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Created December 4, 2013 06:28
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Save georgefs/7783237 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Dim inactive windows using 'colorcolumn' setting
" This tends to slow down redrawing, but is very useful.
" Based on
" XXX: this will only work with lines containing text (i.e. not '~')
function! s:DimInactiveWindows()
for i in range(1, tabpagewinnr(tabpagenr(), '$'))
let l:range = ""
if i != winnr()
if &wrap
" HACK: when wrapping lines is enabled, we use the maximum number
" of columns getting highlighted. This might get calculated by
" looking for the longest visible line and using a multiple of
" winwidth().
let l:width=999 " max
let l:width=winwidth(i)
let l:range = join(range(1, l:width), ',')
call setwinvar(i, '&colorcolumn', l:range)
augroup DimInactiveWindows
au WinEnter * call s:DimInactiveWindows()
augroup END
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