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Last active December 15, 2015 15:19
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偷js 百迷挑戰賽(的0.0 自行取用~
"10": {
"answer": "JSON",
"opt": [
"question": "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":20} 這種表示法在JavaScript中稱之為?"
"106": {
"answer": "正在接收回應",
"opt": [
"question": "Ajax傳輸時,會有readyState狀態變化,請問readyState=3代表"
"109": {
"answer": "var foo; ",
"opt": [
"delete foo;",
"dim foo;",
"var foo; "
"question": "要在函數裡宣告一個私有變數foo,要怎麼樣宣告才正確?"
"111": {
"answer": "use",
"opt": [
"question": "下面哪一個不是JavaScript的保留關鍵字?"
"116": {
"answer": "function invocation pattern",
"opt": [
"apply invocation pattern",
"construction invocation pattern",
"function invocation pattern",
"method invocation pattern"
"question": "下列哪一種函式呼叫方式,this會和全域變數結合,而被視為是JavaScript程式設計上的錯誤?"
"121": {
"answer": "srcElement",
"opt": [
"Event bubbling",
"Event capture",
"EventTarget ",
"question": "下列哪一個不包括在W3C的事件流程中?"
"127": {
"answer": "<script>",
"opt": [
"question": "要在HTML使用JavaScript必須使用哪一個標籤"
"129": {
"answer": "document.write(\"Hello World\")",
"opt": [
"document.write(\\\"Hello World\\\")",
"echo \\\"Hello World\\\"",
"print \\\"Hello World\\\"",
"puts \\\"Hello World\\\"",
"response.write(\\\"Hello World\\\")"
"question": "下面哪一個是JavaScript的Hello World正確寫法?"
"131": {
"answer": " if (foo == 'ijs-ninja')",
"opt": [
"f foo = 'ijs-ninja' then",
" if (foo == 'ijs-ninja')",
"if (foo = 'ijs-ninja')",
"if foo == 'ijs-ninja'",
"if foo == 'ijs-ninja' then"
"question": "下面哪一個是JavaScript條件式的正確語法?"
"136": {
"answer": "for (var i=0; i< total; i++)",
"opt": [
"for (i=0,i>total)",
"for i = 0 to total",
"for (var i=0, i< total, i+)",
"for (var i=0; i< total; i++)"
"question": "下面哪一個是屬於JavaScript的迴圈表達示"
"145": {
"answer": "Math.ceil(8.5)",
"opt": [
"question": "要將8.5進位為整數9,要用哪一個語法?"
"148": {
"answer": "location.href = ''",
"opt": [
"location.hash = ''",
"location.href = ''",
"location.port = ''",
" = ''",
"location.url = ''"
"question": "下列哪一個語法會幫你成功轉址到iT邦幫忙?"
"149": {
"answer": "false",
"opt": [
"question": "var num1 = \"9\", num2 = \"10\"; 請問num2 > num1的結果是?"
"150": {
"answer": "help",
"opt": [
"question": "var site = \"\";請問site.substring(2, 6)的結果是?"
"154": {
"answer": "”string",
"opt": [
"question": "請問typeof 'JSDC'的結果是?"
"155": {
"answer": "”object”",
"opt": [
"question": "(function(){ return typeof arguments;})()的回傳值是"
"156": {
"answer": "”function",
"opt": [
"question": "a = function(){}; typeof a的結果是?"
"161": {
"answer": "obejct",
"opt": [
"question": "a = function(){}; b = new a(); typeof b的結果是?"
"17": {
"answer": "IE",
"opt": [
"question": "attachEvent是哪一個瀏覽器的註冊事件監聽方法?"
"171": {
"answer": "jsdc2013",
"opt": [
"question": "var a = 'jsdc', b = 2013; a+b的結果是?"
"172": {
"answer": "NaN",
"opt": [
"question": "var a = Number('jsdc'), b = 2013; a+b 的結果是?"
"176": {
"answer": "5",
"opt": [
"question": "var a = 5; b = function(){ return a}; b()的執行結果是?"
"181": {
"answer": "4",
"opt": [
"question": "var a = 5; var b = function(){ var a = 4; return a}; b()的結果是?"
"186": {
"answer": "undefined",
"opt": [
"question": "var a = 5; var b = function(){ var a; return a}; b()的執行結果是?"
