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Created September 3, 2008 16:16
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Save genki/8616 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name: "formula",
takes: {"expression in LaTeX": noun_arb_text},
homepage: "",
author: {name: "Genki Takiuchi", homepage: ""},
license: "MPL",
preview: function( pblock, what ) {
var base = "";
var img_url = [base, '?expression=', encodeURIComponent(what.text)].join('');
jQuery.get(img_url, null, function(){
pblock.innerHTML = [
'<div style="height:200px"><img src="', img_url,
'" style="display:block;background:#FFF;-moz-border-radius:5px;border:5px solid #FFF" />',
'powered by <a href="" style="text-decoration:underline"></a></div>'].join('');
execute: function( what, mods ) {
encodeURIComponent(what.text), '&'].join(''));
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