Save gdemir/5fb050822ae919ad6674 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# README | |
source : https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/choco-is-not-recognized-as-internal-or-external-command | |
# run powershell | |
[BAŞLAT + R] | |
Powershell yönetici olarak çalıştır | |
# choco installer install | |
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) | |
# curl install | |
choco install curl -y | |
# pip install | |
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py | |
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\ | |
python.exe get-pip.py | |
# autopytoexe.exe install | |
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts | |
pip.exe install auto-py-to-exe | |
# autopytoexe.exe run | |
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\ | |
python.exe C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts\autopytoexe.exe | |
python.exe -m C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts\autopytoexe.exe | |
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\output\yazici_bul.exe | |
# run auto-py-to-exe.exe | |
C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310>python.exe Scripts\auto-py-to-exe.exe | |
C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310>python.exe -m Scripts\auto-py-to-exe.exe |
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
from openpyxl import load_workbook, Workbook | |
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, Border, Font, Side, Style, PatternFill, Color | |
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter | |
import datetime | |
import os, pipes | |
PDF_DIR = "pdf" | |
EXCEL_DIR = "excel" | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)) | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)) | |
# OKUMA ########################################################################################## | |
def excel_to_hash(xlsx_filename): | |
departments = [] | |
# example departments | |
# departments = [{ | |
# "name" : "Bilgi İşlem", | |
# "users" : [{ | |
# "first_name" : "Gökhan", | |
# "last_name" : "Demir", | |
# "days" : [{ "date" : "2015-01-01", "i": "08:08:00", "o" : "08:08:08" }] | |
# }] | |
# }] | |
wb = load_workbook(filename=xlsx_filename, read_only=True) | |
ws = wb.active | |
user_state = False | |
department = "" | |
for row in ws.rows: | |
if user_state == False: | |
if row[3].value is not None: # Bölüm ismini belirle yoksa ekle | |
if "Bölüm" in row[3].value.encode(encoding = 'UTF-8', errors = 'strict').split(): | |
department_name = row[3].value[8:].encode(encoding = 'UTF-8', errors = 'strict') | |
department_search_state = False # Önceki kayıtlarda böyle bir bölüm kaydı var mı ? | |
if departments != []: | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
department_search_state = True | |
break | |
if not department_search_state: | |
departments.append({ "name" : department_name }) | |
continue | |
if row[1].value == "Ad": # Ad ise kişi bilgisi başladı | |
user_state = True | |
continue | |
if user_state == True: | |
if row[9].value is not None: # string ise ve Toplam Süre ise kişi bilgisi bitti | |
if row[9].value.encode(encoding = 'UTF-8', errors = 'strict') == "Toplam Süre": | |
user_state = False | |
continue | |
if row[1].value is not None and row[1].value != "Ad": | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
if "users" in department.keys(): # Bölüm'de hiç kullanıcı var mı ? | |
user_search_state = False | |
for user in department["users"]: | |
if user["first_name"] == row[1].value and user["last_name"] == row[4].value: | |
user_search_state = True | |
user["days"].append({ "date" : row[5].value, "i" : row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }) | |
break | |
if not user_search_state: | |
department["users"].append({ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}) | |
else: | |
department["users"] = [{ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}] | |
break | |
return departments | |
# YAZMA ########################################################################################## | |
def hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments): | |
print ">>> EXCEL Yazma işlemleri başlıyor" | |
# general text styles | |
text_border = Border(left = Side(style = 'thin'), right = Side(style = 'thin'), top = Side(style = 'thin'), bottom = Side(style = 'thin')) | |
text_aligment = Alignment(horizontal = 'center', vertical = 'center') | |
# comment colors and background colors | |
comment_colors = { | |
"danger" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('dca7a7')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = 'a94442') | |
}, | |
"warning" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('fcf8e3')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = '8a6d3b') | |
}, | |
"success" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('ffffff')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = '000000') | |
} | |
} | |
# header | |
_header = ["Ad", "Soyad", "Tarih", "Giriş Saati", "Giriş Durumu", "Çıkış Saati", "Çıkış Durumu", "İzin Durum"] | |
column_count = len(_header) | |
# column and row width | |
COLUMN_WIDTHS = [ 22, 20, 11, 9, 16, 9, 16, 10 ] | |
ROW_WIDTH = 16.2 # 14 x 16.2 = 226.8 page height | |
# excel filenames for pdf | |
excel_filenames = [] | |
for department in departments: | |
wb = Workbook() | |
ws = wb.active | |
# title | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = 1, start_column = 1, end_row = 4, end_column = column_count) | |
title = ws['A1'] | |
title.value = department["name"] | |
title.font = Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 14, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
title.alignment = text_aligment | |
title.fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('0099ff')) | |
# header font and styles | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).value = _header[col - 1] | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).font = Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 8, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('3072b3')) | |
row = 6 | |
department_users = department["users"] | |
# department_users = sorted(department["users"], key = lambda k: k['first_name']) # sort hash list | |
for user in department_users: | |
first_row = row | |
for day in user["days"]: | |
