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Basic Web Mining with R
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############################################################################### | |
# Author: @BrockTibert | |
# | |
# Used: R Version 2.12.1, Windows 7 Pro, StatET Plugin for Eclipse | |
# | |
# | |
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#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# set up script level basics | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
## I code on the screen, so I set it wider for the console output | |
options(widht=180) | |
## libraries | |
library(XML) | |
library(plyr) | |
library(gdata) | |
library(sqldf) | |
## directory for the project | |
DIR <- "C:/Users/Brock/Documents/My Dropbox/Projects/NHL" | |
setwd(DIR) | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Grab the skaters data from the season page | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
## set the season | |
SEASON <- "2011" | |
## create the URL | |
URL <- paste("http://www.hockey-reference.com/leagues/NHL_", SEASON, "_skaters.html", sep="") | |
## grab the page -- the table is parsed nicely | |
tables <- readHTMLTable(URL) | |
ds.skaters <- tables$stats | |
## I don't like dealing with factors if I don't have to | |
## and I prefer lower case | |
for(i in 1:ncol(ds.skaters)) { | |
ds.skaters[,i] <- as.character(ds.skaters[,i]) | |
names(ds.skaters) <- tolower(colnames(ds.skaters)) | |
} | |
## fix a couple of the column names | |
colnames(ds.skaters) | |
names(ds.skaters)[10] <- "plusmin" | |
names(ds.skaters)[17] <- "spct" | |
## finally fix the columns - NAs forced by coercion warnings | |
for(i in c(1, 3, 6:18)) { | |
ds.skaters[,i] <- as.numeric(ds.skaters[, i]) | |
} | |
## change the avg time on ice to a time format | |
ds.skaters$atoi <- strptime(ds.skaters$atoi, "%M:%S") | |
## remove the header and totals row | |
ds.skaters <- ds.skaters[!is.na(ds.skaters$rk), ] | |
ds.skaters <- ds.skaters[ds.skaters$tm != "TOT", ] | |
## save the datafile | |
write.table(ds.skaters, "Skaters.csv", sep=",", row.names=F) | |
## convert toi to seconds, and seconds/game | |
ds.skaters$seconds <- (ds.skaters$toi*60)/ds.skaters$gp | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Quick overview of the 2011 skater data | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
## quick look of the dataset | |
summary(ds.skaters) | |
## Best and worst +/- | |
head(ds.skaters[ds.skaters$plusmin == max(ds.skaters$plusmin), ]) | |
head(ds.skaters[ds.skaters$plusmin == min(ds.skaters$plusmin), ]) # how is that deal working out for NJ? | |
## select the columns to analyze | |
play <- ds.skaters[, c(7:17, 20)] | |
## fix the NA's to zeros | |
for(i in 1:ncol(play)) { | |
# which(is.na(play[,i])) <- rows that meet the criteria of NA | |
play[which(is.na(play[,i])), i] <- 0 | |
} | |
## look at the correlations | |
summary(play) | |
round(cor(play), 2) | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Use PCA and clustering techniques to group the players | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
## PCA analysis | |
## http://www.statmethods.net/advstats/factor.html | |
## the 1st component of princomp(play, cor=F) explained 99% variance | |
play.pca <- princomp(play, cor=T) | |
## what did we get for data? | |
summary(play.pca) | |
plot(play.pca) | |
png("PCA biplot.png") | |
biplot(play.pca) | |
dev.off() | |
## lets just use the first 5 = ~= 86% of the variance | |
play.pca.comp <- play.pca$scores[, 1:5] | |
## use hierarchical clustering to get a sense of how many clusters | |
## to feed to the kmeans procedure - need to feed distance matrix | |
## pull 40 random cases into the procedure | |
dist.mat <- dist(play.pca.comp[sample(1:nrow(play.pca.comp), 40), ], method="euclidian") | |
play.hclust <- hclust(dist.mat, method="ward") | |
png("Dendrogram.png") | |
plot(play.hclust) | |
dev.off() | |
## I am going to try to 4 clusters | |
kmean4 <- kmeans(play.pca.comp, centers=4, iter.max=12000) | |
kmean4$withinss | |
kmean4$size | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Analyze the clusters | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
## add the cluster membership to the player data | |
skaters <- cbind(ds.skaters, kmean4$cluster) | |
names(skaters)[ncol(skaters)] <- "cluster" | |
## make them a factor | |
skaters$cluster2 <- as.factor(skaters$cluster) | |
skaters$cluster2 <- reorder(skaters$cluster2, new.order=c(4,2,1,3)) | |
## profile clusters by a few variables | |
table(skaters$cluster2) | |
ddply(skaters[c("cluster", "pts")], .(cluster), mean, na.rm=T) | |
## boxplot these clusters | |
png("4 Cluster by Points Boxplot.png") | |
boxplot(pts ~ cluster2, data=skaters, main="Boxplot of Clusters by Points \nAs of Feb 7, 2011") | |
