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gem install merb
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed extlib-0.9.8
Successfully installed json_pure-1.1.3
Successfully installed rspec-1.1.11
Successfully installed thor-0.9.8
Successfully installed merb-core-1.0.1
Successfully installed ZenTest-3.11.0
Successfully installed RubyInline-3.8.1
Successfully installed sexp_processor-3.0.0
Successfully installed ParseTree-3.0.2
Successfully installed ruby2ruby-1.2.1
Successfully installed merb-action-args-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-assets-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-slices-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-auth-core-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-auth-more-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-auth-slice-password-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-auth-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-cache-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-exceptions-1.0.1
Successfully installed highline-1.5.0
Successfully installed diff-lcs-1.1.2
Successfully installed templater-0.4.4
Successfully installed merb-gen-1.0.1
Successfully installed haml-2.0.4
Successfully installed merb-haml-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-helpers-1.0.1
Successfully installed mailfactory-1.4.0
Successfully installed merb-mailer-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-param-protection-1.0.1
Successfully installed addressable-2.0.0
Successfully installed data_objects-0.9.7
Successfully installed dm-core-0.9.7
Successfully installed dm-migrations-0.9.7
Successfully installed merb_datamapper-1.0.1
Successfully installed merb-more-1.0.1
Successfully installed do_sqlite3-0.9.7
Successfully installed dm-timestamps-0.9.7
Successfully installed dm-types-0.9.7
Successfully installed dm-aggregates-0.9.7
Successfully installed dm-validations-0.9.7
Successfully installed randexp-0.1.4
Successfully installed dm-sweatshop-0.9.7
Successfully installed merb-1.0.1
43 gems installed
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