"187": {
"answer": "true",
"opt": [
"question": "請問 'js-ninja'.length > 7 的比較結果是?"
"19": {
"answer": "jQuery",
"opt": [
"question": "「$」是哪一個JavaScript框架的全域物件縮寫?"
"190": {
"answer": "false",
"opt": [
"question": "請問 'js-ninja' > 7的結果是?"
"193": {
"answer": "jsdc",
"opt": [
"question": "function() { if(true) var foo = 'jsdc'; console.log(foo)} 請問foo的值是?"
"199": {
"answer": "ithelp",
"opt": [
"question": "var site = 'jsdc'; function foo() { site = 'ithelp' }; function bar() {console.log(site) }; foo(); bar();結果是?"
"208": {
"answer": "string",
"opt": [
"question": "請問typeof (new Date() + new Date()) 的結果是?"
"209": {
"answer": "123",
"opt": [
"question": "請問'1' + 2 + 3 的結果是?"
"211": {
"answer": "51",
"opt": [
"question": "請問 3 + 2 + '1'的結果是?"
"213": {
"answer": "int('123')",
"opt": [
"question": "在JavaScript中,下列哪一個不能將字串轉成數字?"
"215": {
"answer": "為0",
"opt": [
"question": "{} + [] 的結果是?"
"223": {
"answer": "NaN",
"opt": [
"question": "{} + {}的結果是?"
"225": {
"answer": "for/in",
"opt": [
"question": "想要知道物件裡有哪些屬性,可以用下面哪一種作法?"
"233": {
"answer": "false",
"opt": [
"question": "foo = new Date(); foo.constructor == Object的結果是?"
"235": {
"answer": "將JavaScript的載入儘量放置在頁面底部",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個作法,通常有助於前端頁面的效能"
"236": {
"answer": "能在伺服器端使用JavaScript開發網站或應用程式",
"opt": [
"question": "請問Node.js是?"
"238": {
"answer": "使用JS框架",
"opt": [
"question": "哪一個是JSLint不會檢查的項目?"
"241": {
"answer": "不要撰寫注釋,以減少程式碼體積",
"opt": [
"question": "下列何者不是開發JavaScript的好作法?"
"25": {
"answer": "closure",
"opt": [
"question": "巢狀函式裡,內部函式可以存取外部函式的變數,這稱之為?"
"251": {
"answer": "\" + 1",
"opt": [
"\\\"\\\" + 1",
"new String(1)",
"question": "將數字轉成字串,哪一個效能最好?"
"253": {
"answer": "beautify.js",
"opt": [
"question": "如果想幫JavaScript作測試,哪一個工具沒有幫助?"
"262": {
"answer": "jquery-migrate",
"opt": [
"jquery UI",
"question": "為了讓jQuery 1.9之前部份API可以保持相容,可以使用哪個工具?"
"265": {
"answer": "jQuery.browser()",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪個API在jQuery 1.9中已經被移除?"
"267": {
"answer": "函數中可使用預設參數",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個不是ECMAScript 5的特色?"
"27": {
"answer": "同源法則",
"opt": [
"question": "JavaScript不能直接跨網域存取資料,這稱之為?"
"273": {
"answer": "使用eval將JSON字串轉成物件",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個行為會為使用JSON帶來風險?"
"281": {
"answer": "array.push()",
"opt": [
"question": "想在陣列後方加入一個元素,可以使用哪一個方法?"
"289": {
"answer": "array.shift()",
"opt": [
"question": "如果想在陣列最前方取出元素,該用哪一個函式?"
"29": {
"answer": "Brendan Eich",
"opt": [
"Brendan Eich",
"Douglas Crockford",
"Jeremy Ashkenas",
"John Resig"
"question": "創造JavaScript的人是?"
"297": {
"answer": "array.join()",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個方法可以將陣列轉成字串"
"305": {
"answer": "arguments.callee",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個能指向正在執行的函式自身?"
"307": {
"answer": "Date.getDate()",
"opt": [
"question": "想要知道今天是一個月中的哪一天,要使用哪個函式?"
"311": {
"answer": "Date.getFullYear()",
"opt": [
"question": "想要取得四位數的年份,要使用哪一個函式?"
"313": {
"answer": "Function.length",
"opt": [
"question": "想要知道函數定義時的參數數量,可以用哪一種方法?"