if day["i"] is not None: | |
i_time = day["i"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
i_hour = int(day["i"].strftime("%H")) | |
i_minute = int(day["i"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (i_hour < 7) or (i_hour == 7 and i_minute <= 45): | |
# i_color_key = "warning" | |
# i_comment = "Erken Geldi" | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" | |
elif (i_hour > 8) or (i_hour == 8 and i_minute >= 15): | |
i_color_key = "warning" | |
i_comment = "Geç Geldi" | |
else: | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
i_time = "" | |
i_color_key = "danger" | |
i_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
if day["o"] is not None: | |
o_time = day["o"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
o_hour = int(day["o"].strftime("%H")) | |
o_minute = int(day["o"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (o_hour < 16) or (o_hour == 16 and o_minute <= 59): | |
o_color_key = "warning" | |
o_comment = "Erken Çıktı" | |
elif (o_hour > 17) or (o_hour == 17 and o_minute >= 15): | |
# o_color_key = "warning" | |
# o_comment = "Geç Çıktı" | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" | |
else: | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
o_time = "" | |
o_color_key = "danger" | |
o_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
ws.append([user["first_name"], user["last_name"], day["date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), i_time, i_comment, o_time, o_comment, ""]) | |
# color set for comments | |
i_color = comment_colors[i_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).fill = i_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).font = i_color["textcolor"] | |
o_color = comment_colors[o_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).fill = o_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).font = o_color["textcolor"] | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
row = row + 1 | |
# ad soyad | row : merge and center | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 1, end_column = 1) | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 2, end_column = 2) | |
# EXCEL column with | |
for col, width in enumerate(COLUMN_WIDTHS): | |
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col + 1)].width = width | |
# EXCEL row height | |
for row in range(1, len(ws.rows)): | |
ws.row_dimensions[row].height = ROW_WIDTH | |
# PRINT auto only page | |
# ws.page_setup.orientation = ws.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT | |
ws.page_setup.paperSize = ws.PAPERSIZE_A4 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToPage = True | |
ws.page_setup.fitToHeight = 0 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1 | |
ws.page_setup.horizontalCentered = True | |
ws.page_setup.verticalCentered = True | |
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR, department["name"] + ".xlsx") | |
print "-" + filename | |
wb.save(filename = filename) | |
excel_filenames.append(filename) | |
return excel_filenames | |
def excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames): | |
print ">>> PDF yazma işlemleri başlıyor" | |
os.chdir(PDF_DIR) | |
for excel_filename in excel_filenames: | |
filename = pipes.quote(excel_filename) | |
os.system("libreoffice -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
# os.system("soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:\"impress_pdf_Export\"" + filename) | |
departments = excel_to_hash('pdks.xlsx') | |
excel_filenames = hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments) | |
excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames) |
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
import openpyxl | |
from openpyxl import load_workbook | |
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, Border, Font, Side, Style, PatternFill, Color | |
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter | |
import inspect | |
import jpype | |
import asposecells | |
jpype.startJVM() | |
from asposecells.api import Workbook, FileFormatType, PdfSaveOptions | |
import datetime | |
import os, pipes | |
PDF_DIR = "pdf" | |
EXCEL_DIR = "excel" | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)) | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)) | |
# OKUMA ########################################################################################## | |
def excel_to_hash(xlsx_filename): | |
departments = [] | |
# example departments | |
# departments = [{ | |
# "name" : "Bilgi İşlem", | |
# "users" : [{ | |
# "first_name" : "Gökhan", | |
# "last_name" : "Demir", | |
# "days" : [{ "date" : "2015-01-01", "i": "08:08:00", "o" : "08:08:08" }] | |
# }] | |
# }] | |
wb = load_workbook(filename=xlsx_filename, read_only=True) | |
ws = wb.active | |
user_state = False | |
department = "" | |
for row in ws.rows: | |
if user_state == False: | |
if row[3].value is not None: # Bölüm ismini belirle yoksa ekle | |
if "Bölüm" in row[3].value.split(): | |
department_name = row[3].value[8:] | |
department_search_state = False # Önceki kayıtlarda böyle bir bölüm kaydı var mı ? | |
if departments != []: | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
department_search_state = True | |
break | |
if not department_search_state: | |
departments.append({ "name" : department_name }) | |
continue | |
if row[1].value == "Ad": # Ad ise kişi bilgisi başladı | |
user_state = True | |
continue | |
if user_state == True: | |
if row[9].value is not None: # string ise ve Toplam Süre ise kişi bilgisi bitti | |
if row[9].value == "Toplam Süre": | |
user_state = False | |
continue | |
if row[1].value is not None and row[1].value != "Ad": | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
if "users" in department.keys(): # Bölüm'de hiç kullanıcı var mı ? | |
user_search_state = False | |
for user in department["users"]: | |
if user["first_name"] == row[1].value and user["last_name"] == row[4].value: | |
user_search_state = True | |
user["days"].append({ "date" : row[5].value, "i" : row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }) | |
break | |
if not user_search_state: | |
department["users"].append({ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}) | |
else: | |
department["users"] = [{ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}] | |
break | |
return departments | |
