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Last active October 1, 2020 12:21
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#Requires -Version 7.0
function Connect-TmuxSession (
# Use Terraform workspace variable as default session name
[string]$Workspace=($env:TF_WORKSPACE ? $env:TF_WORKSPACE : "default")
) {
if ($env:TMUX) {
Write-Warning "Session already exixts: $env:TMUX"
if (!(Get-Command tmux -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Warning "tmux not found"
if (!$Workspace -and (Get-Command terraform)) {
# Getworkspace name from current Terraform workspace, if installed
$Workspace = $(terraform workspace show 2>$null)
# Set locale as it may be missing and is required for tmux
$env:LANG ??= "en_US.UTF-8"
$env:LC_ALL ??= $env:LANG
$prexistingSession = $(tmux ls -F "#S" 2>$null) -match "^${Workspace}$"
if (!$prexistingSession) {
# Start session, but do not yet attach
tmux new -d -s $Workspace
# Set Terraform workspace to the name of the session
Write-Verbose "`$env:TF_WORKSPACE='$Workspace'"
tmux send-keys -t $Workspace "`$env:TF_WORKSPACE='$Workspace'" Enter
# Attach to session
tmux attach-session -d -t $Workspace
Set-Alias ct Connect-TmuxSession
function End-TmuxSession (
) {
if ($Workspace) {
tmux kill-session -t $Workspace
} else {
pkill -f tmux
Set-Alias et End-TmuxSession
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