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Last active November 5, 2020 22:37
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# based on
tj <- function(ti, Pi, Pj, alpha) {
#xi, yi = Pi
#xj, yj = Pj
xi <- Pi[1]
yi <- Pi[2]
xj <- Pj[1]
yj <- Pj[2]
return( ( ( (xj-xi)^2 + (yj-yi)^2 )^0.5 )^alpha + ti)
catmullrom <- function(data, x, y, alpha=0.5, nPoints=100) {
x <- data[[rlang::ensym(x)]]
y <- data[[rlang::ensym(y)]]
if (length(x) != length(y)) {stop("x and y vectors must be the same length.")}
# calculate start and end points
sz <- length(x) # number of points
dom <- max(x) - min(x)
rng <- max(y) - min(y)
prex <- x[1]+sign(x[1]-x[2])*dom*0.01 # 0.01 = pctdom
prey <- (y[1]-y[2])/(x[1]-x[2])*(prex-x[1])+y[1]
endx <- x[sz]+sign(x[sz]-x[sz-1])*dom*0.01 # 0.01 = pctdom
endy <- (y[sz]-y[sz-1])/(x[sz]-x[sz-1])*(endx-x[sz])+y[sz]
x <- c(prex, x, endx)
y <- c(prey, y, endy)
## The curve C will contain an array of (x,y) points.
#C = []
#for i in range(sz-3):
# c = CatmullRomSpline(P[i], P[i+1], P[i+2], P[i+3],alpha)
#return C
points <- matrix(c(x, y), ncol=2)
ret <-, lapply(1:(sz-1), function(i) {
P0 <- matrix(points[i, ], nrow=1)
P1 <- matrix(points[i+1, ], nrow=1)
P2 <- matrix(points[i+2, ], nrow=1)
P3 <- matrix(points[i+3, ], nrow=1)
# Convert the points to numpy so that we can do array multiplication
#P0, P1, P2, P3 = map(numpy.array, [P0, P1, P2, P3])
t0 = 0
t1 = tj(t0, P0, P1, alpha)
t2 = tj(t1, P1, P2, alpha)
t3 = tj(t2, P2, P3, alpha)
# Only calculate points between P1 and P2
#t = numpy.linspace(t1,t2,nPoints)
t_seq <- seq(t1, t2, length.out=nPoints)
# Reshape so that we can multiply by the points P0 to P3
# and get a point for each value of t.
#t = t.reshape(len(t),1)
t_seq <- matrix(t_seq, ncol=1)
# Barry and Goldman's pyramid algorithm for cubic Catmull-Rom curves?
A1 = ((t1-t_seq)/(t1-t0)) %*% P0 + ((t_seq-t0)/(t1-t0)) %*% P1
A2 = ((t2-t_seq)/(t2-t1)) %*% P1 + ((t_seq-t1)/(t2-t1)) %*% P2
A3 = ((t3-t_seq)/(t3-t2)) %*% P2 + ((t_seq-t2)/(t3-t2)) %*% P3
B1 = as.numeric((t2-t_seq)/(t2-t0)) * A1 + as.numeric((t_seq-t0)/(t2-t0)) * A2
B2 = as.numeric((t3-t_seq)/(t3-t1)) * A2 + as.numeric((t_seq-t1)/(t3-t1)) * A3
C = as.numeric((t2-t_seq)/(t2-t1)) * B1 + as.numeric((t_seq-t1)/(t2-t1)) * B2
return(data.frame(x=ret[, 1], y=ret[, 2]))
stat_catmullrom <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "path",
position = "identity",
catmullrom_alpha = 0.5,
na.rm = FALSE,
show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) {
data = data,
mapping = mapping,
stat = StatCatmullRom,
geom = geom,
position = position,
show.legend = show.legend,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
catmullrom_alpha = catmullrom_alpha,
na.rm = na.rm,
#' @rdname ggplot2-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
StatCatmullRom <- ggproto("StatCatmullRom", Stat,
required_aes = c("x", "y"),
#default_aes = aes(size = 0.5),
setup_params = function(data, params) {
params$flipped_aes <- has_flipped_aes(data, params, main_is_orthogonal = FALSE, main_is_continuous = TRUE)
extra_params = c("catmullrom_alpha", "na.rm"),
compute_group = function(data, scales, catmullrom_alpha = 0.5, flipped_aes = FALSE) {
data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
data_catmullrom <- catmullrom(data, x, y)
data_catmullrom$flipped_aes <- flipped_aes
flip_data(data_catmullrom, flipped_aes)
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