really only useful for making the indent once, unlike the built-in action which can indent multiple times.
Vim Input | Action |
<< | Indent line(s) left |
>> | Indent line(s) right |
Vim Input | Action |
~ | Changes the case of the character at the cursor position and moves the cursor to the next character. |
. | Repeats the previously input VIM command. (Xcode 16+) |
Vim Input | Xcode Standard | Action |
u | ⌘z | Undo last action. |
N u |
– | Undo last N number of actions. e.g. 3u undo 3 times. |
^r | ⌘Z | Redo last action |
Vim Input | Xcode Standard | Action |
/ | ⌘f | Begin a forward text search. |
? | ⌘G | Begin a backward text search. |
n | ⌘g | Move to next search result. |
N | ⌘G | Move to previous search result. |
Vim Input | Action |
i | "Insert here". Enter visual mode at the start of the current cursor position. |
a | "Append here". Enter visual mode at the end at the current cursor position. |
I | "Insert at start". Enter visual mode at the beginning of the line. |
A | "Append at end". Enter visual mode at the end of the line. |
Vim Mode | Action |
esc | exit to normal mode |
Below are tips for using and combining the commands in VIM to perform common actions.
Move up and down holding down ^
Control and tapping u
and d
(Up and Down) to move the cursor in 1/2 viewport increments.
Vertically move to the line to edit using j/k
Horizontally move to where you want to edit using e/E/w/b/B/h/l
Start editing text with a/A/i/I
Exit insert mode with esc
and repeat.
- add a new line above the cursor and enter insert mode
- add a new line below the cursor and enter insert mode
- Edit from cursor to end of word and replace
- Select from cursor to end of line
Basic finding
Start the find, enter the text to find and pressEnter
to move between the occurences found in the file
- Selects a word and yanks (copies) itviwp
- Selects a word and puts (pastes) the copied text
To copy 2 lines…
- Copies 2 lines
To cut 2 lines
- Cuts two lines
Duplicate line
- Copies the current line and puts (pastes) it
From https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/681968
Motion Commands:
Scrolling Commands:
Insert and Replace Commands:
Deleting Text Commands:
Simple Changes Commands:
Copying and Moving Text Commands:
Undo and Redo Commands:
Visual Commands:
Search Commands:
Visual Mode Commands
Motion Commands:
Text Object Selection Commands:
Deleting Text Commands:
Copying and Moving Text Commands:
Visual Commands:
Search Commands:
Insert Mode Commands
Insert and Replace Commands: