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Created March 6, 2017 18:26
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Create a Spotify playlist from r/listenToThis

DataFire Dataflow: Create a Spotify playlist from r/listenToThis

Create a new playlist every day using suggestions from Reddit

View on DataFire


This Dataflow will retrieve the top links from r/listenToThis, a place for Reddit users to suggest new music.

After extracting artists and song titles, it will search Spotify for the listed tracks and create a new playlist. A great way to discover new music!


You'll need to connect your Spotify account on the Settings tab

// GET
function request(data) {
return {}
// GET{subreddit}/.rss
function request() {
return {subreddit: 'listentothis'}
// GET
function request(data) {
var tracks = data[1].feed.entries.slice(0, 10);
return {
return {
type: "track",
q: entry.title.replace(/\[.*\]/g, '').replace(/\(.*\)/g, ''),
// POST{user_id}/playlists
function request(data) {
return {
user_id: data[0].id,
body: {
name: "r/listentothis for " + new Date().toISOString().slice(0,10),
// POST{user_id}/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks
function request(data) {
return {
user_id: data[0].id,
playlist_id: data[3].id,
uris: data[2].filter(function(searchResults) {
return searchResults.tracks.items.length;
}).map(function(searchResults) {
return searchResults.tracks.items[0].uri;
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