"316": {
"answer": "arguments.length",
"opt": [
"question": "想要知道實際傳入陣列中的參數數量,可以用哪一個方法?"
"317": {
"answer": "7",
"opt": [
"question": "Math.round(7.4)的結果是?"
"319": {
"answer": "NaN == NaN結果是相等",
"opt": [
"NaN == NaN結果是相等",
"必須使用 isNaN()才能檢測是否為NaN",
"question": "下面哪一個對NaN的描述是錯誤的?"
"321": {
"answer": "hasOwnProperty()",
"opt": [
"question": "要檢查物件自己是否擁有某個屬性,可以用哪一個方法?"
"326": {
"answer": "",
"opt": [
"question": "下面哪一個不是RegExp的method ?"
"328": {
"answer": "'1234')",
"opt": [
"new String('1234')",
"question": "下列哪一種方式無法建立字串?"
"331": {
"answer": "c",
"opt": [
"question": "jsdc2013\".charAt(3)執行結果,回傳的是?"
"341": {
"answer": "JavaScript的字串可以透過method修改原本的內容",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個對JavaScript的字串描述是錯誤的?"
"343": {
"answer": "回傳值是s",
"opt": [
"question": "jsdc\".charCodeAt(1)執行結果,何者是錯的?"
"349": {
"answer": "””",
"opt": [
"question": "jsdc2013\".charAt(8)的回傳值是?"
"355": {
"answer": "NaN",
"opt": [
"question": "jsdc2013\".charCodeAt(8)的回傳值是?"
"356": {
"answer": "'jsdc'",
"opt": [
"question": "foo = 'jsdc'; bar = foo.concat('2013');請問現在foo的值是?"
"361": {
"answer": "-1",
"opt": [
"question": "jsdc2013'.indexOf('2012')的執行結果是?"
"364": {
"answer": "回傳值是符合匹配的字串",
"opt": [
"question": "下列對String.match()的描述哪一個是錯的?"
"365": {
"answer": "位於相符字串左側的文字",
"opt": [
"question": "jsdc2013\".replace(\"2013\",\"$`\")當中,$`代表的意義是?"
"367": {
"answer": "使用旗標g可進行全域搜尋",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個對的描述是錯誤的?"
"369": {
"answer": "JSDC2013\".slice(-4,8)",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個方法可以得到\"2013”這個字串?"
"37": {
"answer": "ECMA-262",
"opt": [
"question": "JavaScript所採用的標準規格是?"
"371": {
"answer": "[\"js\", \"ninja\"]",
"opt": [
"[\\\"js\\\", \\\"ninja\\\"]",
"question": "js-ninja\".split(\"-\")的結果是?"
"379": {
"answer": "JSDC2013\".substr(4,4)",
"opt": [
"question": "JSDC2013\".substr(-4,4)的結果和下面哪一個是一樣的?"
"381": {
"answer": "是client端的JavaScript開發環境",
"opt": [
"與生具有non blocking的特性"
"question": "下列何者對於node.js的描述是錯誤的?"
"388": {
"answer": "取消與事件關聯的預設動作",
"opt": [
"question": "event.preventDefault() 的作用是?"
"391": {
"answer": "取消事件的預設動作",
"opt": [
"question": "關於event.stopPropagation()的描述,何者是錯的?"
"393": {
"answer": "jQuery開發社群",
"opt": [
"HTML5 & CSS3 社群",
" 社群",
"Node.js 社群"
"question": "JSDC的發起開發社群不包含下列哪一個?"
"395": {
"answer": "5/18-5/19",
"opt": [
"question": "今年JSDC的舉辦日期是?"
"397": {
"answer": "Ryan Dahl",
"opt": [
"Brendan Eich",
"Douglas Crockford",
"John Resig",
"Paul Irish",
"Ryan Dahl"
"question": "Node.js的創造者是?"
"401": {
"answer": "John Resig",
"opt": [
"Brendan Eich",
"Douglas Crockford",
"Jeremy Ashkenas",
"John Resig",
"Ryan Dahl"
"question": "jQuery的創造者是?"
"411": {
"answer": "Jeremy Ashkenas",
"opt": [
"Brendan Eich",
"Douglas Crockford",
"Jeremy Ashkenas",
"John Resig",
"Ryan Dahl"
"question": "coffee script的創造者是?"
