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Created April 7, 2016 16:52
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Learning Pester and better comment based Help. Please leave feedback if you have any suggestions!
Function Test-EventLogExists
Tests to see if an Event Log exists
Tests to see if an Event Log exists and returns $true or $false
.PARAMETER EventLogname
The Name of the Event Log to be written to.
The Source that generates the Event Log.
Test-EventLogExists -LogName Application -Source AppName
This command Returns a Boolean value. In the above example it returns $true since the Source exists.
Test-EventLogExists -LogName Application -Source MissingAppName
This command Returns a Boolean value. In the above example it returns $false since the Source does not exist.
This function is an Extension to be used with PSAppDeployToolkit.
TODO: Add a NoToolkit switch to swap PsAppToolkit specific functions for Built In alternatives.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[string]${CmdletName} = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter -CmdletName ${CmdletName} -CmdletBoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -Header
$Null = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\$EventLogName\$Source" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log -Message "Event Log Exists" -Severity 1 -Source ${CmdletName}
Return $true
Write-Log -Message "Event Log does not Exist: `n$(Resolve-Error)" -Severity 1 -Source ${CmdletName}
Return $false
Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter -CmdletName ${CmdletName} -Footer
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace('.Tests.', '.')
. "$here\$sut"
Remove-EventLog -LogName Pester -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Describe 'Test-EventLogExists' {
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
Mock Write-Log
Mock Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter
Context 'Help and Parameter checks' {
Mock Get-ItemProperty
It 'should have inbuilt help along with Description and examples' {
$helpinfo = Get-Help Test-EventLogExists
$helpinfo.examples | Should not BeNullOrEmpty
$helpinfo.Details | Should not BeNullOrEmpty
$helpinfo.Description | Should not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Should have EventLogName and Source Mandatory params' {
{ Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName $null } | Should Throw
{ Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName $null -Source 'String' -ErrorAction Continue } | Should Throw
{ Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName 'String' -Source $null } | Should Throw
{ Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName 'String' -Source 'String' } | Should Not Throw
Context "Event log doesn't Exist" {
Mock Get-ItemProperty { Throw 'EventLog does not Exist' }
It 'Returns False' {
$Results = Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName 'MadeUpLogName' -Source 'MadeUpSource'
$Results | Should Be $false
Context 'Event log Exists' {
Mock Get-ItemProperty { Return $true }
It 'Returns True' {
$Results = Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName 'LogNameThatExists' -Source 'SourceThatExists'
$Results | Should Be $true
Context 'Integration - Test Errors' {
It 'Errors and Returns False' {
$Results = Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName 'Pester' -Source 'Test-EventLogExists'
$Results | Should Not Be $true
$Results | Should Be $false
It 'No Error and Returns True' {
New-EventLog -LogName 'Pester' -Source 'Test-EventLogExists' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Results = Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName 'Pester' -Source 'Test-EventLogExists'
$Results | Should Be $true
$Results | Should Not Be $false
function Write-PSADTEventLog
Writes an Event Log for PSAppDeployToolkit
If Event Log does not Exist, it creates it and writes a Message to it.
The Message to be written to the Event Log.
The Name of the Event Log to be written to.
The Default Value is PSADT.
The Source that generates the Event Log.
The Default Value is the PSAppDeployToolkit Variable: $appName
The Event Log Severity Level Type.
Valid Values: Information, Warning and Error
The Event ID to be written to the Event Log.
The Default Value is 10.
Write-PSADTEventLog -Message 'The Installation Completed' -EntryType 'Information'
Output would write an Event Log with the following properties:
Message: 'The Installation Completed'
EventLogName: PSADT
Source: $appName
EntryType: Information
EventID: 10
Write-PSADTEventLog -Message 'The Installation Failed!' -EventLogName 'Application' -Source 'MyApp' -EntryType 'Error' -EventID '1'
Output would write an Event Log with the following properties:
Message: 'The Installation Failed!'
EventLogName: Application
Source: MyApp
EntryType: Error
EventID: 1
This function is an Extension to be used with PSAppDeployToolkit.
TODO: Add a NoToolkit switch to swap PsAppToolkit specific functions for Built In alternatives.
[System.String]$EventLogName = "PSADT",
[System.String]$Source = "$appName",
[ValidateSet('Information', 'Error', 'Warning')]
[System.Int32]$EventId = 10
[string]${CmdletName} = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter -CmdletName ${CmdletName} -CmdletBoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -Header
if (!(Test-EventLogExists -EventLogName $EventLogName -Source $Source))
Write-Log -Message "Creating Eventlog: `nSource: $($Source) `nEventLog Name: $($EventLogName)" -Severity 1 -Source ${CmdletName}
New-Eventlog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $Source -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Security.SecurityException]
Write-Log -Message "Failed to run New-Eventlog. `n$(Resolve-Error)" -Severity 3 -Source ${CmdletName}
throw "Failed to run New-Eventlog: $($_)"
Write-Log -Message "Event Log [$($EventLogName)] with Source [$($Source)] already exists." -Severity 1 -Source ${CmdletName}
Write-Log -Message "Writing Eventlog: `nSource: $($Source) `nEventLog Name: $($EventLogName) `nEvent ID: $($EventId) `nMessage: $($Message)" -Severity 1 -Source ${CmdletName}
Write-EventLog -LogName $EventLogName -Source $Source -EntryType $EntryType -EventId $EventId -Message $Message -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Security.SecurityException]
Write-Log -Message "Failed to run Write-Eventlog. `n$(Resolve-Error)" -Severity 3 -Source ${CmdletName}
throw "Failed to run Write-Eventlog: $($_)"
Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter -CmdletName ${CmdletName} -Footer
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace('.Tests.', '.')
