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Created July 17, 2013 20:03
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#kivy-discuss Meeting
Meeting started by geojeff at 19:43:50 UTC. The full logs are available
at kivy-discuss/2013/kivy-discuss.2013-07-17-19.43.log.html .
Meeting summary
* learning how to use this thing (geojeff, 19:44:09)
* geojeff managed to install MeetBot as a supybot plugin (geojeff,
* ACTION: geojeff will celebrate with a beer (tshirtman, 19:45:38)
* AGREED: celebration is in order (geojeff, 19:47:04)
* dir setup for MeetBot as supybot plugin is:
/home/user/kivybot/plugins/MeetBot and in MeetBot/ircmeeting and
MeetBot/ (geojeff, 19:48:17)
* LINK: (geojeff, 19:50:56)
* HELP: link (tshirtman, 19:51:31)
* HELP: (tshirtman, 19:51:37)
* IDEA: geojeff has an idea (geojeff, 19:59:15)
* HELP: geojeff wants help figuring out the help for MeetBot
(geojeff, 19:59:47)
* LINK: is the place (geojeff, 20:00:15)
* LINK: better help for MeetBot
with examples and guidelines (geojeff, 20:02:06)
Meeting ended at 20:04:00 UTC.
Action items, by person
* geojeff
* geojeff will celebrate with a beer
People present (lines said)
* geojeff (28)
* kivybot (22)
* tshirtman (13)
* qua-non (5)
* buchuki (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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