#File: tree-md
tree=$(tree -tf --noreport -I '*~' --charset ascii $1 |
sed -e 's/| \+/ /g' -e 's/[|`]-\+/ */g' -e 's:\(* \)\(\(.*/\)\([^/]\+\)\):\1[\4](\2):g')
printf "# Project tree\n\n${tree}"
# Example:
# Original tree command:
$ tree
├── dir1
│ ├── file11.ext
│ └── file12.ext
├── dir2
│ ├── file21.ext
│ ├── file22.ext
│ └── file23.ext
├── dir3
├── file_in_root.ext
└── README.md
3 directories, 7 files
Markdown tree command:
$ ./tree-md .
# Project tree
* [tree-md](./tree-md)
* [dir2](./dir2)
* [file21.ext](./dir2/file21.ext)
* [file22.ext](./dir2/file22.ext)
* [file23.ext](./dir2/file23.ext)
* [dir1](./dir1)
* [file11.ext](./dir1/file11.ext)
* [file12.ext](./dir1/file12.ext)
* [file_in_root.ext](./file_in_root.ext)
* [README.md](./README.md)
* [dir3](./dir3)
Here is a useful git alias that works for me.
git config --global alias.tree '! git ls-tree --full-name --name-only -t -r HEAD | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\// |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/|-- \1/"'
Here is the output of git tree
jonavon@XPS13:~/projects/roman-numerals$ git tree
|-- main
| |-- java
| | |-- com
| | | |-- foxguardsolutions
| | | | |-- jonavon
| | | | | |-- AbstractFile.java
| | | | | |-- roman
| | | | | | |-- Main.java
| | | | | | |-- Numeral.java
| | | | | | |-- RomanNumberInputFile.java
| | | | | | |-- RomanNumeralToDecimalEvaluator.java
|-- test
| |-- java
| | |-- com
| | | |-- foxguardsolutions
| | | | |-- jonavon
| | | | | |-- roman
| | | | | | |-- InterpretSteps.java
| | | | | | |-- RunCukesTest.java
| |-- resources
| | |-- com
| | | |-- foxguardsolutions
| | | | |-- jonavon
| | | | | |-- roman
| | | | | | |-- Interpret.feature
| | |-- sample-input.txt
The comparable tree command
jonavon@XPS13:~/projects/roman-numerals$ tree -n
├── pom.xml
├── src
│ ├── main
│ │ └── java
│ │ └── com
│ │ └── foxguardsolutions
│ │ └── jonavon
│ │ ├── AbstractFile.java
│ │ └── roman
│ │ ├── Main.java
│ │ ├── Numeral.java
│ │ ├── RomanNumberInputFile.java
│ │ └── RomanNumeralToDecimalEvaluator.java
│ └── test
│ ├── java
│ │ └── com
│ │ └── foxguardsolutions
│ │ └── jonavon
│ │ └── roman
│ │ ├── InterpretSteps.java
│ │ └── RunCukesTest.java
│ └── resources
│ ├── com
│ │ └── foxguardsolutions
│ │ └── jonavon
│ │ └── roman
│ │ └── Interpret.feature
│ └── sample-input.txt
└── target
├── classes
│ └── com
│ └── foxguardsolutions
│ └── jonavon
│ ├── AbstractFile.class
│ └── roman
│ ├── Main.class
│ ├── Numeral.class
│ ├── RomanNumberInputFile.class
│ └── RomanNumeralToDecimalEvaluator.class
├── generated-sources
│ └── annotations
└── maven-status
└── maven-compiler-plugin
└── compile
└── default-compile
├── createdFiles.lst
└── inputFiles.lst
30 directories, 17 files
Clearly tree has better output, but I would like it to use my .gitignore file. So that my compiled content doesn't show