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Last active January 2, 2016 16:19
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  • Save geohacker/8329587 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save geohacker/8329587 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Outline for the session at Homi Bhabha Center, Bombay.
  1. Basic intro to web development: 15 mins

  2. What happens with an HTTP request

  3. 10 minute history of web standards / HTML. first page on the internet * Markup language + CSS + Javascript * Browser wars, html 4.0, etc. * From pages to apps - HTML 5 / Web Apps 1.0

  4. Evolution of Javascript: 10 mins

  5. from "DHTML" tor jQuery to complex web apps and 10,000 javascript frame-works.

  6. Increase in complexity with more complex needs of front-end applications.

  7. Atwood's law: any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.

  8. Server/Client stuff.

  9. Basic intro to development practices: 15 mins

  10. 10 minute intro to using Git / version control * branches - using develop, master, feature branches, etc. making releases, etc.

  11. 10 minute intro on using an issue tracker * Track EVERYTHING on the issue tracker.

  12. Planning: writing up use-cases, making story-boards, etc.

  13. Developer tools: 15 mins

  14. Getting familiar with the browser console, profiling, using Inspect Element, debug tools

  15. Looking for help: * Use a search engine * MDN * StackOverflow * CSS quick reference

  16. Basic intro into development for mobile / using HTML5 to make mobile apps for all platforms: 10 mins

  • Basic concepts of CSS to handle different devices
  • Architecture of a single page app: API, modular front-end
  1. Modern javascript best practices: 10 mins

  2. Using a 'module' system: RequireJS

  3. Using a "package manager": bower

  4. Build automation tools: grunt

  5. Linters, 'use strict'; - agree on conventions.

  6. Picking a frame-work to handle modularity and separation of concerns

  7. Introduction to 15 mins

  8. Quick demo of website / what it does

  9. Overview of API and how it works

  10. Coming up with ideas for projects / apps to work on: 30 mins

  11. Form groups, etc.

  12. Come up with basic 3-4 primary use-cases and storyboard scenarios for each.

  13. Home-work, reading, etc.:

  14. Work on use-cases and storyboards and basic sketches of apps

  15. Make wiki pages for use-cases and issues for more concrete items

  16. As much reading as possible: basic web primers, introduction to Backbone.js, etc.

  17. Reading list:

  18. Gov UK design principles

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