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Created February 19, 2010 22:11
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import sys
import os
import datetime
import struct
import urllib
import urllib2
import re
import socket
import cookielib
import threading
class bot (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, sock=None):
self.username = "gdudebot"
self.passw = "password"
if sock is None:
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock = sock
def run(self):[1], self.username, self.passw)
def rip(self, key, username, password):
login_url = ''
play_url = ''
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
login_data = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password})
print "Logging in...", login_data)
print "Fetching server info..."
html = % key).read()
ip ='param name\="server" value="([0-9.]+)"', html).groups()[0]
port = int('param name\="port" value="([0-9]+)"', html).groups()[0])
mppass ='param name\="mppass" value="([0-9a-zA-Z]+)"', html).groups()[0]
# print "Details:"
# print ip
# print port
# print mppass
self.login(ip, port, mppass)
def login(self, ip, port, mppass):
self.username = "gdudebot"
packet = "\0\7"+self.pack(self.username, "STRING")+self.pack(mppass, "STRING")+"\0"
# packet = "%c%c%.64s%.64s" % (0,7,self.username, mppass)
# print len(packet)
# print list(packet)
self.sock.connect((ip, port))
def pack(self, string, type):
if type == "BYTE":
return string
elif type == "SHORT" and (len(string) < 2):
string = string + "\x20"*(2-len(string))
return string
elif type == "SHORT" and not (len(string) < 2):
return string
elif type == "STRING":
string = string + "\x20"*(64-len(string))
return string
elif type == "ARRAY":
return "We're never, ever handling arrays!"
class botrecv(threading.Thread):
def pack(self, string, type):
if type == "BYTE":
return string
elif type == "SHORT" and (len(string) < 2):
string = string + "\x20"*(2-len(string))
return string
elif type == "SHORT" and not (len(string) < 2):
return string
elif type == "STRING":
string = string + "\x20"*(64-len(string))
return string
elif type == "ARRAY":
return "We're never, ever handling arrays!"
def __init__(self, sock):
self.sock = sock
self.commandsend("d", "'WHAZZAA!?' 'The sky.'")
logged = False = 0
self. x = 0
self.y = 0
self.z = 0
self.h = 0
self.p = 0
# self.commandsend(type, parts)
while True:
packet = self.packcheck(self.sock.recv(1028))
if packet[0] == 0 and not logged:
logged = True
print "Server name: "+self.colparse(packet[1])
print "Server MOTD: "+self.colparse(packet[2])
# elif packet[0] == 1:
# pass
elif packet[0] == 2:
print "Level sending started. Ignoring level file."
# elif packet[0] == 3:
# pass
elif packet[0] == 4:
print "Level sending finished. Level details:"
print "Size: "+packet[1]+"^"+packet[2]+"^"+packet[3]
# elif packet[0] == 6:
# pass
elif packet[0] == 7:
if self.colparse(packet[2].strip()) == "gdude2002bot": = packet[1]
self.x = packet[3]
self.y = packet[4]
self.z = packet[5]
self.h = packet[6]
self.p = packet[7]
print "Bot has joined the map."
self.commandsend(8, [self.x, self.y, ((self.z/32)+5)*32, self.h, self.p])
print " ".join(("User "+self.colparse(packet[2].strip())+" has joined the map.").split())
# elif packet[0] == 8:
# pass
# elif packet[0] == 9:
# pass
# elif packet[0] == "a":
# pass
# elif packet[0] == "b":
# pass
elif packet[0] == "c":
print "User ID "+packet[1]+" has disappeared."
elif packet[0] == "d":
# self.commandsend(type, parts)
command = (packet[2].split()[1])
# print "DEBUG: command: "+command
args = (packet[2].split()[2:])
# print "DEBUG: args: "+" ".join(args)
if self.colparse(command) == "!where":
self.commandsend("d", "/where")
print self.colparse(packet[2])
elif packet[0] == "e":
print "Current op status has changed."
# elif packet[0] == None:
# print "Odd packet recieved and ignored."
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "*** SHUTTING DOWN ***"
def colparse(self, string):
i = 0
parsed = ""
codes = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
for char in string:
if char == "&":
char = ""
i = 1
elif (i == 1) and (char.lower() in codes):
char = ""
i = 0
parsed = str(parsed) + str(char)
return parsed
def commandsend(self, type, parts):
#ID packet, we already sent this.
if type == 0:
print "We should have already identified earlier!"