# YAZMA ########################################################################################## | |
def hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments): | |
print(">>> EXCEL Yazma işlemleri başlıyor") | |
# general text styles | |
text_border = Border(left = Side(style = 'thin'), right = Side(style = 'thin'), top = Side(style = 'thin'), bottom = Side(style = 'thin')) | |
text_aligment = Alignment(horizontal = 'center', vertical = 'center') | |
# comment colors and background colors | |
comment_colors = { | |
"danger" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('dca7a7')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = 'a94442') | |
}, | |
"warning" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('fcf8e3')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = '8a6d3b') | |
}, | |
"success" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('ffffff')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = '000000') | |
} | |
} | |
# header | |
_header = ["Ad", "Soyad", "Tarih", "Giriş Saati", "Giriş Durumu", "Çıkış Saati", "Çıkış Durumu", "İzin Durum"] | |
column_count = len(_header) | |
# column and row width | |
COLUMN_WIDTHS = [ 22, 20, 11, 9, 16, 9, 16, 10 ] | |
ROW_WIDTH = 16.2 # 14 x 16.2 = 226.8 page height | |
# excel filenames for pdf | |
excel_filenames = [] | |
for department in departments: | |
wb = openpyxl.Workbook() | |
ws = wb.active | |
# title | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = 1, start_column = 1, end_row = 4, end_column = column_count) | |
title = ws['A1'] | |
title.value = department["name"] | |
title.font = Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 14, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
title.alignment = text_aligment | |
title.fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('0099ff')) | |
# header font and styles | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).value = _header[col - 1] | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).font = Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 8, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('3072b3')) | |
row = 6 | |
department_users = department["users"] | |
# department_users = sorted(department["users"], key = lambda k: k['first_name']) # sort hash list | |
for user in department_users: | |
first_row = row | |
for day in user["days"]: | |
if day["i"] is not None: | |
i_time = day["i"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
i_hour = int(day["i"].strftime("%H")) | |
i_minute = int(day["i"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (i_hour < 7) or (i_hour == 7 and i_minute <= 45): | |
# i_color_key = "warning" | |
# i_comment = "Erken Geldi" | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" | |
elif (i_hour > 8) or (i_hour == 8 and i_minute >= 15): | |
i_color_key = "warning" | |
i_comment = "Geç Geldi" | |
else: | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
i_time = "" | |
i_color_key = "danger" | |
i_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
if day["o"] is not None: | |
o_time = day["o"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
o_hour = int(day["o"].strftime("%H")) | |
o_minute = int(day["o"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (o_hour < 16) or (o_hour == 16 and o_minute <= 59): | |
o_color_key = "warning" | |
o_comment = "Erken Çıktı" | |
elif (o_hour > 17) or (o_hour == 17 and o_minute >= 15): | |
# o_color_key = "warning" | |
# o_comment = "Geç Çıktı" | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" | |
else: | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
o_time = "" | |
o_color_key = "danger" | |
o_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
ws.append([user["first_name"], user["last_name"], day["date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), i_time, i_comment, o_time, o_comment, ""]) | |
# color set for comments | |
i_color = comment_colors[i_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).fill = i_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).font = i_color["textcolor"] | |
o_color = comment_colors[o_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).fill = o_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).font = o_color["textcolor"] | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
row = row + 1 | |
# ad soyad | row : merge and center | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 1, end_column = 1) | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 2, end_column = 2) | |
# EXCEL column with | |
for col, width in enumerate(COLUMN_WIDTHS): | |
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col + 1)].width = width | |
# EXCEL row height | |
for row in range(1, len(ws.rows)): | |
ws.row_dimensions[row].height = ROW_WIDTH | |
# PRINT(auto only page) | |
# ws.page_setup.orientation = ws.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT | |
ws.page_setup.paperSize = ws.PAPERSIZE_A4 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToPage = True | |
ws.page_setup.fitToHeight = 0 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1 | |
ws.page_setup.horizontalCentered = True | |
ws.page_setup.verticalCentered = True | |
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR, department["name"] + ".xlsx") | |
print("-" + filename) | |
wb.save(filename = filename) | |
excel_filenames.append(filename) | |
return excel_filenames | |
def excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames): | |
print(">>> PDF yazma işlemleri başlıyor") | |
os.chdir(PDF_DIR) | |
for excel_filename in excel_filenames: | |
filename = pipes.quote(excel_filename) | |
# os.system("cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16") | |
# os.system("EXCEL.EXE -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
workbook = Workbook(excel_filename) | |
# Convert Excel to PDF | |
# workbook.save(filename + ".pdf", SaveFormat.PDF) | |
# workbook.save(filename + ".pdf", asposecells.SaveFormat.PDF); | |
saveOptions = PdfSaveOptions() | |
workbook.save(excel_filename + ".pdf", saveOptions) | |
# unix için os.system("libreoffice -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
# os.system("soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:\"impress_pdf_Export\"" + filename) | |
departments = excel_to_hash('pdks.xlsx') | |
print(departments) | |
excel_filenames = hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments) | |
excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames) | |
jpype.shutdownJVM() |
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
from openpyxl import load_workbook, Workbook | |
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, Border, Font, Side, Style, PatternFill, Color | |
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter | |
import datetime | |
import os, pipes | |
PDF_DIR = "pdf" | |
EXCEL_DIR = "excel" | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)) | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)) | |
# OKUMA ########################################################################################## | |
def excel_to_hash(xlsx_filename): | |
departments = [] | |
# example departments | |
# departments = [{ | |
# "name" : "Bilgi İşlem", | |
# "users" : [{ | |
# "first_name" : "Gökhan", | |
# "last_name" : "Demir", | |
# "days" : [{ "date" : "2015-01-01", "i": "08:08:00", "o" : "08:08:08" }] | |
# }] | |
# }] | |
wb = load_workbook(filename=xlsx_filename, read_only=True) | |
ws = wb.active | |
user_state = False | |
department = "" | |
for row in ws.rows: | |
if user_state == False: | |
if row[3].value is not None: # Bölüm ismini belirle yoksa ekle | |
if "Bölüm" in row[3].value.encode(encoding = 'UTF-8', errors = 'strict').split(): | |
department_name = row[3].value[8:].encode(encoding = 'UTF-8', errors = 'strict') | |
department_search_state = False # Önceki kayıtlarda böyle bir bölüm kaydı var mı ? | |
if departments != []: | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
department_search_state = True | |
break | |
if not department_search_state: | |
departments.append({ "name" : department_name }) | |
continue | |
if row[1].value == "Ad": # Ad ise kişi bilgisi başladı | |
user_state = True | |
continue | |
if user_state == True: | |
if row[9].value is not None: # string ise ve Toplam Süre ise kişi bilgisi bitti | |
if row[9].value.encode(encoding = 'UTF-8', errors = 'strict') == "Toplam Süre": | |
user_state = False | |
continue | |
date = row[5].value | |
weekend = None | |
if date is not None and date != "Tarih": | |
day = date.strftime("%A") | |
if day == "Saturday" or day == "Sunday": | |
weekend = True | |
if row[1].value is not None and row[1].value != "Ad" and weekend == None: | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
if "users" in department.keys(): # Bölüm'de hiç kullanıcı var mı ? | |
user_search_state = False | |
for user in department["users"]: | |
if user["first_name"] == row[1].value and user["last_name"] == row[4].value: | |
user_search_state = True | |
user["days"].append({ "date" : row[5].value, "i" : row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }) | |
break | |
if not user_search_state: | |
department["users"].append({ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}) | |
else: | |
department["users"] = [{ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}] | |
break | |
return departments | |
# YAZMA ########################################################################################## | |
def hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments): | |
print ">>> EXCEL Yazma işlemleri başlıyor" | |
# general text styles | |
text_border = Border(left = Side(style = 'thin'), right = Side(style = 'thin'), top = Side(style = 'thin'), bottom = Side(style = 'thin')) | |
text_aligment = Alignment(horizontal = 'center', vertical = 'center') | |
# comment colors and background colors | |
comment_colors = { | |
"danger" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('dca7a7')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = 'a94442') | |
}, | |
"warning" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('fcf8e3')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = '8a6d3b') | |
}, | |
"success" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('ffffff')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 11, bold = True, color = '000000') | |
} | |
} | |
# header | |
_header = ["Ad", "Soyad", "Tarih", "Giriş Saati", "Giriş Durumu", "Çıkış Saati", "Çıkış Durumu", "İzin Durum"] | |
column_count = len(_header) | |
# column and row width | |
COLUMN_WIDTHS = [ 22, 20, 11, 9, 16, 9, 16, 10 ] | |
ROW_WIDTH = 16.2 # 14 x 16.2 = 226.8 page height | |
# excel filenames for pdf | |
excel_filenames = [] | |
for department in departments: | |
wb = Workbook() | |
ws = wb.active | |
# title | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = 1, start_column = 1, end_row = 4, end_column = column_count) | |
title = ws['A1'] | |
title.value = department["name"] | |
title.font = Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 14, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
title.alignment = text_aligment | |
title.fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('0099ff')) | |
# header font and styles | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).value = _header[col - 1] | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).font = Font(name = 'Calibri', size = 8, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('3072b3')) | |
row = 6 | |
department_users = department["users"] | |
# department_users = sorted(department["users"], key = lambda k: k['first_name']) # sort hash list | |
for user in department_users: | |
first_row = row | |
for day in user["days"]: | |
if day["i"] is not None: | |
i_time = day["i"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
i_hour = int(day["i"].strftime("%H")) | |
i_minute = int(day["i"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (i_hour < 7) or (i_hour == 7 and i_minute <= 45): | |
# i_color_key = "warning" | |
# i_comment = "Erken Geldi" | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" | |
elif (i_hour > 8) or (i_hour == 8 and i_minute >= 15): | |
i_color_key = "warning" | |
i_comment = "Geç Geldi" | |
else: | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
i_time = "" | |
i_color_key = "danger" | |
i_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
if day["o"] is not None: | |
o_time = day["o"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
o_hour = int(day["o"].strftime("%H")) | |
o_minute = int(day["o"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (o_hour < 16) or (o_hour == 16 and o_minute <= 59): | |
