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Last active January 4, 2023 19:04
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GPG and sops by mozilla

GPG and sops by mozilla



Create .sops.yaml. More info

  - path_regex: .*\.secrets\.yaml$
    # list keys for access
    pgp: >-

Manage access

# for specified file
sops -r -i -add-pgp NEWNEW123123NEWNEW my.interested.yaml.file
sops -r -i -rm-pgp NEWNEW123123NEWNEW my.interested.yaml.file

# specified pgp keys in .sops.yaml
sops updatekeys <enc file>


TODO sops exec-env example commands TODO sops exec-file example commands TODO sops --extract

In CI (github actions)

echo '::add-mask::$(sops exec-file .secrets.sops "cat {} | cut -d = -f 2-")'
sops exec-file .secrets.sops "cat {} >> $GITHUB_ENV"

enc for specified gpg-keys

sops --pgp 123123123,\
           098098098 \
           -e my.secrets > my.enc.secrets`

decrypt a file and output the result to stdout

sops -d my.enc.secrets


Create new key


# add to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
gpg --full-gen-key
# Kind of key: 4 (RSA, sign only)
# Keysize: 4096
# Expiration: ?
# Real name: <your name>
# Email address: <your email>

# test yourself
echo 'it works' | gpg --clearsign

Import enc key

enc key is provided to a third party

# list all keys
# gpg -K 

gpg --export -a "$EMAIL" > public.key
gpg --export-secret-key -a "$EMAIL" > private.key

gpg --import public.key
gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key

Export and restore

# export
gpg -o private.backup.gpg --armor --export-options backup --export-secret-keys <email>

# import
gpg --import-options restore --import private.gpg

# trust the keys
gpg --edit-key <email>
# gpg> trust
# Type 5
# Confirm
# gpg> quit


if sops -e source.file out.file return error

[PGP]	 WARN[0000] Deprecation Warning: GPG key fetching from a keyserver within sops will be removed in a future version of sops. See for more information.
Could not generate data key: [failed to encrypt new data key with master key "112233112233112233112233": could not encrypt data key with PGP key: error: key with fingerprint 112233112233112233112233 is not available in keyring and could not be retrieved from keyserver; GPG binary error: gpg binary failed with error: exit status 2, gpg: 112233112233112233112233: пропущено: Unusable public key
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: Unusable public key
gpg -K

sec   rsa4096 2023-01-04 [SC] [   годен до: 2025-01-03]
uid         [  абсолютно ] username <email>

gpg --edit-key 112233112233112233112233
$ change-usage
# enable enc
$ 0
# type secret phrase
$ ctrl+D
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