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genevera (she/her) genevera

  • Queens, NY
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sanguivore-easyco /
Last active January 28, 2025 19:12 — forked from edicam/
Script to convert the conceptmod safetensors slider to an usable .safetensors slider
import os.path
from collections import OrderedDict
from safetensors.torch import save_file, load_file
import torch
state_dict=load_file("path to your slider.safetensors")
alpha_keys = [
edicam /
Created September 24, 2024 15:26
Script to convert the .pt slider to an usable .safetensors slider
import os.path
from collections import OrderedDict
from safetensors.torch import save_file
import torch
state_dict=torch.load("path to your")
alpha_keys = [
arenasys /
Last active January 3, 2023 14:01
import torch
import safetensors
import safetensors.torch
import os
// ==UserScript==
// @name hCAPTCHA solver
// @namespace hCAPTCHA solver
// @version 1.0
// @description Automatically solves hCAPTCHAs in browser
// @author Abdul Rehman Sheikh - engageub
// @licence MIT
// @match *://*/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setValue
# Script for converting a HF Diffusers saved pipeline to a Stable Diffusion checkpoint.
# *Only* converts the UNet, VAE, and Text Encoder.
# Does not convert optimizer state or any other thing.
# Written by jachiam
import argparse
import os.path as osp
import torch
origamiofficial / Hcaptcha Solver with Browser Trainer(Automatically solves Hcaptcha in browser).user.js
Last active December 10, 2024 14:02
Hcaptcha Solver with Browser Trainer(Automatically solves Hcaptcha in browser) by Md ubeadulla | Note: This script is solely intended for the use of educational purposes only and not to abuse any website. This script uses audio in order to solve the captcha. Use it wisely and do not abuse any website. Click "Raw" to install it on Tampermonkey
// ==UserScript==
// @name Hcaptcha Solver with Browser Trainer(Automatically solves Hcaptcha in browser)
// @namespace Hcaptcha Solver
// @version 10.0
// @description Hcaptcha Solver in Browser | Automatically solves Hcaptcha in browser
// @author Md ubeadulla
// @match https://**hcaptcha-challenge*
// @match https://**checkbox*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setValue

Fix magisk stock backup does not exist

# put stock boot.img into /sdcard/boot.img

# get sha1
adb shell
SHA1=$(cat $(magisk --path)/.magisk/config | grep SHA1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)
import numpy as np
import os
from import wavfile
import pyroomacoustics as pra
frame_len = 80
mu = 30 # higher value can give more suppression but more distortion
thres = 0.01 # threshold between (signal+noise) and noise
# How many frames to look back for the noise floor estimate.
fl64 / docker-mod.yml
Created April 4, 2019 16:05
Ansible playbook for modifying /etc/docker/daemon.json config (based on
- hosts: all
become: yes
gather_facts: false
- name: Check that the /etc/docker/daemon.json exists
path: /etc/docker/daemon.json
register: stat_result
su-vikas / screenshot.js
Created October 7, 2018 07:55
FRIDA script for bypassing Android FLAG_SECURE
Java.perform(function() {
var surface_view = Java.use('android.view.SurfaceView');
var set_secure = surface_view.setSecure.overload('boolean');
set_secure.implementation = function(flag){
console.log("setSecure() flag called with args: " + flag);;