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Created May 26, 2015 10:42
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2014-12-02.log-[22:08:12] <g> but every modification you make has to be done immutably
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:25] <Riking> yeeeeeeah
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:31] <g> don't like it
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:32] <g> :P
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:37] <simon816> seems very memory inefficient
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:42] <g> yeah
2014-12-02.log-[22:08:50] <Riking> Going to need some other kind of value store
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:00] <g> I wrote a little wrapper for snakeyaml
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:00] <g> lol
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:26] <sk89q> gson is on class path I think
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:37] <g> meh, json for configs
2014-12-02.log-[22:09:50] <modwizcode> meh hand typed configs on start
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:03] <progwml6|L> don't touch yaml
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:05] <simon816> I think there are better ways to be thread safe. queues?
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:05] <modwizcode> paper and pencil storage
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:16] <g> progwml6|L: you can't really stop people
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:17] <progwml6|L> or i'll start throwing nasty console messages in the implementations
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:27] <g> so then I'll just use a remapper
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:42] <Riking> maven-shade-plugin
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:46] <progwml6|L> remapping won't help you when you have people who know how to use ASM
2014-12-02.log:[22:10:53] <modwizcode> The word YAML anywhere in any loaded class file will crash the server.
2014-12-02.log-[22:10:54] *** maxpowa is now known as maxpowa|away
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:03] <modwizcode> :D
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:05] <g> then people just won't use the sponge impl and will go to glowstone or something
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:06] <g> lol
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:21] <Riking> add a bytecode transformer in front of yours that renames to ZAML
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:24] <progwml6|L> DO NOT USE YAML
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:30] <Disconsented> ^
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:31] <g> I'll use whatever storage format I want
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:32] <g> ._.
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:34] <progwml6|L> this isn't complicated
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:35] <modwizcode> What do you have against YAML?
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:50] <progwml6|L> i hate it genuinely that much
2014-12-02.log-[22:11:52] <simon816> HOCON was chosen as it is like JSON but supports comments
2014-12-02.log-[22:12:02] <g> hocon is immutable and I just don't want to deal with it.
2014-12-02.log-[22:12:04] <progwml6|L> and am happy to spend my time making it difficult for people to use it
2014-12-02.log-[22:12:19] <g> progwml6|L, then that would make you a bad dev, wouldn't it? ._.
2014-12-02.log-[22:12:24] <g> it's an api
2014-12-02.log-[22:12:24] <progwml6|L> if you think that is your problem you haven't figured out how to use the library
2014-12-02.log-[22:12:27] <progwml6|L> which is my problem
2014-12-02.log-[22:12:31] <simon816> INI format?
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