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Created August 4, 2015 07:19
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// ----
// libsass (v3.2.4)
// ----
$breakpoints: () !default;
// respond-to [Mixin]
// ----------------
// - $queries : <string> or <number> in the format:
// <min-width> <max-width> h <min-height> <max-height> <key> <value>
// - $type : <media-type>
// - $query-fallback : <string> selector class
// - $breakpoints : <map>
@mixin respond-to($queries, $type: all, $query-fallback: null, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) {
$media-string: ();
$media-map: parse-bp($queries, $breakpoints);
@each $key, $value in $media-map {
@if $value and $value != 0 {
@if $media-string == (()) {
$media-string: append($media-string, unquote("(#{$key}: #{$value})"));
@else {
$media-string: append($media-string, unquote("and (#{$key}: #{$value})"));
@media #{$type} and #{$media-string} {
// If a query fallback is provided
@if $query-fallback {
#{$query-fallback} & {
// BP [Mixin]
// ----------
// Convenience mixin for Mappy Breakpoints
@mixin bp($queries, $type: all, $query-fallback: null, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) {
@include mappy-bp($queries, $type, $query-fallback, $breakpoints) {
// Parse BP [function]
// -------------------
// Parses arguments and returns a map with 4 keys
@function parse-bp($queries, $breakpoints) {
$_return: ();
$_i: 1;
$_minw: null;
$_maxw: null;
$_minh: null;
$_maxh: null;
$_length: length($queries);
// Checks for width queries
$_minw: nth($queries, 1);
$_minw: mappy-validate($_minw, $breakpoints);
// Check for width queries
@if $_minw {
$_minw: $_minw;
$_return: map-merge($_return, (min-width: $_minw));
$queries: set-nth($queries, 1, null);
// Checks if there is a max width query
@if $_minw and $_length >= 2 {
$_maxw: nth($queries, 2);
$_maxw: mappy-validate($_maxw, $breakpoints);
@if $_maxw {
$_maxw: $_maxw - 1px;
$_return: map-merge($_return, (max-width: $_maxw));
$queries: set-nth($queries, 2, null);
// Checks for height queries
$_h: index($queries, h) or index($queries, height);
@if $_h {
$_minh: nth($queries, $_h + 1);
$_minh: mappy-validate($_minh, $breakpoints);
@if $_minh {
$_minh: $_minh;
$_return: map-merge($_return, (min-height: $_minh));
$queries: set-nth($queries, $_h + 1, null);
// Checks if there is a max height query
@if $_length - $_h >= 2 {
$_maxh: nth($queries, $_h + 2);
$_maxh: mappy-validate($_maxh, $breakpoints);
@if $_maxh {
$_maxh: $_maxh - 1px;
$_return: map-merge($_return, (max-height: $_maxh));
$queries: set-nth($queries, $_h + 2, null);
// Reset h marker
$queries: set-nth($queries, $_h, null);
// Checks for other queries
@while $_i <= length($queries) {
$_key: nth($queries, $_i);
@if $_key and $_length - $_i >= 1 {
$_val: nth($queries, $_i + 1);
$_return: map-merge($_return, (#{$_key}: $_val));
$queries: set-nth($queries, $_i, null);
$queries: set-nth($queries, $_i + 1, null);
@else if $_key {
@warn "Mappy Breakpoints is missing value for media feature "#{$_key}"";
$_i: $_i + 1;
@return $_return;
// Mappy Validate [Function]
// -------------------------
// Checks if $query given is one of the following:
// 1) Is a $key in the $breakpoints map
// 2) Is a number
// 3) Is a "max", "max-width" or "max-height" string
@function mappy-validate($query, $breakpoints) {
$_return: null;
@if map-has-key($breakpoints, $query) {
$_return: map-get($breakpoints, $query);
@else if type-of($query) == number {
$_return: $query;
@else if $query == "max" or $query == "max-height" or $query == "max-width" {
$_return: 0;
@else {
$_return: null;
@return $_return;
$breakpoints: (
'mobile': 320px,
'tablet': 768px,
'desktop': 1024px,
'desktop-large': 1440px
@include respond-to('mobile') {
h1 {color:red;}
h1:after {
content:": mobile";
@include respond-to('tablet') {
h1 {color:green;}
h1:after {
content:": tablet";
@include respond-to('desktop') {
h1 {color:blue;}
h1:after {
content:": desktop";
@include respond-to('desktop-large') {
h1 {color:lime;}
h1:after {
content:": desktop-large";
@media all and (min-width: 320px) {
h1 {
color: red;
h1:after {
content: ": mobile";
@media all and (min-width: 768px) {
h1 {
color: green;
h1:after {
content: ": tablet";
@media all and (min-width: 1024px) {
h1 {
color: blue;
h1:after {
content: ": desktop";
@media all and (min-width: 1440px) {
h1 {
color: lime;
h1:after {
content: ": desktop-large";
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