o_color_key = "warning" | |
o_comment = "Erken Çıktı" | |
elif (o_hour > 17) or (o_hour == 17 and o_minute >= 15): | |
# o_color_key = "warning" | |
# o_comment = "Geç Çıktı" | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" | |
else: | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
o_time = "" | |
o_color_key = "danger" | |
o_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
ws.append([user["first_name"], user["last_name"], day["date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), i_time, i_comment, o_time, o_comment, ""]) | |
# color set for comments | |
i_color = comment_colors[i_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).fill = i_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).font = i_color["textcolor"] | |
o_color = comment_colors[o_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).fill = o_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).font = o_color["textcolor"] | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
row = row + 1 | |
# ad soyad | row : merge and center | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 1, end_column = 1) | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 2, end_column = 2) | |
# EXCEL column with | |
for col, width in enumerate(COLUMN_WIDTHS): | |
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col + 1)].width = width | |
# EXCEL row height | |
for row in range(1, len(ws.rows)): | |
ws.row_dimensions[row].height = ROW_WIDTH | |
# PRINT auto only page | |
# ws.page_setup.orientation = ws.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT | |
ws.page_setup.paperSize = ws.PAPERSIZE_A4 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToPage = True | |
ws.page_setup.fitToHeight = 0 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1 | |
ws.page_setup.horizontalCentered = True | |
ws.page_setup.verticalCentered = True | |
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR, department["name"] + ".xlsx") | |
print "-" + filename | |
wb.save(filename = filename) | |
excel_filenames.append(filename) | |
return excel_filenames | |
def excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames): | |
print ">>> PDF yazma işlemleri başlıyor" | |
os.chdir(PDF_DIR) | |
for excel_filename in excel_filenames: | |
filename = pipes.quote(excel_filename) | |
os.system("libreoffice -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
# os.system("soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:\"impress_pdf_Export\"" + filename) | |
departments = excel_to_hash('pdks.xlsx') | |
excel_filenames = hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments) | |
excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames) |
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
import openpyxl | |
from openpyxl import load_workbook | |
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, Border, Font, Side, Style, PatternFill, Color | |
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter | |
#import inspect | |
#import jpype | |
#import asposecells | |
#jpype.startJVM(classpath="jars/*") | |
#print(jpype.java.lang.System.getProperty("java.class.path")) | |
#jpype.startJVM() | |
#from asposecells.api import Workbook, FileFormatType, PdfSaveOptions | |
import datetime | |
import os, pipes | |
#PDF_DIR = "pdf" | |
EXCEL_DIR = "excel" | |
#if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)): | |
# os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)) | |
# OKUMA ########################################################################################## | |
def excel_to_hash(xlsx_filename): | |
departments = [] | |
# example departments | |
# departments = [{ | |
# "name" : "Bilgi İşlem", | |
# "users" : [{ | |
# "first_name" : "Gökhan", | |
# "last_name" : "Demir", | |
# "days" : [{ "date" : "2015-01-01", "i": "08:08:00", "o" : "08:08:08" }] | |
# }] | |
# }] | |
wb = load_workbook(filename=xlsx_filename, read_only=True) | |
ws = wb.active | |
user_state = False | |
department = "" | |
for row in ws.rows: | |
if user_state == False: | |
if row[3].value is not None: # Bölüm ismini belirle yoksa ekle | |
if "Bölüm" in row[3].value.split(): | |
department_name = row[3].value[8:] | |
department_search_state = False # Önceki kayıtlarda böyle bir bölüm kaydı var mı ? | |
if departments != []: | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
department_search_state = True | |
break | |
if not department_search_state: | |
departments.append({ "name" : department_name }) | |
continue | |
if row[1].value == "Ad": # Ad ise kişi bilgisi başladı | |
user_state = True | |
continue | |
if user_state == True: | |
if row[9].value is not None: # string ise ve Toplam Süre ise kişi bilgisi bitti | |
if row[9].value == "Toplam Süre": | |
user_state = False | |
continue | |
if row[1].value is not None and row[1].value != "Ad": | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
if "users" in department.keys(): # Bölüm'de hiç kullanıcı var mı ? | |
user_search_state = False | |
for user in department["users"]: | |
if user["first_name"] == row[1].value and user["last_name"] == row[4].value: | |
user_search_state = True | |
user["days"].append({ "date" : row[5].value, "i" : row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }) | |
break | |
if not user_search_state: | |
department["users"].append({ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}) | |
else: | |
department["users"] = [{ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}] | |
break | |
return departments | |
# YAZMA ########################################################################################## | |
def hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments): | |
print(">>> EXCEL Yazma işlemleri başlıyor") | |
FONT_NAME = 'Monda' | |
# general text styles | |
text_border = Border(left = Side(style = 'thin'), right = Side(style = 'thin'), top = Side(style = 'thin'), bottom = Side(style = 'thin')) | |
text_aligment = Alignment(horizontal = 'center', vertical = 'center') | |
# comment colors and background colors | |
comment_colors = { | |
"danger" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('dca7a7')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = 'a94442') | |
}, | |
"warning" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('fcf8e3')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = '8a6d3b') | |