"415": {
"answer": "TypeScript",
"opt": [
"Underscore.js "
"question": "下列哪個專案不是由Jeremy Ashkenas所開發?"
"418": {
"answer": "Douglas Crockford",
"opt": [
"Brendan Eich",
"Douglas Crockford",
"John Resig",
"Ryan Dahl",
"TJ Holowaychuk"
"question": "JSON是由誰發想出來的?"
"425": {
"answer": "angular.js",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪個專案和TJ Holowaychuk沒有關係?"
"426": {
"answer": "沒有支援class",
"opt": [
"question": "下面哪一個對TypeScript的描述是錯的?"
"431": {
"answer": "",
"opt": [
"question": "想在線上展示一段JS運作的結果,哪個網站可以做到?"
"442": {
"answer": "檢測JS語法問題與風險,提供較佳的品質",
"opt": [
"question": "JSLint的功能是?"
"451": {
"answer": "Jasmine.js",
"opt": [
"Javascript MVC",
"question": "下列何者與其他專案在性質上不一樣?"
"456": {
"answer": "yeoman",
"opt": [
"YUI Test"
"question": "下面哪一個專案的性質和其他不同?"
"457": {
"answer": "只能在Server端使用",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪個對Bower的描述不正確?"
"46": {
"answer": "1995",
"opt": [
"question": "JavaScript誕生於哪一年?"
"463": {
"answer": "Backbone.js",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪個MVC框架沒有做到UI data binding"
"470": {
"answer": "delete",
"opt": [
"question": "要移除foo物件的bar屬性,應該怎麼做?"
"471": {
"answer": "宣告變數使用 var i=3",
"opt": [
"宣告變數使用 i = 3",
"宣告變數使用 var i=3"
"question": "下列哪一個語法在使用ECMAScript 5的\"use strict\"不會出錯?"
"472": {
"answer": "IE 8",
"opt": [
"Chrome 10",
"Firefox 3.6",
"IE 8",
"Safiri 5.1"
"question": "下列哪一個瀏覽器對ECMAScript 5的支援性最差?"
"49": {
"answer": "prototype",
"opt": [
"mix-in ",
"question": "JavaScript是透過什麼樣的原生機制來實現繼承?"
"50": {
"answer": "{age:20}",
"opt": [
"question": "下面哪一個不屬於JavaScript的基本資料型態?"
"51": {
"answer": "false",
"opt": [
"question": "(NaN == NaN)的結果是?"
"55": {
"answer": "32",
"opt": [
"question": "在JS中,('3' - '2')是1,那麼(\"3\"+\"2\")是多少?"
"6": {
"answer": "object",
"opt": [
"question": "typeof [1,2,3] 的結果是?"
"61": {
"answer": "”cool”",
"opt": [
"\\\"not cool\\\"",
"question": "var foo = true; var bar = (foo) ? \"cool\" : \"not cool\";bar的結果是?"
"62": {
"answer": "false",
"opt": [
"question": "(1===\"1\")的結果是?"
"71": {
"answer": "3",
"opt": [
"question": "foo = function(){console.log(arguments.length)}; foo(\"bar\",1,[\"100\",\"200\"]);請問結果是?"
"8": {
"answer": "true",
"opt": [
"question": "(null == undefined)的結果是?"
"81": {
"answer": "foot = {};",
"opt": [
"foo = [];",
"foo = \\\"\\\";",
"foo = function(){};",
"question": "下列何者為JavaScript物件實字的表示法?"
"85": {
"answer": "function是第一級的物件",
"opt": [
"question": "下列哪一個是JavaScript的特色?"
"91": {
"answer": "foo =",
"opt": [
"foo = [];",
"foo =",
"foo = new Array()",
"foo = new Array(10)"
"question": "下列哪一個不是JavaScript建立陣例的方法"
"92": {
"answer": "2",
"opt": [
"question": "foo = [1,2,3,4,5],請問 foo[1]是?"
"93": {
"answer": "crossdomain.xml",
"opt": [
"用script src",
"question": "如果JavaScript要做跨站存取資料,下面哪種技術沒辦法辦到?"
"97": {
"answer": "Ajax",
"opt": [
"question": "JavaScript非同步傳輸的技術通常稱之為?"
"99": {
"answer": "原生具備private成員",
"opt": [
"question": "下面哪一個對JavaScript物件特性描述是錯誤的?"
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