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Created May 6, 2014 22:12
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Bulwark Synopsis

Bulwark: Node.js + PKCS#11

Bulwark is a native Node.js addon that utilizes the RSA PKCS#11 API (v2.20) to perform cryptographic operations. This module, specifically, acts as a common layer upon which various vendor-specific additions can be made.

Bulwark utilizes tjfontaine's excellent node-addon-layer which provides a nice Node.js add-on interface for C. This allows us to avoid writing the add-on in C++. It also gives us a clean upgrade path forward, when the node-addon-layer is baked into the Node.js core.


Installation of Bulwark is fairly straightforward. Just use npm:

npm install bulwark


Bulwark requires a working PKCS#11 implementation in order to function properly. Most distrubutions include binaries for Mozilla's NSS. NSS offers a pretty good implementation of most PKCS#11 functions, and is the library I use for my own integration testing with Bulwark.

That said, Bulkwark should work without issue on any PKCS#11 API that is compliant with the RSA's PKCS#11 standard, version 2.20. If you notice any strange issues when using a different implementation, please open an issue and I'll try to help.

Assuming you have a PKCS#11 implementation, using Bulwark is fairly straightforward:

var Bulkwark = require("bulwark");

// tell Bulwark where your PKCS#11 library is.

var bulkwark = new Bulwark({
    pin: "security-module-pin",
    log: function(level, message) {
        console.log("[%d]: %s", level, message);

bulwark.openSession(function(err, session) {
    // I can perform various functions on the `session` object now.


Contributions to Bulwark are welcome, however there are some fairly interesting conventions when dealing with native add-ons in Node.js (and specifically Bulwark) that you should be aware of.

Bulwark's integration tests are divided between the native add-on, and the JavaScript that wraps it. If you take time to read through the C code, you'll notice a distinct lack of input validation. This is quite intentional. Input validation should happen at the JavaScript layer -- not in the native layer.

This means that the integration tests for the native add-on are really only covering the "happy path" where all inputs are valid. You'll see quite a bit more test coverage over the JavaScript wrapper as a result. In general, if you wish to contribute to Bulwark, please follow some simple guidelines:

  • Keep the C code very clean and terse. Validate input data within the JavaScript boundary, and only pass valid data down to the native C level.
  • JavaScript object creation and especially modification within the native boundary is very expensive. Because of this, the only place we do it is when passing an Error object back to a callback function.
  • For performance reasons, make sure that you only interact with the native layer using primitive types. Primitive types are: Number, Integer, String, Buffer, Function, and external pointers (think handles).
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