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A Sharma geosharma

  • Knoxville
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geosharma /
Last active January 13, 2024 15:36
Personal notes on installing and using coBib bibliography manager
geosharma /
Last active December 31, 2023 04:13
Python project setup and packaging, for relatively new users using pdm.

Python project setup and packaging for relatively new users using pdm.

Create a project folder

I use Linux with Bash Shell, so this is the general meaning of the command prompt. Please refer to it if you are confused as to which folder to run the commands from.

[username@localhost currentfolder]$ 

So, for example, I have a folder called repos for saving my projects. I will create a project folder called pypassive in repos. I like to organize the packages according to their names.

geosharma /
Last active December 9, 2023 14:08
Python project setup, packaging, and documentation for relatively new users.

Notes to create a python package and publish the documentation using Sphinx and ReadTheDocs

Create a project folder

I use Linux with Bash Shell, so this is the general meaning of the command prompt. Please refer to it if you are confused as to which folder to run the commands from.

[username@localhost currentfolder]$ 

So, for example, I have a folder called repos for saving my projects. I will create a project folder called pygeospt in repos. I like to organize the packages according to their names.

geosharma /
Last active February 11, 2023 20:00
Pairing and connecting bluetooth headset in T450s and Arch Linux

Using Bluetooth Headset in T450s and Arch Linux

This is not a getting started guide, just notes to myself. Due to my limited knowledge there could be mistakes and better ways to do things. I have configured bluetooth to the best of my knowledge after reading the manpages and forums. Please refer to archlinux bluetooth wiki page for installation and configuration.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import openseespy.opensees as ops
from pathlib import Path
# Example problem:
# Description: 1D Total Stress Site Response Analysis, Single soil layer
# Original authors of this example: Christopher McGann and Pedro Arduino, University of Washington
geosharma /
Last active February 15, 2025 14:25
conda command snippets

Conda and Anaconda commands

A list of conda commands that I regularly use but keep forgetting how to use

Update conda

conda update conda

Conda create a new environment with desired python verion

conda create --name envname python=pythonversion If no python=pythonversion is given it will install the default python version for the installed anaconda or conda

geosharma /
Last active November 18, 2024 18:48
Arch Linux: aurutils installation and configuration

aurutils installation and configuration

This is not a getting started guide, just notes to myself. Due to my limited knowledge there could be mistakes and better ways to do things. I have configured aurutils to the best of my knowledge after reading the manpages and forums. Please refer to aurutils(7) manpages for installation and configuration.

Reference: aurutils(7)

Install aurutils

Install the aurutils using the normal AUR package installation procedure. Until I found aurutils, I used to create a separate directory ~/aur/ for all AUR packages.

geosharma /
Last active November 30, 2021 12:14
Arch Linux installation: BIOS, GPT, Encrypted btrfs root, xfs home

Notes on Arch Linux installation

Key features:

BIOS, GPT, encryption, btrfs, xfs. encrypted btrfs root, unencrypted xfs /home

This was created to document the procedures followed during the installation of Arch Linux. This is intended to act as a guide in the event a full installation is required in the future. This is primarily for my own use. I plan to document each step with code. If anyone finds this helpful, then please use it at your own risk, I assume no responsibility for any damage incurred from following these notes. I would recommend that you follow the Arch Linux Installation Guide and the Arch Linux wikis, rather than these set of notes.


  • Computer: HP DV6000
  • Hard disk: 230 SSD