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Last active February 28, 2024 07:11
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The Uint8Array serializer over valid UTF-16 string.
// pack bytes into valid UTF-16 string
// strategy:
// * using ESC as the escape character
// * if there is ESC in the bytes, double it
// * if there is unmatched surrogate pair, mark it by the escape character
// 0x007f: escape, because it's rare but still only one utf-8 byte.
// To escape itself, use 0x007f 0x08ff (two bytes utf-8)
// 0x0000->0x001f: converted to ESC + 0x0020->0x003f (two bytes utf-8)
// unmatched pairs: converted to ESC + (code-0xd800+0x0040) 0x0040->0x083f
// (two-four bytes utf-8)
// BOM: ESC + 0x08fe (four bytes utf-8)
// If the length of the bytes is odd, the last byte XX is put after the escape
// character as 0xFFXX.
const SURROGATE_OFFSET = 0xD800 - 0x0040;
const ESC = 0x007f;
const encode = (c:number) => {
if (c >= 0xDC00 && c <= 0xDFFF) {
// unmatched low surrogate
return String.fromCharCode(ESC, c - SURROGATE_OFFSET);
// escape the BOM
if (c === 0xFEFF) {
return String.fromCharCode(ESC, 0x08FE);
// extra compaction against the stringify of the control characters
if (c <= 0x001f) {
return String.fromCharCode(ESC, c + 0x0020);
// double the escape character
if (c === ESC) {
return String.fromCharCode(ESC, 0x08FF);
// normal codepoint
return String.fromCharCode(c);
export const packUint8Array = (bytes:Uint8Array) => {
let code = '';
let surrogate:number|undefined;
let low = true;
let c = 0;
for (const b of bytes) {
if (low) {
c = b;
low = false;
c |= b << 8;
low = true;
if (surrogate !== undefined) {
if (c >= 0xDC00 && c <= 0xDFFF) {
// valid surrogate pair
code += String.fromCharCode(surrogate, c);
surrogate = undefined;
} else {
// surrogate was unmatched high surrogate, so escape it
code += String.fromCharCode(ESC, surrogate - SURROGATE_OFFSET);
surrogate = undefined;
if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDBFF) {
surrogate = c;
code += encode(c);
if (surrogate) {
const x = surrogate - SURROGATE_OFFSET;
code += String.fromCharCode(ESC, x);
if (!low && bytes.length > 0) {
code += encode(c) + String.fromCharCode(ESC);
return code;
// unpack encoded valid UTF-16 string into Uint8Array
export const unpackUint8Array = (code:string) => {
const bytes = new Uint8Array(code.length*2);
let j = 0;
let escaped = false;
for (const s of code) {
const c = s.charCodeAt(0);
if (!escaped) {
if (c === ESC) {
escaped = true;
} else {
// normal codepoint
bytes[j++] = c & 0xff;
bytes[j++] = c >>> 8;
if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDBFF) {
const d = s.charCodeAt(1);
bytes[j++] = d & 0xff;
bytes[j++] = d >>> 8;
// escaped character
if (c < 0x0040) {
// restore the control characters
bytes[j++] = (c - 0x0020) & 0xff;
bytes[j++] = c >>> 8;
} else if (c <= 0xDFFF - SURROGATE_OFFSET) {
// restore the escaped unmatched surrogate
const x = c + SURROGATE_OFFSET;
bytes[j++] = x & 0xff;
bytes[j++] = x >>> 8;
} else if (c === 0x08FE) { // restore the BOM
bytes[j++] = 0xFF;
bytes[j++] = 0xFE;
} else { // restore the ESC
bytes[j++] = ESC;
escaped = false;
// if ended while escaped, the length is odd
if (escaped) j--;
return bytes.subarray(0, j);
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genki commented Feb 27, 2024

This serializer can serialize arbitrary byte arrays into the valid UTF-16 string.
As of the JavaScript uses UTF-16 string internally, it is useful for some situations.
For example,

  1. Serialize blob into the localStorage or sessionStorage, as small as possible.
  2. making the key for Record<string,any> or Map<string,any>, as memory efficient as possible.

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