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kim monzon generalistcodes

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" onfocus="alert(1)" name="bounty
(Append #bounty to the URL and enjoy your zero interaction XSS )
# Internet Explorer, Edge
# Firefox
generalistcodes /
Created June 30, 2022 07:30 — forked from evanscottgray/
kill all docker containers at once...
docker ps | awk {' print $1 '} | tail -n+2 > tmp.txt; for line in $(cat tmp.txt); do docker kill $line; done; rm tmp.txt
generalistcodes / .block
Created December 14, 2020 12:46 — forked from mbostock/.block
DATA VISUALIZATION: Hierarchical Edge Bundling
license: gpl-3.0
height: 960
border: no
generalistcodes /
Created September 21, 2020 23:15 — forked from jeremyjordan/
Streamlit button example
generalistcodes / oneliners.js
Created April 8, 2019 19:02 — forked from mikowl/oneliners.js
👑 Awesome one-liners you might find useful while coding.
// By @coderitual
// Remove any duplicates from an array of primitives.
const unique = [ Set(arr)]
// Sleep in async functions. Use: await sleep(2000).
const sleep = (ms) => (new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)));
// Type this in your code to break chrome debugger in that line.
generalistcodes /
Created November 21, 2017 03:20 — forked from erikreagan/
Mac developer must-haves

Mac web developer apps

This gist's comment stream is a collection of webdev apps for OS X. Feel free to add links to apps you like, just make sure you add some context to what it does — either from the creator's website or your own thoughts.

— Erik

generalistcodes /
Created March 8, 2017 02:15 — forked from adriaandens/
xss-game by Google

XSS-game by Google

Welcome, recruit! Cross-site scripting (XSS) bugs are one of the most common and dangerous types of vulnerabilities in Web applications. These nasty buggers can allow your enemies to steal or modify user data in your apps and you must learn to dispatch them, pronto!

At Google, we know very well how important these bugs are. In fact, Google is so serious about finding and fixing XSS issues that we are paying mercenaries up to $7,500 for dangerous XSS bugs discovered in our most sensitive products.

In this training program, you will learn to find and exploit XSS bugs. You'll use this knowledge to confuse and infuriate your adversaries by preventing such bugs from happening in your applications.

There will be cake at the end of the test.

generalistcodes / angular-deep-extend.js
Created March 2, 2017 01:30 — forked from dysfunc/angular-deep-extend.js
angular.extend - shallow + deep copy (supports merging of arrays and deduping)
* Deep copy example:
* angular.extend(true, { hello: 'world', app: { id: '1234', groups: [{ id: 1},2,3,4,5] }, ids: [1,2,3] }, { app: { name: 'bond', groups: [6, 7, {hello:'world', test: [1,2,3,4, [12,34,45]]}, 9] }, ids: [4,5,6,3] });
* => "{"hello":"world","app":{"id":"1234","groups":[{"id":1},2,3,4,5,6,7,{"hello":"world","test":[1,2,3,4,[12,34,45]]},9],"name":"bond"},"ids":[1,2,3,4,5,6,3]}"
* Deep copy and dedup arrays
* angular.extend(true, true, { hello: 'world', app: { id: '1234', groups: [{ id: 1},2,3,4,5] }, ids: [1,2,3] }, { app: { name: 'bond', groups: [6, 7, {hello:'world', test: [1,2,3,4, [12,34,45]]}, 9] }, ids: [4,5,6,3] });
* => "{"hello":"world","app":{"id":"1234","groups":[{"id":1},2,3,4,5,6,7,{"hello":"world","test":[1,2,3,4,[12,34,45]]},9],"name":"bond"},"ids":[1,2,3,4,5,6]}"
* vs jQuery deep copy
generalistcodes / angular-deep-extend.js
Created March 2, 2017 01:30 — forked from dysfunc/angular-deep-extend.js
angular.extend - shallow + deep copy (supports merging of arrays and deduping)
* Deep copy example:
* angular.extend(true, { hello: 'world', app: { id: '1234', groups: [{ id: 1},2,3,4,5] }, ids: [1,2,3] }, { app: { name: 'bond', groups: [6, 7, {hello:'world', test: [1,2,3,4, [12,34,45]]}, 9] }, ids: [4,5,6,3] });
* => "{"hello":"world","app":{"id":"1234","groups":[{"id":1},2,3,4,5,6,7,{"hello":"world","test":[1,2,3,4,[12,34,45]]},9],"name":"bond"},"ids":[1,2,3,4,5,6,3]}"
* Deep copy and dedup arrays
* angular.extend(true, true, { hello: 'world', app: { id: '1234', groups: [{ id: 1},2,3,4,5] }, ids: [1,2,3] }, { app: { name: 'bond', groups: [6, 7, {hello:'world', test: [1,2,3,4, [12,34,45]]}, 9] }, ids: [4,5,6,3] });
* => "{"hello":"world","app":{"id":"1234","groups":[{"id":1},2,3,4,5,6,7,{"hello":"world","test":[1,2,3,4,[12,34,45]]},9],"name":"bond"},"ids":[1,2,3,4,5,6]}"
* vs jQuery deep copy
What happens to localStorage when different browsers are in private browsing mode?
Safari returns null for any item set using localStorage.setItem either before or during the private browsing session.
In essence, neither sessionStorage or localStorage are available in private brosing mode
Chrome and Opera return items set previous to private ("incognito") browsing, but once private browsing commences, treats localStorage like sessionStorage (only items set on the localStorage by that session will be returned) but like localStorage for other private windows and tabs
Firefox, like Chrome will not retrieve items set on locaStorage prior to a private session starting, but in private browsing treats localStorage like sessionStoroage for non private windows and tabs, but like localStorage for other private windows and tabs