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Last active August 23, 2017 15:51
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  • Save gerane/897de7d1c4630353f4a3dc93e8353e09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gerane/897de7d1c4630353f4a3dc93e8353e09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
if (((Test-Path -Path $Global:SettingsDirectory\DATSettings.xml) -eq $true) -and ($Global:DATSettingsXML.Settings.DownloadSettings.DeploymentPlatform -eq 'MDT'))
$ProgressListBox.ForeColor = "Black"
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "======== Detecting Deployment Platform $(Get-Date) ========" -Severity 1
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "======== Deployment Platform: MDT - Skipping SCCM Validation ========" -Severity 1
elseif (((Test-Path -Path $Global:SettingsDirectory\DATSettings.xml) -eq $true) -and (! [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:DATSettingsXML.Settings.SiteSettings.Server)))
$SiteServer = [string]$SiteServerInput.Text
$ProgressListBox.ForeColor = "Black"
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "======== Validating ConfigMgr Server Details $(Get-Date) ========" -Severity 1
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "======== FIRST TIME RUN DETECTED ========" -Severity 1
function Read-XMLSettings
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "======== Reading Settings File ========" -Severity 1
# // Read in settings XML
[xml]$global:DATSettingsXML = Get-Content -Path "$global:SettingsDirectory\DATSettings.xml"
# Set XML Object
# ConfigMgr Site Settings
Write-CMLogEntry -Value "Setting ConfigMgr Site Settings" -Severity 1
$SiteCodeText.Text = $global:DATSettingsXML.Settings.SiteSettings.Site
$SiteServerInput.Text = $global:DATSettingsXML.Settings.SiteSettings.Server
if ($Global:DATSettingsXML.Settings.DownloadSettings.DeploymentPlatform -ne 'MDT')
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