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Last active November 16, 2021 09:50
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Simple remote command execution in perl using Net::SSH2 module.
Author: john4s
Scope: Check file system disk usage on remote system
Version: v1.0
To run this script you need to import your public rsa key on the server.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::SSH2;
# Configuration management
my $server = "YOUR IP";
my $port = 22;
my $user = "USERNAME";
# SSH Connection
my $ssh = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh->connect($server, $port) or die $!;
die "Failed to autenticate: $!\n" unless $ssh->auth_ok;
print("Connected to $server as $user\n");
# Run remote commands
my $channel = $ssh->channel();
$channel->exec("df -h");
print("$_") while <$channel>;
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