March 15, 2018 17:22
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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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> padding: 15px; | |
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> width: 100%; | |
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> height: 18px; | |
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> color: #fff; | |
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> width: 65%; | |
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> vertical-align: middle; | |
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> color: #333; | |
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> border-right-color: #e6e6e6; } | |
11882a11862,11924 | |
> /* Empty Cart */ | |
> #empty-cart .intro { | |
> margin: -1.953em 0 2.747em; | |
> padding: 1.953em 0 1em; | |
> border-bottom: 1px solid #e6e6e6; } | |
> #empty-cart .intro h2 { | |
> line-height: 1.2; } | |
> | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products::after { | |
> content: ' '; | |
> display: block; | |
> height: 0; | |
> overflow: hidden; | |
> clear: both; } | |
> | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product { | |
> margin: 0 0 2em; | |
> padding: 0; | |
> border: none; | |
> min-height: 222px; | |
> list-style: none; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product h3 { | |
> position: absolute; | |
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> width: 100%; | |
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> font-size: 1.25em; | |
> font-weight: 700; | |
> color: #222; | |
> text-align: center; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product .browser { | |
> min-height: 222px; | |
> border-bottom: 1px solid #c0c0c0; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product .browser a { | |
> display: block; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product:nth-child(3n+3) { | |
> margin-right: 0; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product .meta { | |
> height: 16px; | |
> padding: 12px 0; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product.first { | |
> clear: both; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product h4 { | |
> margin: 2em 0.8em 0; | |
> font-size: 1.125em; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product ul { | |
> margin: 0 0.8em; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product ul li { | |
> margin: 0; | |
> list-style: none; } | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products li.product ul li:last-child { | |
> margin-top: 0.5em; | |
> text-transform: uppercase; | |
> font-weight: bold; | |
> font-size: 0.8em; } | |
> | |
> #empty-cart > ul.products .last { | |
> margin: 0; } | |
> | |
> #empty-cart .canvas-promo { | |
> clear: both; | |
> margin: 3.052em 0 1em; } | |
> | |
11884,11885c11926,11927 | |
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< color: #333; } | |
--- | |
> color: #333; | |
> border-top-color: #e6e6e6; } | |
11892c11934 | |
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--- | |
> position: absolute; | |
11895,11896c11937,11938 | |
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< width: 16px; } | |
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> width: 16px; | |
> height: 18px; } | |
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11899a11941 | |
> display: inline-block; | |
11904,11907d11945 | |
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11909d11946 | |
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11911c11948,11949 | |
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--- | |
> width: auto; | |
> color: #cdcdcd; } | |
11922d11959 | |
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11924c11961,11962 | |
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--- | |
> padding: 2em 0 0; | |
> border-top: 2px solid #e6e6e6; } | |
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> list-style: none !important; | |
> background: #f7f7f7; | |
11939d11976 | |
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11943c11980,11981 | |
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> overflow: hidden; | |
> clear: both; } | |
11945,11946d11982 | |
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11948c11984 | |
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> float: left; | |
11950c11986,11988 | |
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--- | |
> margin: 0 0 0.25em; | |
> width: 100%; | |
> display: block; } | |
11955c11993 | |
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> width: 100%; | |
11958c11996 | |
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> margin: 0 0 0.75em; } | |
11960d11997 | |
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11961a11999 | |
> clear: both; | |
11968,11969d12005 | |
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11971c12007,12009 | |
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--- | |
> float: right; | |
> text-transform: uppercase; | |
> font-size: 0.7em; } | |
11977,11978c12015,12020 | |
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--- | |
> max-width: 50% !important; | |
> margin: 10px auto; } | |
> | |
> @media only screen and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), only screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi) { | |
> #empty-cart .intro { | |
> background-size: 82px; } } | |
12009,12010c12051,12052 | |
< right: 38px; | |
< top: 8px; } | |
--- | |
> top: 8px; | |
> right: 38px; } | |
12021d12062 | |
< margin-bottom: 0 !important; | |
12022a12064 | |
> margin-bottom: 0 !important; | |
12037,12098d12078 | |
< /* Empty Cart */ | |
< .wccom-empty-cart__container ul.products.staff-picks { | |
< display: flex; | |
< flex-direction: row; | |
< flex-wrap: wrap; | |
< justify-content: space-between; | |
< width: 100%; } | |
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< flex-wrap: nowrap; } } | |
< | |
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< display: none; } | |
< | |
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< width: 100% !important; } | |
< @media only screen and (min-width: 490px) { | |
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< width: 47% !important; } } | |
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< width: 22.6% !important; } } | |
< | |
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< | |
< .wccom-empty-cart__container ul li:last-child { | |
< margin-right: 0 !important; } | |
< | |
< .wccom-empty-cart__container ul li.product:last-child::before { | |
< display: none !important; } | |
< | |
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< flex-direction: column; | |
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< text-decoration: none; | |
< width: 21.6%; } | |
< .wccom-empty-cart__more-card a { | |
< display: flex; | |