#Blokchange packet. Let's try not to grief!
elif type == 5:
print "Changing block."
X = parts[0:1]
Y = parts[2:3]
X = parts[4:5]
Mode = parts[6]
Type = parts[7]
X = self.pack(X, "SHORT")
Y = self.pack(Y, "SHORT")
Z = self.pack(Z, "SHORT")
packed = ("\x05"+X+Y+Z+Mode+Type)
#Movement packet. Wheeeee!
elif type == 8:
Unused = "\x00"
X = parts[0:1]
Y = parts[2:3]
Z = parts[4:5]
H = parts[6]
P = parts[7]
X = self.pack(X, "SHORT")
Y = self.pack(Y, "SHORT")
Z = self.pack(Z, "SHORT")
packed = ("\x08"+Unused+X+Y+Z+H+P)
#Hai, packet can take your message nao plzkthxbai.
elif type == "d":
Unused = "\x00"
Text = parts[0:]
Text = self.pack(Text, "STRING")
packed = ("\x0d"+Unused+Text)
#WTF? Typo?
print "WTF? What the hell is this packet? I think you typo'd!"
def packcheck(self, packet):
code = packet[0]
vaild = ["\x00", "\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\x09", "\x0a", "\x0b", "\x0c", "\x0d", "\x0e"]
ignored = ["\x03", "\x06", "\x0e"]
if code == "\x00":
#Server ID packet.
protocol = packet[1]
name = packet[2:65]
motd = packet[66:130]
# mode = packet[131]
return [0, name, motd, protocol]
elif code == "\x01":
#Ping. We can ignore this.
return [1]
elif code == "\x02":
#Incoming level data! Good thing we don't need it.
return [2]
elif code == "\x03":
#This is the level data. We ignore it.
return [3, None]
elif code == "\x04":
#OK, level sending is finished. Yay!
x = packet[1:2]
y = packet[3:4]
z = packet[5:6]
return [4, x, y, z]
# There's no '\x05' packetto recieve. It's a client block change.
elif code == "\x06":
#Set block. We probably won't use it, but maybe we will.
#We'll parse it, just in case.
x = packet[1:2]
y = packet[3:4]
z = packet[5:6]
type = packet[7]
return [6, x, y, z, type]
elif code == "\x07":
#Oshit, a player joined. We'll parse this, just in case.
ID = [1]
name = packet[2:66]
x = packet[67:68]
y = packet[69:70]
z = packet[71:72]
head = packet[73]
pitch = packet[74]
return [7, ID, name, x, y, z, head, pitch]
elif code == "\x08":
#Whoops, teleport! We'll parse this too.
ID = packet[1]
x = packet[2:3]
y = packet[4:5]
z = packet[6:7]
head = packet[8]
pitch = packet[9]
return [8, ID, x, y, z, head, pitch]
elif code == "\x09":
#Someone moved AND turned. How dare they! >:D
ID = packet[1]
dx = packet[2]
dy = packet[3]
dz = packet[4]
dhead = packet[5]
dpitch = packet[6]
return [9, ID, dx, dy, dz, dhead, dpitch]
elif code == "\x0a":
#Someone moved without turning. Stiff neck?
ID = packet[1]
dx = packet[2]
dy = packet[3]
dz = packet[4]
return ["a", ID, dx, dy, dz]
elif code == "\x0b":
#Someone turned without moving. Diiiizzzzy....
ID = packet[1]
dhead = packet[2]
dpitch = packet[3]
return ["b", ID, dhead, dpitch]
elif code == "\x0c":
#Somone left. GTFO!
ID = packet[1]
return ["c", ID]
elif code == "\x0d":
#Message alert! You have new mail!
ID = packet[1]
text = packet[2:66]
return ["d", ID, text]
elif code == "\x0e":
#We've been opped or deoped. Meddling admins!
type = packet[1]
return ["e", type]
#Someone sent us a weird packet. We can'e handle it.
#Meddling users..
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