dev.off() | |
## cluster membership by team | |
addmargins(table(skaters$tm, skaters$cluster2)) | |
(team.dist <- round(prop.table(table(skaters$cluster2, skaters$tm), 2), 3)) | |
## plot of the table | |
## Rotate labels = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1828742/rotating-axis-labels-in-r | |
## http://research.stowers-institute.org/efg/R/Color/Chart/ | |
## type colors() to see names for the graph on link above | |
mycol <- colors() | |
mycol <- c("red4", "orangered", "burlywood1", "beige") | |
png("Team Distribution.png") | |
barplot(team.dist, horiz=T, cex.names=.75, las=1, | |
col=mycol, main="Distribution of Clusters by Team", xlab="% of Team") | |
abline(v=.25, lty=2) | |
abline(v=.5, lty=2) | |
abline(v=.75, lty=2) | |
dev.off() |
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####################################################################################### | |
# Function to scrape season skater statistics from Hockey-reference.com | |
####################################################################################### | |
GrabSkaters <- function(S) { | |
# The function takes parameter S which is a string and represents the Season | |
# Returns: data frame | |
require(XML) | |
## create the URL | |
URL <- paste("http://www.hockey-reference.com/leagues/NHL_", | |
S, "_skaters.html", sep="") | |
## grab the page -- the table is parsed nicely | |
tables <- readHTMLTable(URL) | |
ds.skaters <- tables$stats | |
## determine if the HTML table was well formed (column names are the first record) | |
## can either read in directly or need to force column names | |
## and | |
## I don't like dealing with factors if I don't have to | |
## and I prefer lower case | |
for(i in 1:ncol(ds.skaters)) { | |
ds.skaters[,i] <- as.character(ds.skaters[,i]) | |
names(ds.skaters) <- tolower(colnames(ds.skaters)) | |
} | |
## fix a couple of the column names | |
colnames(ds.skaters) | |
## names(ds.skaters)[10] <- "plusmin" | |
names(ds.skaters)[11] <- "plusmin" | |
names(ds.skaters)[18] <- "spct" | |
## finally fix the columns - NAs forced by coercion warnings | |
for(i in c(1, 3, 6:18)) { | |
ds.skaters[,i] <- as.numeric(ds.skaters[, i]) | |
} | |
## convert toi to seconds, and seconds/game | |
## ds.skaters$seconds <- (ds.skaters$toi*60)/ds.skaters$gp | |
## remove the header and totals row | |
ds.skaters <- ds.skaters[!is.na(ds.skaters$rk), ] | |
## ds.skaters <- ds.skaters[ds.skaters$tm != "TOT", ] | |
## add the year | |
ds.skaters$season <- S | |
## return the dataframe | |
return(ds.skaters) | |
} |
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# Source the file with the Grab Skaters function | |
setwd("~/My Dropbox/Eclipse/Projects/R/NHL/Blog Posts/Scripts") | |
source("SkaterStats.R") | |
## set the working directory | |
setwd("~/My Dropbox/Eclipse/Projects/R/NHL/Blog Posts/30 Goals 100 PIM") | |
## set the seasons | |
SEASON <- as.character(c(1960:2004, 2006:2011)) | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Use the function to loop over the seasons and piece together | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
## define the seasons -- 2005 dataset doesnt exist | |
## if I was a good coder I would trap the error, but this works | |
SEASON <- as.character(c(1960:2004, 2006:2011)) | |
## create an empy dataset that we will append to | |
dataset <- data.frame() | |
## loop over the seasons, use the function to grab the data | |
## and build the dataset | |
for (S in SEASON) { | |
require(plyr) | |
temp <- GrabSkaters(S) | |
dataset <- rbind.fill(dataset, temp) | |
print(paste("Completed Season ", S, sep="")) | |
## pause the script so we don't kill their servers | |
Sys.sleep(10) | |
} | |
head(dataset); tail(dataset); | |
dataset <- dataset[dataset$tm != 'TOT', ] | |
save(dataset, file="hr skater db.Rdata") | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Lets get a sense for how many players finish 30/100 | |
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Let's look at a scatterplot of the data | |
png("Scatter Plot.png") | |
plot(x=dataset$pim, y=dataset$g, type="p", pch=20, cex=.9, | |
xlab="Penalty Mins", ylab="Goals Scored", bty="n", | |
main="Correlate Goals Scored and Penalty Minutes") | |
abline(h=30, lty=2, col="red"); abline(v=100, lty=2, col="red"); | |
dev.off() | |
# raw output | |
dstemp <- transform(dataset, ind30100 = as.numeric(g >=30 & pim >=100)) | |
str(dstemp) | |
with(dstemp, addmargins(table(season, ind30100))) | |
with(dstemp, addmargins(table(season, ind30100))) | |
# % of players that meet criteria per season | |
library(sqldf) | |
(pct <- sqldf("SELECT season, AVG(ind30100) as pct FROM dstemp GROUP BY season")) | |
# basic plot of the data | |
barplot(pct$pct, names.arg=pct$season) | |
