Please try and run these steps before the talk (if possible) - they will predownload a bunch of misc build dependancies. If you encounter problems with these instructions, feel free to email me. -kevin
Check that you have java (at least 1.6 or later)... ~/development/scalatalk$ javac -version
javac 1.7.0_21
Download some template tools that that makes it easy to install this sample code...
~/development/scalatalk$ curl | sh
... conscript installed to /home/kevinh/bin/cs
/development/scalatalk$ **/bin/cs n8han/giter8**
... Conscripted n8han/giter8 to /home/kevinh/bin/g8
Now make your shell of an app (we'll edit and run this during the talk)
kevinh@kevin-xeralaptop:~/development/scalatalk$ g8 scalatra/scalatra-sbt
organization [com.example]: com.theboxjelly package []: com.theboxjelly.scalalab name [My Scalatra Web App]: Little Lab App scalatra_version [2.2.1]: servlet_name [MyScalatraServlet]: scala_version [2.10.2]: version [0.1.0-SNAPSHOT]: Template applied in ./little-lab-app
~/development/scalatalk$ cd little-lab-app/
~/development/scalatalk/little-lab-app$ chmod a+x sbt
~/development/scalatalk/little-lab-app$ ./sbt
Detected sbt version 0.12.3 Starting sbt: invoke with -help for other options Downloading sbt launcher 0.12.3: From To ./.lib/0.12.3/sbt-launch.jar Using /home/kevinh/.sbt/0.12.3 as sbt dir, -sbt-dir to override. ...
Now run the following sbt command to build and run the example shell...
... Started [email protected]:8080
I just finished this on Mac OSX, w/ javac 1.6.0_51. The only thing that seemed like a warning was:
But, I was able to see the default page on
So, I'm assuming I'm good to go.