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Sam Thompson georgedorn

mostly moved to gitlab
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michaelbutler /
Last active December 24, 2024 05:17
How to run another .exe in an existing proton wine prefix

Running games through Steam's Proton is great. But what if there is a secondary exe or configuration application bundled with the game? How can you launch it if Steam itself only launches the game?

Simply run this command in a terminal:

cd /path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/20920/pfx

STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/20920" WINEPREFIX=$PWD \
    "$HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton 5.0/proton" run ./drive_c/path/to/custom_application.exe
josefnpat /
Last active February 1, 2025 07:08
Going from Lua 5.2 to PICO-8's Lua

This information applies to the PICO-8 0.1.6 release.

This document is here to help folks with a proficiency in Lua understand the limitations and discrepencies between Lua and PICO-8's Lua.

You can always view the manual or yellowafterlife's extended 0.1.1 manual.


  • anything written in uppercase the PICO-8 editor or .p8 is made lowercase by the editor. → editing the .p8 file directly can work
  • print(function() end) outputs the string function instead of the string function: 0x0000000.
dmp1ce /
Created May 3, 2015 12:18
Start transmission-daemon and bind it to VPN IP address
# Kill transmission-daemon if it is running
transmission_da_pid=$(pgrep transmission-da)
if [ $transmission_da_pid ]; then
killall transmission-daemon && echo "Closing existing tranmission-daemon processes ..." && sleep 8
# Get VPN IP to bind to
bind_address=$(ip addr show tun0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}')
panicsteve / gist:1641705
Created January 19, 2012 18:26
Form letter template for acquired startups
Dear soon-to-be-former user,
We've got some fantastic news! Well, it's great news for us anyway. You, on
the other hand, are fucked.
We've just been acquired by:
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[ ] Google
[ ] Twitter