Use this as-is without any warranty, and don't bug ShareLatex project members if there are problems with my instructions. They officialy support docker installation only.
This gist summarize the actions I did to setup a pure ShareLaTex community edition on a bare linux ubuntu 16.04 server (no docker). I intentionnaly tried to stick to distribution practice for running daemons (via runit, and not via a custom my_init + setuser wrapper).
I basically took ShareLaTeX receipt to build their docker and adapted it.
- Install
- Clone install files
- install package dependencies
- install PDF viewer
- Install TexLive
- Install grunt globally
- Deploy ShareLateX settings
- Set up ShareLaTex user and home directory
- Install ShareLaTeX
- Setup runit service manager
- Configure nginx reverse-proxy
- Finish environment setup
- Final touch
- nodejs pinning
- Backup
After a clean ubuntu 16.04 setup, in a root shell:
git clone
cd sharelatex-docker-image
export baseDir=.
apt-get update
curl -sL | sudo bash - # will point to nodejs 0.10.48
# better check the content of the previous url, before doing a 'sudo bash -'
apt-get install nodejs=0.10.48-1nodesource1~xenial1 # install version from nodesource repo
apt-mark hold nodejs # and don't update it with ubuntu's version
apt-get install -y build-essential wget unzip time imagemagick optipng strace nginx git python zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev aspell aspell-en aspell-af aspell-am aspell-ar aspell-ar-large aspell-bg aspell-bn aspell-br aspell-ca aspell-cs aspell-cy aspell-da aspell-de aspell-de-alt aspell-el aspell-eo aspell-es aspell-et aspell-eu-es aspell-fa aspell-fo aspell-fr aspell-ga aspell-gl-minimos aspell-gu aspell-he aspell-hi aspell-hr aspell-hsb aspell-hu aspell-hy aspell-id aspell-is aspell-it aspell-kk aspell-kn aspell-ku aspell-lt aspell-lv aspell-ml aspell-mr aspell-nl aspell-no aspell-nr aspell-ns aspell-or aspell-pa aspell-pl aspell-pt-br aspell-ro aspell-ru aspell-sk aspell-sl aspell-st aspell-sv aspell-ta aspell-te aspell-tl aspell-tn aspell-ts aspell-uk aspell-uz aspell-xh aspell-zu
apt-get install runit sqlite3 mongodb-server redis-server # mongodb 2.6 seems to do fine with sharelatex
service nginx stop # will be handled via runit after
systemctl disable nginx
cp -r ${baseDir}/logrotate/sharelatex /etc/logrotate.d/sharelatex
pushd /opt
wget && tar xzf qpdf-6.0.0.tar.gz
pushd /opt/qpdf-6.0.0
./configure && make && make install && ldconfig
popd; popd
mkdir /install-tl-unx
tar -xvf install-tl-unx.tar.gz -C /install-tl-unx --strip-components=1
echo "selected_scheme scheme-basic" >> /install-tl-unx/texlive.profile;
/install-tl-unx/install-tl -profile /install-tl-unx/texlive.profile
rm -r /install-tl-unx
rm install-tl-unx.tar.gz
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/
tlmgr install latexmk
tlmgr install texcount
After that you will notice a lot of TexLive packages are missing when compiling projects, you can run
tlmgr install scheme-full
if you have enough time/space (server will get ~5GB)
Or manually install the required packages. A list of packages I use that should be enough for 90% of the case I guess is:
tlmgr install cyrillic collection-langcyrillic changepage fontenc fontspec libertine listings lmodern xcolor colortbl listings xtab minted wallpaper titlesec fancyhdr pgfpages geometry polyglossia extreport extsizes luaotfload luatexbase ctablestack fvextra fancyvrb upquote lineno float ifplatform xstring framed beamer everyshu everyshi ms mdframed avant helvetic beamerposter typ1cm type1cm fp euler captions caption textpos isodate substr xltxtra microtype
npm install -g grunt-cli
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
npm install bcrypt
mkdir /etc/sharelatex
cp ${baseDir}/ /etc/sharelatex/
export SHARELATEX_CONFIG=/etc/sharelatex/
The configuration is referencing hostname dockerhost
. In order to modify less files,
we just add in /etc/hosts
the following:
echo -e '\tdockerhost' >> /etc/hosts
adduser --system --group --home /var/www/sharelatex --no-create-home sharelatex
mkdir -p /var/lib/sharelatex
chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/sharelatex
mkdir -p /var/log/sharelatex
chown www-data:www-data /var/log/sharelatex
mkdir -p /var/lib/sharelatex/data/template_files
chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/sharelatex/data/template_files
# my addition for future error with lualatex trying to write access $HOME
chown www-data:www-data /var/www
git clone /var/www/sharelatex #random_change
cp ${baseDir}/services.js /var/www/sharelatex/config/services.js
cp ${baseDir}/package.json /var/www/package.json
cp ${baseDir}/git-revision.js /var/www/git-revision.js
pushd /var/www
npm install
pushd /var/www/sharelatex
npm install
grunt install # that will takes some minutes to finish (error here with bcrypt compilation doesn't seem like a blocker)
pushd /var/www
node git-revision > revisions.txt
# Minify js assets
pushd /var/www/sharelatex/web
grunt compile:minify
pushd /var/www/sharelatex/clsi
grunt compile:bin
find ${baseDir}/runit -name run -exec sed -i 's#/sbin/setuser#chpst -u#' {} \;
cp -r ${baseDir}/runit/* /etc/service
Here we need to customize the run
script of clsi
service (the one that handle latex compilation processes)
Update file /etc/service/clsi-sharelatex/run
export SHARELATEX_CONFIG=/etc/sharelatex/
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/ # add that line
exec /sbin/setuser www-data /usr/bin/node /var/www/sharelatex/clsi/app.js >> /var/log/sharelatex/clsi.log 2>&1
And customize the siteUrl
via environment variable (other option is to edit /etc/sharelatex/
via run file /etc/service/web-sharelatex/run
export SHARELATEX_CONFIG=/etc/sharelatex/
export SHARELATEX_SITE_URL="http://texserver.corp" # add that line
exec chpst -u www-data /usr/bin/node /var/www/sharelatex/web/app.js >> /var/log/sharelatex/web.log 2>&1
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
cp ${baseDir}/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
cp ${baseDir}/nginx/sharelatex.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sharelatex.conf
# my addition (we won't use their /sbin/my_init wrapper so exec manually)
for f in init_scripts/*.sh; do
sh $f
Add environment variable globally when running from a shell:
cat << EOF >>> /etc/bash.bashrc
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/
export SHARELATEX_CONFIG=/etc/sharelatex/
service runit restart
# give ~20 seconds for the whole site to be up (while everything is not up, you'll get 502 gateway error)
And create an admin user:
cd /var/www/sharelatex
grunt user:create-admin --email [email protected]
There are 3 things we want to look at for backing up data:
- Mongodb :
- Redis (not critical though, volatile info there)
- Sharelatex user data files : rsync what is in