}, | |
"success" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('ffffff')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = '000000') | |
} | |
} | |
# header | |
_header = ["Ad", "Soyad", "Tarih", "Giriş Saati", "Giriş Durumu", "Çıkış Saati", "Çıkış Durumu", "İzin Durum"] | |
column_count = len(_header) | |
# column and row width | |
COLUMN_WIDTHS = [ 22, 20, 11, 9, 16, 9, 16, 10 ] | |
ROW_WIDTH = 16.2 # 14 x 16.2 = 226.8 page height | |
# excel filenames for pdf | |
excel_filenames = [] | |
for department in departments: | |
wb = openpyxl.Workbook() | |
ws = wb.active | |
# TITLE font and styles | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = 1, start_column = 1, end_row = 4, end_column = column_count) | |
title = ws['A1'] | |
title.value = department["name"] | |
title.font = Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 14, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
title.alignment = text_aligment | |
title.fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('0099ff')) | |
# HEADER font and styles | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).value = _header[col - 1] | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).font = Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('3072b3')) | |
row = 6 | |
department_users = department["users"] | |
# department_users = sorted(department["users"], key = lambda k: k['first_name']) # sort hash list | |
for user in department_users: | |
first_row = row | |
for day in user["days"]: | |
if day["i"] is not None: | |
i_time = day["i"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
i_hour = int(day["i"].strftime("%H")) | |
i_minute = int(day["i"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (i_hour < 7) or (i_hour == 7 and i_minute <= 45): | |
# i_color_key = "warning" | |
# i_comment = "Erken Geldi" | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" | |
elif (i_hour > 8) or (i_hour == 8 and i_minute >= 15): | |
i_color_key = "warning" | |
i_comment = "Geç Geldi" | |
else: | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
i_time = "" | |
i_color_key = "danger" | |
i_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
if day["o"] is not None: | |
o_time = day["o"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
o_hour = int(day["o"].strftime("%H")) | |
o_minute = int(day["o"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (o_hour < 16) or (o_hour == 16 and o_minute <= 59): | |
o_color_key = "warning" | |
o_comment = "Erken Çıktı" | |
elif (o_hour > 17) or (o_hour == 17 and o_minute >= 15): | |
# o_color_key = "warning" | |
# o_comment = "Geç Çıktı" | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" | |
else: | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
o_time = "" | |
o_color_key = "danger" | |
o_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
data = [ user["first_name"], user["last_name"], day["date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), i_time, i_comment, o_time, o_comment, "" ] | |
ws.append(data) | |
# ws.append([user["first_name"], user["last_name"], day["date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), i_time, i_comment, o_time, o_comment, ""]) | |
# Font set for input-output | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).font = Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8) | |
# COLOR set for comments | |
i_color = comment_colors[i_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).fill = i_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).font = i_color["textcolor"] | |
o_color = comment_colors[o_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).fill = o_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).font = o_color["textcolor"] | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
row = row + 1 | |
# ad soyad | row : merge and center | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 1, end_column = 1) | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 2, end_column = 2) | |
# EXCEL column with | |
for col, width in enumerate(COLUMN_WIDTHS): | |
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col + 1)].width = width | |
# EXCEL row height | |
for row in range(1, len(ws.rows)): | |
ws.row_dimensions[row].height = ROW_WIDTH | |
# PRINT(auto only page) | |
# ws.page_setup.orientation = ws.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT | |
ws.page_setup.paperSize = ws.PAPERSIZE_A4 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToPage = True | |
ws.page_setup.fitToHeight = 0 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1 | |
ws.page_setup.horizontalCentered = True | |
ws.page_setup.verticalCentered = True | |
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR, department["name"] + ".xlsx") | |
print("-" + filename) | |
wb.save(filename = filename) | |
excel_filenames.append(filename) | |
return excel_filenames | |
def excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames): | |
print(">>> PDF yazma işlemleri başlıyor") | |
os.chdir(PDF_DIR) | |
for excel_filename in excel_filenames: | |
filename = pipes.quote(excel_filename) | |
# os.system("cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16") | |
# os.system("EXCEL.EXE -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
workbook = Workbook(excel_filename) | |
# Convert Excel to PDF | |
# workbook.save(filename + ".pdf", SaveFormat.PDF) | |
# workbook.save(filename + ".pdf", asposecells.SaveFormat.PDF); | |
saveOptions = PdfSaveOptions() | |
workbook.save(excel_filename + ".pdf", saveOptions) | |
# unix için os.system("libreoffice -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
# os.system("soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:\"impress_pdf_Export\"" + filename) | |
def program_detail(): | |
print("# PDKS Excel Parser\n") | |
print("→ Description : PDKS'den alınan .xls dosyasını PDKS.xlsx şeklinde kaydettikten sonra parçalar.") | |
print("→ Author : Gökhan Demir") | |
print("→ Version : v2") | |
print("→ Realese Date : 21.06.2023\n") | |
# Program Detayı | |
program_detail() | |
# PDKS.xslx dosya kontrolü | |
INPUT_FILE = 'pdks.xlsx' | |
INPUT_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), INPUT_FILE) | |
if not os.path.exists(INPUT_FILE_PATH): | |
print("Dosya yok : " + INPUT_FILE_PATH) | |
