Install Cygwin (
- Select the folowing packages: curl, git, nano, openssh, openssl, ruby, unzip, util-linux, vim, wget
Download the RubyGems tarball from Ruby Forge (
- wget
- unzip
In a bash terminal, navigate to the unpacked directory and run:
- ruby setup.rb install
- gem update —system
Install Capistrano
- gem install capistrano
And also could be useful
- gem install capistrano-ext (for instace for Multistage Deploys)
- gem install railsless-deploy
Add the following line to ~/.bashrc (windows path "C:\cygwin\home\<USER>\.bashrc"):
Then run
source ~/.bashrc
Also, you might have to modify the following file:
(windows path "C:\cygwin\home\<USER>\.gem\ruby\gems\net-ssh-4.1.0\lib\net\ssh\authentication\pageant.rb")
Replace all 'user32', 'kernel32' og 'advapi32' with 'user32.dll', 'kernel32.dll' og 'advapi32.dll' (line 46, 47, 48, 53 and 59).