- H. Wickham: Official ggplot2 documentation
- H. Wickham: ggplot2 book
- W. Chang: R graphics cookbook and Cookbook for R
- Z. Ross: Beautiful plotting in R: A ggplot2 cheatsheet
- D. Koffman: Introduction to ggplot2
- R. Saccilotto: Tutorial: ggplot2
- R. Hartman: How to format plots for publication using ggplot2
- G. Williams: Visualising data with ggplot2
- P. Barbera: Data Visualization with R and ggplot2
- J. Bryan: ggplot2 tutorial
- G. Golemund & H. Wickham: Data visualisation chapter in R for Data Science
- http://tutorials.iq.harvard.edu/R/Rgraphics/Rgraphics.html
- ggthemes
- ggthemr
- ggplot2bdc
- ggthemeassist Rstudio addin to modify themes
- plotly
- plotluck
- ggfortify
- autoplot
- ggsubplot
- directlabels
- GGally
- ggmap
- ggphylo
- ggtree
- ggnet
- ggbiplot
- ggdendro
- ggmcmc
- ggtern
- ggExtra
- ggplot2 theme builder (Shiny app)
- ggplotLive (Shiny app)
- cowplot
- ggparallel
- ggrepel
- ggplotTicks
- ggghost
- ggiraph Make ggplots interactive
- ggraptR Shiny app for making ggplots (and export code afterwards)
- ggmissing Display missing data
- ggplotHelper
- gganimate
- ggraph For graphs (networks etc)
- ggalt
- ggtech
- ggforce
- ggbeeswarm
- ggstance Horizontal geoms
- ggTimeSeries
- ggseas
- ggsn Extras for mapping
- ggfreehand
- ggutils
- ggenealogy
- ggkm Survival curves
- gghazard Survival curves
- easyggplot2
- ggradar Radar plots
- ggthemes
- ggthemr
- ggplot2bdc
- ggplot2 theme builder (Shiny app)
- Noam Ross's theme
- Aaron Schiff's theme
- Tim Lucas' themes
- Jonas Scholey's theme
- Rob Moss' theme
- Koundinya's theme
- R. Wilson's publication theme
- ggsci
- ggpubr
- artifarty
See also http://www.ggplot2-exts.org/