input("Bir tuşa basıp programı kapatınız.") | |
exit() | |
# EXCEL_DIR dizin kontrolü | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)) | |
# Ana Excel -> Hash olarak doldurma | |
departments = excel_to_hash(INPUT_FILE_PATH) | |
print("> Bulunan Deparment sayısı : %s", len(departments)) | |
# Hash -> Excel Department olarak yazma | |
excel_filenames = hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments) | |
# Excel Department -> PDF Department olarak yazma | |
# excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames) | |
# jpype.shutdownJVM() |
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- | |
import openpyxl | |
from openpyxl import load_workbook | |
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, Border, Font, Side, Style, PatternFill, Color | |
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter | |
#import inspect | |
#import jpype | |
#import asposecells | |
#jpype.startJVM(classpath="jars/*") | |
#print(jpype.java.lang.System.getProperty("java.class.path")) | |
#jpype.startJVM() | |
#from asposecells.api import Workbook, FileFormatType, PdfSaveOptions | |
import datetime | |
import os, pipes | |
#PDF_DIR = "pdf" | |
EXCEL_DIR = "excel" | |
#if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)): | |
# os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), PDF_DIR)) | |
# OKUMA ########################################################################################## | |
def excel_to_hash(xlsx_filename): | |
departments = [] | |
# example departments | |
# departments = [{ | |
# "name" : "Bilgi İşlem", | |
# "users" : [{ | |
# "first_name" : "Gökhan", | |
# "last_name" : "Demir", | |
# "days" : [{ "date" : "2015-01-01", "i": "08:08:00", "o" : "08:08:08" }] | |
# }] | |
# }] | |
wb = load_workbook(filename=xlsx_filename, read_only=True) | |
ws = wb.active | |
user_state = False | |
department = "" | |
for row in ws.rows: | |
if user_state == False: | |
if row[3].value is not None: # Bölüm ismini belirle yoksa ekle | |
if "Bölüm" in row[3].value.split(): | |
department_name = row[3].value[8:] | |
department_search_state = False # Önceki kayıtlarda böyle bir bölüm kaydı var mı ? | |
if departments != []: | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
department_search_state = True | |
break | |
if not department_search_state: | |
departments.append({ "name" : department_name }) | |
continue | |
if row[1].value == "Ad": # Ad ise kişi bilgisi başladı | |
user_state = True | |
continue | |
if user_state == True: | |
if row[9].value is not None: # string ise ve Toplam Süre ise kişi bilgisi bitti | |
if row[9].value == "Toplam Süre": | |
user_state = False | |
continue | |
if row[1].value is not None and row[1].value != "Ad": | |
for department in departments: | |
if department["name"] == department_name: | |
if "users" in department.keys(): # Bölüm'de hiç kullanıcı var mı ? | |
user_search_state = False | |
for user in department["users"]: | |
if user["first_name"] == row[1].value and user["last_name"] == row[4].value: | |
user_search_state = True | |
user["days"].append({ "date" : row[5].value, "i" : row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }) | |
break | |
if not user_search_state: | |
department["users"].append({ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}) | |
else: | |
department["users"] = [{ | |
"first_name" : row[1].value, | |
"last_name" : row[4].value, | |
"days" : [{ "date" : row[5].value, "i": row[7].value, "o" : row[8].value }] | |
}] | |
break | |
return departments | |
# YAZMA ########################################################################################## | |
def hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments): | |
print(">>> EXCEL Yazma işlemleri başlıyor") | |
FONT_NAME = 'Calibri' | |
# general text styles | |
text_border = Border(left = Side(style = 'thin'), right = Side(style = 'thin'), top = Side(style = 'thin'), bottom = Side(style = 'thin')) | |
text_aligment = Alignment(horizontal = 'center', vertical = 'center') | |
# comment colors and background colors | |
comment_colors = { | |
"danger" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('dca7a7')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = 'a94442') | |
}, | |
"warning" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('fcf8e3')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = '8a6d3b') | |
}, | |
"success" : { | |
"bgcolor" : PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('ffffff')), | |
"textcolor" : Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = '000000') | |
} | |
} | |
# header | |
_header = ["Ad", "Soyad", "Tarih", "Giriş Saati", "Giriş Durumu", "Çıkış Saati", "Çıkış Durumu", "İzin Durum"] | |
column_count = len(_header) | |
# column and row width | |
COLUMN_WIDTHS = [ 22, 20, 11, 9, 16, 9, 16, 10 ] | |
ROW_WIDTH = 16.2 # 14 x 16.2 = 226.8 page height | |
# excel filenames for pdf | |
excel_filenames = [] | |
for department in departments: | |
wb = openpyxl.Workbook() | |
ws = wb.active | |
# TITLE font and styles | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = 1, start_column = 1, end_row = 4, end_column = column_count) | |
title = ws['A1'] | |
title.value = department["name"] | |
title.font = Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 14, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
title.alignment = text_aligment | |
title.fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('0099ff')) | |
# HEADER font and styles | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).value = _header[col - 1] | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).font = Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8, bold = True, color = 'ffffff') | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
ws.cell(row = 5, column = col).fill = PatternFill(patternType = 'solid', fgColor = Color('3072b3')) | |
row = 6 | |
department_users = department["users"] | |
# department_users = sorted(department["users"], key = lambda k: k['first_name']) # sort hash list | |
for user in department_users: | |
first_row = row | |
for day in user["days"]: | |
if day["i"] is not None: | |
i_time = day["i"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
i_hour = int(day["i"].strftime("%H")) | |
i_minute = int(day["i"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (i_hour < 7) or (i_hour == 7 and i_minute <= 45): | |
