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Last active October 14, 2017 20:48
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Go design patterns
package creational
import (
const (
LuxuryCarType = 1
CarFactoryType = 1
type Vehicle interface {
GetWheels() int
GetSeats() int
type VehicleFactory interface {
GetVehicle(v int) (Vehicle, error)
type CarFactory struct{}
func (c *CarFactory) GetVehicle(v int) (Vehicle, error) {
switch v {
case LuxuryCarType:
return new(LuxuryCar), nil
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Vehicle of type %d not recognized\n", v))
type Car interface {
GetDoors() int
type LuxuryCar struct{}
func (l *LuxuryCar) GetDoors() int {
return 4
func (l *LuxuryCar) GetWheels() int {
return 4
func (l *LuxuryCar) GetSeats() int {
return 5
func GetVehicleFactory(f int) (VehicleFactory, error) {
switch f {
case CarFactoryType:
return new(CarFactory), nil
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Factory with id %d not recognized\n", f))
// Usage
carF, err = GetVehicleFactory(CarFactoryType)
if err != nil {
carVehicle, err := carF.GetVehicle(LuxuryCarType)
if err != nil {
package structural
import "fmt"
type LegacyPrinter interface {
Print(s string) string
type MyLegacyPrinter struct{}
func (l *MyLegacyPrinter) Print(s string) (newMsg string) {
newMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Legacy Printer: %s\n", s)
type NewPrinter interface {
PrintStored() string
type PrinterAdapter struct {
OldPrinter LegacyPrinter
Msg string
func (p *PrinterAdapter) PrintStored() (newMsg string) {
if p.OldPrinter != nil {
newMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Adapter: %s", p.Msg)
newMsg = p.OldPrinter.Print(newMsg)
} else {
newMsg = p.Msg
package creational
type BuildProccess interface {
SetWheels() BuildProccess
SetSeats() BuildProccess
SetStructure() BuildProccess
Build() VehicleProduct
type VehicleProduct struct {
Wheels int
Seats int
Structure string
type CarBuilder struct {
vehicle VehicleProduct
func (b *CarBuilder) SetWheels() BuildProccess {
b.vehicle.Wheels = 4
return b
func (b *CarBuilder) SetSeats() BuildProccess {
b.vehicle.Seats = 5
return b
func (b *CarBuilder) SetStructure() BuildProccess {
b.vehicle.Structure = "car"
return b
func (b *CarBuilder) Build() VehicleProduct {
return b.vehicle
type ManufactoringDirector struct {
builder BuildProccess
func (m *ManufactoringDirector) SetBuildProcess(b BuildProccess) {
m.builder = b
func (m *ManufactoringDirector) Construct() {
// Usage
manufactoringComplex := ManufactoringDirector()
carBuilder := &CarBuilder()
car := carBuilder.Build()
// You can now access car
if car.Wheels != 4 {
panic("What the f")
package composition
type Athlete struct{}
func (a *Athlete) Train() {
func Swim() {
type CompositeSwimmerA struct {
MyAthlete Athlete
MySwim *func()
type Trainer interface {
type Swimmer interface {
type SwimmerImplementor struct{}
func (s *SwimmerImplementor) Swim() {
type CompositeSwimmerB struct {
type Animal struct{}
func (r *Animal) Eat() {
type Shark struct {
Swim func()
type Tree struct {
LeafValue int
Right *Tree
Left *Tree
type Parent struct {
SomeField int
type Son struct {
P Parent
func GetParentField(p Parent) int {
return p.SomeField
package creational
import (
type PaymentMethod struct {
Pay(amount float32) string
const (
Cash = 1
DebitCard = 2
func GetPaymentMethod(pm int) (PaymentMethod, error) {
switch pm {
case Cash:
return new(CashPM), nil
case DebitCard:
return new(DebitCardPM), nil
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Payment method %d is not supported\n", pm))
type CashPM struct {}
type DebitCardPM struct {}
func (pm *CashPM) Pay(amount float32) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f paid using cash\n", amount)
func (pm *DebitCardPM) Pay(amount float32) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f paid using debitcard\n", amount)
// Usage
payment, err := GetPaymentMethod(Cash)
if err != nil {
msg := payment.Pay(13.37)
package pipedrive
import (
const (
White = 1
Blue = 2
Black = 3
func GetShirtsCloner() ShirtCloner {
return nil
type ShirtsCache struct{}
func (s *ShirtsCache) GetClone(m int) (ItemInfoGetter, error) {
switch m {
case White:
newItem := *whitePrototype
return &newItem, nil
case Black:
newItem := *blackPrototype
return &newItem, nil
case Blue:
newItem := *bluePrototype
return &newItem, nil
return nil, errors.New("Shirt model not recognized")
type ShirtCloner interface {
GetClone(m int) (ItemInfoGetter, error)
type ItemInfoGetter interface {
GetInfo() string
type ShirtColor byte
type Shirt struct {
Price float32
SKU string
Color ShirtColor
func (s *Shirt) GetInfo() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Shirt with SKU '%s' and Color id %d that costs %f\n", s.SKU, s.Color, s.Price)
var whitePrototype *Shirt = &Shirt{
Price: 15.00,
SKU: "empty",
Color: White,
var blackPrototype *Shirt = &Shirt{
Price: 16.00,
SKU: "empty",
Color: Black,
var bluePrototype *Shirt = &Shirt{
Price: 17.00,
SKU: "empty",
Color: Blue,
func (i *Shirt) GetPrice() float32 {
return i.Price
// Usage
shirtCache := GetShirtsCloner()
item1, err := shirtCache.GetClone(White)
// This is not thread-safe. Use concurrency!
package creational
type singleton struct {
count int
var instance *singleton
func GetInstance() *singleton {
if instance == nil {
instance = new(singleton)
return instance
func (s *singleton) AddOne() int {
return s.count
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