# trying to learn ggplot | |
library(ggplot2) | |
ds <- dataset[dstemp$g >=30 & dstemp$pim >=100, c("season", "player")] | |
min(as.numeric(ds$season)); as.numeric(max(ds$season)); | |
p <- ggplot(ds, aes(as.numeric(season))) + geom_bar(fill="black", colour="white", binwidth=1) | |
p <- p + labs(x="Season", y="# Players") | |
ggsave(p, file="Distribution.png") | |
# look at a listing of the data again | |
View(pct) | |
# Who are the players in the 2011 season that meet this criteria | |
dataset[dataset$season == "2011" & dataset$g >= 30 & dataset$pim >=100, c("player", "g", "pim")] |
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#### load the libraries used for the discussion | |
install.packages("twitteR") | |
install.packages("sqldf") | |
install.packages("XML") | |
install.packages("RCurl") # cURL interface adapted in R | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Read in already existing data from the web | |
#============================================================================== | |
##### read in a CSV dataset from yahoo finance | |
yahoo <- read.csv("http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=AAPL&a=08&b=7&c=1984&d=10&e=28&f=2011&g=w&ignore=.csv", | |
header=T, stringsAsFactors=F) | |
dim(yahoo) # check the rows/columns | |
head(yahoo, n=5) # look at the first 5 rows | |
str(yahoo) # have R tell us the details of the | |
plot(yahoo[,7], type="l") # data are reverse order | |
### fix the data to make a plot | |
yahoo$Date <- as.Date(yahoo$Date) # tell R that this column is a Date | |
yahoo.2 <- yahoo[order(yahoo$Date),] # sort the data Ascending order | |
plot(x=yahoo.2$Date, y=yahoo.2[,7], type="l", | |
xlab="Date", ylab="Adjusted Close", | |
main="Weekly Adjusted Closing Price for Apple (AAPL)") # plot the data | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Read in HTML tables | |
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4393780/scraping-a-wiki-page-for-the-periodic-table-and-all-the-links | |
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395528/scraping-html-tables-into-r-data-frames-using-the-xml-package | |
#============================================================================== | |
# lets parse NHL data | |
library(XML) | |
URL <- paste("http://www.hockey-reference.com/leagues/NHL_", | |
2011, "_skaters.html", sep="") | |
tables <- readHTMLTable(URL) # parses all of the tables for us | |
ds.skaters <- tables$stats # if the table is named (View Source Code), can reference by name | |
dim(ds.skaters) | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Collect data from twitter | |
#============================================================================== | |
library(twitteR) | |
rstats <- searchTwitter("#rstats", n=1500) #searches twitter for the last 1500 tweets | |
length(rstats) # but only searches back a week or so | |
mode(rstats) # not a data frame, so we need to convert it to rows/columns | |
rstats.df <- twListToDF(rstats) | |
dim(rstats.df) | |
colnames(rstats.df) # print the column names | |
length(unique(rstats.df$screenName)) # how many different twitter users | |
install.packages("sqldf") # install a library to use SQL-like commands | |
library(sqldf) | |
temp <- rstats.df | |
twts <- sqldf("SELECT screenName as name, count(*) as tweets FROM temp | |
GROUP BY screenName ORDER BY count(*) desc") | |
head(twts, n=10) # top 10 tweeters about rstats | |
hist(twts[,2], xlab="# Rstats Tweets", main="") | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Social Network Graph of rstats users | |
# http://www.drewconway.com/zia/?p=1471 | |
#============================================================================== | |
#============================================================================== | |
# Streaming twitter using RCURL | |
#============================================================================== | |
library(RCurl) | |
library(rjson) | |
# set the directory | |
setwd("C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\Desktop\\Web Mining Pres") | |
#### redirects output to a file, but still has problems with getting data back into R! | |
WRITE_TO_FILE <- function(x) { | |
if (nchar(x) >0 ) { | |
write.table(x, file="Twitter Stream Capture.txt", append=T, row.names=F, col.names=F) | |
} | |
} | |
### windows users will need to get this certificate to authenticate | |
download.file(url="http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem", destfile="cacert.pem") | |
### write the raw JSON data from the Twitter Firehouse to a text file | |
getURL("https://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/sample.json", | |
userpwd=USER:PASSWORD, | |
cainfo = "cacert.pem", | |
write=WRITE_TO_FILE) |
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