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George Bashi georgebashi

View GitHub Profile
resource "aws_security_group" "test" {
name = "test"
description = "test"
vpc_id = "vpc-xxxxxxxx"
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "test1" {
type = "ingress"
from_port = 1
to_port = 1

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am georgebashi on github.
  • I am georgebashi ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is CC21 B40D 5D1E 2C47 D6F0 7B85 6890 FE4E E05E E63C

To claim this, I am signing this object:

function fg-or-run-vim () {
if [[ $#jobstates -eq 0 ]]; then
zle accept-line
zle accept-line
zle -N fg-or-run-vim
source ""
gem 'activerecord'
gem 'ar-octopus', require: 'octopus'
gem 'sqlite3'
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ ! -z "$@" ]; then
exec tail -f "$@" | $0
TIME="$(date +%s%N)"
while IFS= read -r line; do
NEW_TIME="$(date +%s%N)"
printf "%6.2f %s\n" "$(echo "scale=2;(${NEW_TIME} - ${TIME})/(1*10^09)" | bc)" "$line"
georgebashi / hello.xml
Created September 5, 2012 08:57
XQuery and XSLT intro
<person name="edd" />
<person name="chrisp" />
Array.prototype.forEachG = function(f) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
f(this[i], i, this);
* GLOW.Compiler
* @author: Mikael Emtinger,
* Compiles vertex- and fragementshader, uniforms, attributes and elements into a GLOW.CompiledData
GLOW.Compiler = (function() {
"use strict";
"use restrict";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<book xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0">
<title />
georgebashi / gist:1284494
Created October 13, 2011 15:20
edit file with regex
perl -p -i -e 's/xmlns:tei/xmlns/ if 1..5' gdlc/0/EC-abelles-1.xml