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Created October 9, 2020 20:59
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Custom Kaleidoscope Plugin for `alt`+`A` to switch apps (on macOS)
namespace kaleidoscope {
namespace plugin {
class AppSwitcher : public kaleidoscope::Plugin {
static constexpr KeyAddr invalid_addr{KeyAddr::invalid_state};
AppSwitcher() {}
EventHandlerResult onKeyswitchEvent(Key &key,
KeyAddr key_addr,
uint8_t key_state) {
if (keyToggledOn(key_state)) {
if (key == Key_LeftAlt) {
alt_key_addr_ = key_addr;
} else if (key == Key_A && alt_key_addr_ != invalid_addr) {
// release `alt`
handleKeyswitchEvent(Key_NoKey, alt_key_addr_, WAS_PRESSED);
// press `gui`
handleKeyswitchEvent(Key_LeftGui, alt_key_addr_, IS_PRESSED);
key = Key_Tab;
alt_key_addr_ = invalid_addr;
return EventHandlerResult::OK;
KeyAddr alt_key_addr_;
} // namespace plugin
} // namespace kaleidoscope
kaleidoscope::plugin::AppSwitcher AppSwitcher;
Appswitcher, …
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