. "$here\$sut"
Remove-EventLog -LogName Pester -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Describe 'Write-PSADTEventLog' {
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
Mock Write-Log
Mock Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter
Context 'Help and Parameter checks' {
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
Mock Test-EventLogExists
Mock New-EventLog
Mock Write-EventLog
It 'should have inbuilt help along with Description and examples' {
$helpinfo = Get-Help Write-PSADTEventLog
$helpinfo.examples | Should not BeNullOrEmpty
$helpinfo.Details | Should not BeNullOrEmpty
$helpinfo.Description | Should not BeNullOrEmpty
It 'Should have Message and EntryType Mandatory params' {
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -Message $null } | Should Throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EventID 'String' -Message $null } | Should Throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EventLogName 'Pester' -Message $Null } | Should Throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType 'Error' -EventLogName 'Pester' -Message 'Test Message' } | Should Not Throw
It 'Should have EntryType param values of Warning, Information, or Error' {
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType $null -Message 'Test Message' } | should throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType 'WrongInput' -Message 'Test Message' } | should throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType 'Error' -EventLogName 'Pester' -Message 'Test Message' } | Should Not Throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType 'Warning' -EventLogName 'Pester' -Message 'Test Message' } | Should Not Throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType 'Information' -EventLogName 'Pester' -Message 'Test Message' } | Should Not Throw
It 'Should only accept Int for EventID Parameter' {
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType 'Error' -EventLogName 'Pester' -Message 'Test Message' -EventId '13' } | Should Not Throw
{ Write-PSADTEventLog -EntryType 'Error' -EventLogName 'Pester' -Message 'Test Message' -EventId 'String13' } | Should Throw
Context 'EventLog Missing' {
Mock Test-EventLogExists
Mock New-EventLog
Mock Write-EventLog { return $true }
It 'Creates New Eventlog and Writes and Event Log to It ' {
$Result = Write-PSADTEventLog -Message 'This is a Pester Test Event' -EventLogName Pester -Source Write-PSADTEventLog -EventId '10' -EntryType 'Information'
Assert-MockCalled Test-EventLogExists -Scope It -Times 1
Assert-MockCalled New-EventLog -Scope It -Times 1
Assert-MockCalled Write-EventLog -Scope It -Times 1
$Result | Should Be $true
Context 'EventLog Exists' {
Mock Test-EventLogExists { Return $true }
Mock New-EventLog
Mock Write-EventLog { return $true }
It 'Write to Event Log' {
$Result = Write-PSADTEventLog -Message 'This is a Pester Test Event' -EventLogName Pester -Source Write-PSADTEventLog -EventId '12' -EntryType 'Warning'
Assert-MockCalled Test-EventLogExists -Scope It -Times 1
Assert-MockCalled New-EventLog -Scope It -Times 0
Assert-MockCalled Write-EventLog -Scope It -Times 1
$Result | Should Be $true
Context 'Integration - Test for Creating Event' {
Mock Test-EventLogExists { Return $false }
Mock Write-EventLog
It 'Creates Event Log if it does not Exist' {
$Result = Write-PSADTEventLog -Message 'This is a Pester Test Event' -EventLogName Pester -Source Write-PSADTEventLog -EventId '11' -EntryType 'Information'
{ Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Pester\Write-PSADTEventLogTest' -ErrorAction Stop } | Should Throw
{ Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Pester\Write-PSADTEventLog' -ErrorAction Stop } | Should Not Throw
$Result | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Context 'Integration - Test for Writing to an Event Log' {
Mock Test-EventLogExists { Return $true }
It 'Writes Message to Event Log from Source' {
$Result = Write-PSADTEventLog -Message 'This is a Pester Test Event' -EventLogName Pester -Source Write-PSADTEventLog -EventId '1' -EntryType 'Error'
Get-EventLog -LogName Pester -Source Write-PSADTEventLog | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Message -ErrorAction Stop | Should Be 'This is a Pester Test Event'
Get-EventLog -LogName Pester -Source Write-PSADTEventLog | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EntryType | Should Be 'Error'
Get-EventLog -LogName Pester -Source Write-PSADTEventLog | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EntryType | Should Not Be 'Warning'
$Result | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Remove-EventLog -LogName Pester -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
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