# i_color_key = "warning" | |
# i_comment = "Erken Geldi" | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" | |
elif (i_hour > 8) or (i_hour == 8 and i_minute >= 15): | |
i_color_key = "warning" | |
i_comment = "Geç Geldi" | |
else: | |
i_color_key = "success" | |
i_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
i_time = "" | |
i_color_key = "danger" | |
i_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
if day["o"] is not None: | |
o_time = day["o"].strftime("%H:%M") | |
o_hour = int(day["o"].strftime("%H")) | |
o_minute = int(day["o"].strftime("%M")) | |
if (o_hour < 16) or (o_hour == 16 and o_minute <= 59): | |
o_color_key = "warning" | |
o_comment = "Erken Çıktı" | |
elif (o_hour > 17) or (o_hour == 17 and o_minute >= 15): | |
# o_color_key = "warning" | |
# o_comment = "Geç Çıktı" | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" | |
else: | |
o_color_key = "success" | |
o_comment = "" # Sorun yok | |
else: | |
o_time = "" | |
o_color_key = "danger" | |
o_comment = "Kart Kullanmadı" | |
data = [ user["first_name"], user["last_name"], day["date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), i_time, i_comment, o_time, o_comment, "" ] | |
ws.append(data) | |
# ws.append([user["first_name"], user["last_name"], day["date"].strftime("%d-%m-%Y"), i_time, i_comment, o_time, o_comment, ""]) | |
# Font set for input-output | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).font = Font(name = FONT_NAME, size = 8) | |
# COLOR set for comments | |
i_color = comment_colors[i_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).fill = i_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 5).font = i_color["textcolor"] | |
o_color = comment_colors[o_color_key] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).fill = o_color["bgcolor"] | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = 7).font = o_color["textcolor"] | |
for col in range(1, column_count + 1): | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).border = text_border | |
ws.cell(row = row, column = col).alignment = text_aligment | |
row = row + 1 | |
# ad soyad | row : merge and center | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 1, end_column = 1) | |
ws.merge_cells(start_row = first_row, end_row = row - 1, start_column = 2, end_column = 2) | |
# EXCEL column with | |
for col, width in enumerate(COLUMN_WIDTHS): | |
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col + 1)].width = width | |
# EXCEL row height | |
for row in range(1, len(ws.rows)): | |
ws.row_dimensions[row].height = ROW_WIDTH | |
# PRINT(auto only page) | |
# ws.page_setup.orientation = ws.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT | |
ws.page_setup.paperSize = ws.PAPERSIZE_A4 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToPage = True | |
ws.page_setup.fitToHeight = 0 | |
ws.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1 | |
ws.page_setup.horizontalCentered = True | |
ws.page_setup.verticalCentered = True | |
filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR, department["name"] + ".xlsx") | |
print("-" + filename) | |
wb.save(filename = filename) | |
excel_filenames.append(filename) | |
return excel_filenames | |
def excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames): | |
print(">>> PDF yazma işlemleri başlıyor") | |
os.chdir(PDF_DIR) | |
for excel_filename in excel_filenames: | |
filename = pipes.quote(excel_filename) | |
# os.system("cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16") | |
# os.system("EXCEL.EXE -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
workbook = Workbook(excel_filename) | |
# Convert Excel to PDF | |
# workbook.save(filename + ".pdf", SaveFormat.PDF) | |
# workbook.save(filename + ".pdf", asposecells.SaveFormat.PDF); | |
saveOptions = PdfSaveOptions() | |
workbook.save(excel_filename + ".pdf", saveOptions) | |
# unix için os.system("libreoffice -headless -convert-to pdf " + filename) | |
# os.system("soffice --headless --convert-to pdf:\"impress_pdf_Export\"" + filename) | |
def program_detail(): | |
print("# PDKS Excel Parser\n") | |
print("→ Description : PDKS'den alınan .xls dosyasını PDKS.xlsx şeklinde kaydettikten sonra parçalar.") | |
print("→ Author : Gökhan Demir") | |
print("→ Version : v3") | |
print("→ Realese Date : 15.08.2023\n") | |
# Program Detayı | |
program_detail() | |
# PDKS.xslx dosya kontrolü | |
INPUT_FILE = 'pdks.xlsx' | |
INPUT_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), INPUT_FILE) | |
if not os.path.exists(INPUT_FILE_PATH): | |
print("Dosya yok : " + INPUT_FILE_PATH) | |
input("Bir tuşa basıp programı kapatınız.") | |
exit() | |
# EXCEL_DIR dizin kontrolü | |
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)): | |
os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), EXCEL_DIR)) | |
# Ana Excel -> Hash olarak doldurma | |
departments = excel_to_hash(INPUT_FILE_PATH) | |
print("> Bulunan Deparment sayısı :", len(departments)) | |
# Hash -> Excel Department olarak yazma | |
excel_filenames = hash_to_excel_departments_io(departments) | |
# Excel Department -> PDF Department olarak yazma | |
# excel_to_pdf(excel_filenames) | |
# jpype.shutdownJVM() |
source : https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/choco-is-not-recognized-as-internal-or-external-command
run powershell
Powershell yönetici olarak çalıştır
choco installer install
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
curl install
choco install curl -y
pip install
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310
python.exe get-pip.py
autopytoexe.exe install
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts
pip.exe install auto-py-to-exe
autopytoexe.exe run
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310
python.exe C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts\autopytoexe.exe
python.exe -m C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Scripts\autopytoexe.exe
cd C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\output\yazici_bul.exe
run auto-py-to-exe.exe
C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310>python.exe Scripts\auto-py-to-exe.exe
C:\Users\gokhan.demir2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310>python.exe -m Scripts\auto-py-to-exe.exe
pip install -Iv openpyxl==2.3.3