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< height: 100%; | |
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< color: #333333; } | |
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< color: #666666; } | |
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< padding: 8px 20px !important; } | |
< | |
< .wccom-empty-cart__more-card:hover { | |
< border-color: #96588a; | |
< border-style: solid; } | |
< | |
12100c12080,12082 | |
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> -ms-flex-item-align: center; | |
> -ms-grid-row-align: center; | |
> align-self: center; | |
12161a12144,12145 | |
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> flex-grow: 1; | |
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> display: -webkit-box; | |
> display: -ms-flexbox; | |
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> justify-content: center; | |
> cursor: pointer; | |
> color: #a36696; | |
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12185a12179,12180 | |
> display: -webkit-box; | |
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> -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; | |
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> -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; | |
> flex-wrap: wrap; } } | |
12193a12193,12194 | |
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12201c12207,12208 | |
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> -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; | |
> flex-wrap: wrap; } } | |
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> -webkit-box-pack: center; | |
> -ms-flex-pack: center; | |
> justify-content: center; | |
12226a12241,12242 | |
> display: -webkit-box; | |
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12228c12244,12247 | |
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> justify-content: center; | |
> display: -webkit-box; | |
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> flex-direction: column; | |
> -webkit-box-pack: center; | |
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> justify-content: center; | |
12308a12342,12343 | |
> display: -webkit-box; | |
> display: -ms-flexbox; | |
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> -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; | |
> -webkit-box-direction: normal; | |
> -ms-flex-direction: row; | |
> flex-direction: row; | |
> -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; | |
> flex-wrap: wrap; | |
> -webkit-box-pack: justify; | |
> -ms-flex-pack: justify; | |
> justify-content: space-between; | |
12320c12361,12363 | |
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> -webkit-box-pack: center; | |
> -ms-flex-pack: center; | |
> justify-content: center; } } | |
12325c12368,12369 | |
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> -ms-flex-item-align: start; | |
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12327c12371,12374 | |
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> -webkit-box-orient: vertical; | |
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12329c12376,12378 | |
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> -webkit-box-flex: 1; | |
> -ms-flex: 1; | |
> flex: 1; } | |
12331d12379 | |
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12332a12381 | |
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12336d12384 | |
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12337a12386 | |
> max-width: 300px; | |
12341a12391 | |
> content: ''; | |
12345d12394 | |
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12359c12408,12409 | |
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> -ms-flex-item-align: start; | |
> align-self: flex-start; } | |
12361c12411,12413 | |
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> -ms-flex-item-align: center; | |
> -ms-grid-row-align: center; | |
> align-self: center; } | |
12367a12420,12421 | |
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> -webkit-box-flex: 1; | |
> -ms-flex: 1; | |
> flex: 1; | |
> -webkit-box-pack: center; | |
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> justify-content: center; | |
12374c12432,12434 | |
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> -webkit-box-flex: initial; | |
> -ms-flex: initial; | |
> flex: initial; } } | |
12379a12440,12441 | |
> display: -webkit-box; | |
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12381c12443,12445 | |
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12401a12466,12467 | |
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12403,12405c12469,12478 | |
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> -webkit-box-flex: 1; | |
> -ms-flex: 1; | |
> flex: 1; | |
> -webkit-box-orient: vertical; | |
> -webkit-box-direction: normal; | |
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> flex-direction: column; | |
> -webkit-box-pack: center; | |
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12419a12493,12494 | |
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> flex: 0 0 45%; | |
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12424c12504,12506 | |
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> -webkit-box-pack: justify; | |
> -ms-flex-pack: justify; | |
> justify-content: space-between; | |
12428c12510,12512 | |
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> -webkit-box-flex: 0; | |
> -ms-flex: 0 0 100%; | |
> flex: 0 0 100%; } } | |
12429a12514,12515 | |
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> -webkit-box-direction: normal; | |
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> flex-direction: column; | |
> -webkit-box-pack: center; | |
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> justify-content: center; | |
12438,12439c12529,12530 | |
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> padding: 15px; | |
> max-width: 127px; } | |
12459a12551,12552 | |
> display: -webkit-box; | |
> display: -ms-flexbox; | |
12461,12462c12554,12560 | |
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> -webkit-box-flex: 0; | |
> -ms-flex: 0 0 45%; | |
> flex: 0 0 45%; | |
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> -webkit-box-direction: normal; | |
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> -webkit-box-pack: justify; | |
> -ms-flex-pack: justify; | |
> justify-content: space-between; | |
12470c12570,12572 | |
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> -webkit-box-flex: 0; | |
> -ms-flex: 0 0 100%; | |
> flex: 0 0 100%; } } | |
12480a12583,12584 | |
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> -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; | |
> -webkit-box-direction: normal; | |
> -ms-flex-direction: row; | |
> flex-direction: row; | |
> -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; | |
> flex-wrap: wrap; | |
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> |
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