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Created August 17, 2012 21:38
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  • Save geekgonecrazy/3382949 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save geekgonecrazy/3382949 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Illustrator script to export artboard to png then create thumbnail in photoshop.
Script to Export Illustrator files as PNG's then make a thumbnail.
Runs in CS5 only
Overdocumented so that I know what the heck is going on if I have to look at it again.
//Disable Alerts. We want this to be as unobtrusive as possible.
app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
var repeat = true;
//Main loop
//DialogBox for repeat
function repeatDlg()
// Create a window of type palette.
var dlg = new Window("dialog", "Do you want to run this script again?");
dlg.frameLocation = [500,500];
// Add a frame for the contents.
dlg.btnPanel = dlg.add("panel", [25,15,255,130], "");
// Add the components, two buttons
dlg.btnPanel.yesBtn = dlg.btnPanel.add("button", [15,65,105,85], "Yes");
dlg.btnPanel.noBtn = dlg.btnPanel.add("button", [120, 65, 210, 85], "No");
// Register event listeners that define the button behavior
dlg.btnPanel.yesBtn.onClick = function() {
$.writeln("Yes pressed");
dlg.btnPanel.noBtn.onClick = function() {
$.writeln("No pressed");
repeat = false;
// Display the window;
return true;
function main() {
var destFolder, srcFolder, files, fileType, sourceDoc, targetFile, pngExportOpts;
// Prompt for source folder
srcFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the folder with Illustrator files you want to convert to PNG', '~/Desktop/' );
// If a valid folder is selected
if ( srcFolder != null )
files = new Array();
// Get all .ai files
files = Folder(srcFolder).getFiles ('*.ai');
//Make sure that the folder isn't empty
if ( files.length > 0 )
//Loop through all files
for ( i = 0; i < files.length; i++ )
//Grab the current doc
sourceDoc =[i]);
docName =;
sourceDoc.selection = null; // deselect everything
sourceDoc.artboards.setActiveArtboardIndex (0); // activate the artboard.
sourceDoc.selectObjectsOnActiveArtboard(); // select all in artboard
sel = sourceDoc.selection[0]; // Get selection
var gB = sel.geometricBounds;
var vB = sel.visibleBounds;
//sourceDoc.fitArtboardToSelectedArt(0); //Resize artboard to the art.
sourceDoc.artboards[0].artboardRect = [gB[0] -15, gB[1] +15, gB[2] +15, gB[3] -15];
// Call function getNewName to get the name and file to save the pdf
targetFile = getNewName(docName, srcFolder, 300);
// Call function getPNGOptions get the PNGExportOptions for the files
pngExportOpts = getPNGOptions();
// Export as PNG
app.activeDocument.exportFile( targetFile, ExportType.PNG24, pngExportOpts );
//Close document
//Fire up photoshop for creating thumbnail image
btMessaging(targetFile, getNewName(docName, srcFolder, 145));
alert( 'No matching files found' );
//Function to be executed in Photoshop for resizing. Comments in this function mess up the BridgeTalk message.
function createThumb(file, saveFile)
psDoc =;
if(psDoc.height > psDoc.width) {
else {
var pngOpts = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb;
pngOpts.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG;
pngOpts.PNG8 = false;
pngOpts.transparency = true;
pngOpts.quality = 100;
activeDocument.exportDocument(saveFile, ExportType.SAVEFORWEB,pngOpts);
//BridgeTalk function
function btMessaging(file, savepath) {
//Create BridgeTalk message
var bt = new BridgeTalk(); = 'photoshop-12.032';
bt.body = createThumb.toSource() + "(" + file.toSource()+ ","+savepath.toSource()+");";
bt.onError = function( btObj ){};
bt.onResult = function( inBT ){};
//Function to create the new file name.
function getNewName(doc, dstFolder, size)
var ext, docName, newName, saveInFile, docName;
docName = doc;
ext = '.png'; // new extension for png file
newName = "";
for ( var i = 0 ; docName[i] != "." ; i++ ){
newName += docName[i];
//If -[Converted] shows up remove it.
newName = newName.replace (/.\[Converted\]/g, "");
newName += ext; // full png name of the file
//Destination folder, with image size dir
dstFolder = dstFolder +'/'+size+'px/';
//If Folder isn't there create it
// Create a file object to save the png
saveInFile = new File( dstFolder + newName );
return saveInFile;
//Function setting PNG options for Illustrator
function getPNGOptions() {
// Create the PDFSaveOptions object to set the PDF options
var pngExportOpts = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
pngExportOpts.antiAliasing = true;
pngExportOpts.artBoardClipping = true;
pngExportOpts.horizontalScale = 100.0;
pngExportOpts.transparency = true;
pngExportOpts.verticalScale = 100.0;
return pngExportOpts;
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