setup by placing resume.rb and Gemfile in a directory together, then run bundle install
You can configure the running of this script with ENV variables. In every case specify DIRECTORY_NAME, FILE, and PROVIDER and then just add the appropriate credentials for the selected provider
Amazon S3: DIRECTORY_NAME=fogresumes FILE=resume.html PROVIDER=AWS AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YYY bundle exec ruby resume.rb
Google Storage For Developers: DIRECTORY_NAME=fogresumes FILE=resume.html PROVIDER=Google GOOGLE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX GOOGLE_STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YYY bundle exec ruby resume.rb
Local: DIRECTORY_NAME=fogresumes FILE=resume.html PROVIDER=Local LOCAL_ROOT=XXX bundle exec ruby resume.rb
Rackspace Cloud Files: DIRECTORY_NAME=fogresumes FILE=resume.html PROVIDER=Rackspace RACKSPACE_API_KEY_ID=XXX RACKSPACE_USERNAME=YYY bundle exec ruby resume.rb
You can also add MOCK=true if you'd like to run in a mocked mode (except for Rackspace which doesn't have mocks yet, contributions are welcome). Just note that in mock mode the url it lists won't actually work.
have you implemented the s3.get_link which provides a temporary URL to a private file?