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Andy Jenkins gear11

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twfahey1 /
Last active December 10, 2024 13:46
Using Google API credentials.json file in Github Action or other scripts

The question: What is the best way we can use Google API via a service account in Github Actions? Answer: encrypt the credentials and decrypt during Action w/ a configured secret.

  • The credentials.json.gpg is originated from the credentials.json that can be downloaded from Cloud Console for the service account.
  • Encrypt it via: gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 credentials.json - Note the password used, as it will be added as a secret in this repo to be used for decoding the file and accessing Google APIs.
  • Update the credentials.json.gpg file in this repo using the contents of the newly created credentials.json.gpg, commit and push.
  • The password used should be added as a secret, e.g. the GOOGLE_API_PW secret in the github repo

Then, in the Github action or script, call gpg to decrypt and write the unencrypted file:
