Dear APM friends,
We're interested in rolling out a new release of the SiK firmware, but since this firmware so key to safe vehicle operation we want to do a small beta of 'experienced' users/devs first. Would you mind downloading the firmware and installing it on your 3dr telemetry radios?
- Download the updater tool
- Download the beta test build (This will be release 1.8)
- Run the installer and update both your radios (GCS side and vehicle side)
- Test that you can still communicate with your vehicle via the radio
Even if you won't be using the RC_OVERRIDE (tablet/pc joystick support), we'd appreciate you turning this feature on. Run the following steps for both radios, otherwise they won't be able to talk to each other.
- Connect to your radio with a terminal program at 56kbaud
- Type "+++" to get the "OK" prompt from the radio
- Type "ATS6=2" and confirm that you get an OK response. This turns on the special checking for the RC_OVERRIDE packets (you can change back to ATS6=1 to turn back to the default).
- Type "ATS15=33" and confirm that you get an OK response. This uses a lower latency packet size (if you need maximum possible bandwidth you can skip this step). To return to the default you can use "ATS15=131".
- Type "AT&W" to save the parameters.
- Type "ATZ" to reboot the modem.
- Confirm that you can still communicate with your vehicle and these new settings.
For these early tests, please send an email to [email protected] saying how they went. Your emails will give us some idea of how much coverage we have on this new release.