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Last active January 22, 2025 16:58
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  • Save geoffjay/363e3b6414d651303a2b1bec1319d936 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save geoffjay/363e3b6414d651303a2b1bec1319d936 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Starship prompt with nord colors
"$schema" = ""
# colorscheme
# #2E3440
# #3B4252
# #434C5E
# #4C566A
# #D8DEE9
# #E5E9F0
# #88C0D0
# #81A1C1
# #5E81AC
# #BF616A
# #D08770
# #A3BE8C
# #B48EAD
format = """
[\uE0B0 ](fg:#81A1C1 bg:#2E3440)\
success_symbol = "[ \uE007 ](bg:#4C566A)[\uE0BC](fg:#4C566A)"
error_symbol = "[ \uE007 ](bg:#4C566A fg:#BF616A)[\uE0BC](fg:#4C566A)"
# system
show_always = true
style_user = "bg:#4C566A"
style_root = "bg:#4C566A"
format = "[ $user ]($style)[\uE0BC](bg:#BF616A fg:#4C566A)"
style = "bg:#BF616A"
format = "[ $path ]($style)[\uE0BE](bg:#BF616A fg:#D08770)"
truncate_to_repo = false
truncation_length = 3
truncation_symbol = "…/"
# git
symbol = "\uE0A0"
style = "bg:#D08770"
format = "[[ $symbol $branch ](bg:#D08770)]($style)"
disabled = false
format = "[($all_status$ahead_behind)]($style)[\uE0BC](bg:#81A1C1 fg:#D08770)"
style = "bg:#D08770"
conflicted = "👿 $count "
ahead = "⇡ $count "
behind = "⇣ $count "
diverged = " $count "
untracked = "🤷 $count "
stashed = "‍📦 $count "
modified = "פֿ $count "
staged = "[ $count ]"
renamed = " $count "
deleted = "🗑 $count "
# languages
symbol = "© "
style = "bg:#D8DEE9"
format = "[[ $symbol ($version) ](bg:#D8DEE9)]($style)"
symbol = "\uE62D "
style = "bg:#D8DEE9"
format = "[[ $symbol ($version) ](bg:#D8DEE9)]($style)"
symbol = "\uE62C "
style = "bg:#D8DEE9"
format = "[[ $symbol ($version) ](bg:#D8DEE9)]($style)"
symbol = "\uE627 "
style = "bg:#81A1C1 fg:#4C566A"
format = "[ $symbol]($style)"
symbol = "\uE777 "
style = "bg:#D8DEE9"
format = "[[ $symbol($version)](bg:#D8DEE9)]($style)"
symbol = "\uE718 "
style = "bg:#81A1C1 fg:#4C566A"
format = "[ $symbol]($style)"
symbol = "\uE7A8 "
style = "bg:#D8DEE9"
format = "[[ $symbol($version) ](bg:#D8DEE9)]($style)"
symbol = "\uE739 "
style = "bg:#D8DEE9"
format = "[[ $symbol($version) ](bg:#D8DEE9)]($style)"
Copy link

geoffjay commented May 2, 2023


Copy link

omarx69 commented Sep 13, 2024

That's F*cking cool

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