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Forked from sbiffi/putty.bat
Created May 8, 2020 00:52
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The aim of this vbs script is to launch putty using an URL like ssh://login@host directly from a browser. The .bat is almost the same than .vbs but less robust and just their for older systems.
:: This version is not as powerfull as vbs version, please prefere the other one.
:: It's just there if you need a non-visual basic way to perform this.
:: Restrictions:
:: - Password cannot contain a % or finish with @
:: - Chrome adds a / at the end of the URL, not yet managed
:: The aim of this script is to execute putty with parameters like ssh://login@host
:: Installation:
:: - Launch putty.reg to associate ssh:// and telnet:// to this script
:: - Edit the putty path in parameter below like puttyPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\putty.exe"
:: - Save this .bat on your PC like c:\putty.bat (or change the path in putty.reg)
:: Uninstallation:
:: - Run unputty.reg
:: Script created by Sebastien Biffi
:: Version 2014-04-17
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set puttyPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\putty.exe"
set params=%1
rem set params=ssh://root:[email protected]:22
rem set params=telnet://
:: checks the parameters and exists if nok
if "%params%"=="" (
echo [Warning] Empty parameter
goto usage
echo URL: %params%
:: finds protocol in URL and removes it form the rest
set URL=%params%
for /f "tokens=1* delims=/" %%a in ("%URL%") do (
set uProtocol=%%a
set uParams=%%b
:: remove ending : from protocol: expression
for /f "delims=:" %%a in ("%uProtocol%") do (
set uProtocol=%%a
if "%uParams%"=="" (
echo [Warning] Protocol or host has not been specified and are not optional
goto usage
:: split URL (except protocol) in authentication and host:port blocks
set uAuthent=
set uParamsRest=%uParams%
for /f "tokens=1* delims=@" %%a in ("%uParamsRest%") do (
if "%uAuthent%"=="" (
set uAuthent=%%a
) else (
set uAuthent=%uAuthent%@%%a
Echo %%b | findstr /C:"@">nul && (
set uParamsRest=%%b
goto loopParamsArobas
) || (
set uHostPort=%%b
if "%uHostPort%"=="" (
set uHostPort=%uAuthent%
set uAuthent=
:: remove possible / from protocol: expression
for /f "delims=/" %%a in ("%uHostPort%") do (
set uHostPort=%%a
:: split login:password in login & password
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ("%uAuthent%") do (
set uLogin=%%a
set uPwd=%%b
:: split host:port in host & port
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ("%uHostPort%") do (
set uHost=%%a
set uPort=%%b
echo protocol: %uProtocol%
:: echo params: %uParams%
:: echo authent: %uAuthent%
echo login: %uLogin%
echo password: %uPwd%
:: echo host:prot: %uHostPort%
echo host: %uHost%
echo port: %uPort%
:: check parameters and create putty execution
if "%uProtocol%"=="telnet" set pProtocol= -telnet
if "%uProtocol%"=="ssh" set pProtocol= -ssh
if "%pProtocol%"=="" (
echo [Warning] protocol not reckognized:%uProtocol%
goto usage
if "%uHost%"=="" (
echo [Warning] host cannot be null
goto usage
set pHost= %uHost%
if not "%uLogin%"=="" set pLogin= -l %uLogin%
if not "%uPwd%"=="" set pPwd= -pw %uPwd%
if not "%uPort%"=="" set pPort= -P %uPort%
set puttyCommand=%puttyPath%%pProtocol%%pHost%%pLogin%%pPwd%%pPort%
echo puttyCommand: %puttyCommand%
start "" %puttyCommand%
echo done
rem pause
exit 0
rem goto :EOF
:: display the help of this batch script
echo Usage: %~nx0 URL
echo for example: %~nx0 ssh://login:pwd@host:port
echo %~nx0 telnet://login@host
echo %~nx0 telnet://host
echo The URL must be fully qualified, including the ssh:// or telnet://
goto :EOF
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="URL:PuTTY SSH Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\putty.exe,0"
@="wscript.exe C:\\putty.vbs %1"
@="URL:PuTTY telnet Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\putty.exe,0"
@="wscript.exe C:\\putty.vbs %1"
' The aim of this script is to execute putty with parameters like ssh://login@host directly using an URL in a browser
' Installation:
' - Launch putty.reg to associate ssh:// and telnet:// to this script
' - Edit the putty path in parameter below like puttyPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\putty.exe"
' - Save this .vbs on your PC like c:\putty.vbs (or change the path in putty.reg)
' Uninstallation:
' - Run unputty.reg
' Version 2014-04-23'
' Script Created by Sebastien Biffi
puttyPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\putty.exe"
On Error Resume Next
' initialisation of variables
logResult = "" ' Used for logging purpose during debug or in case of error. Log is a msgBox
logIcon = 0 ' Icon of the MsgBox. By default: none
logTitle = "" ' Title of the MsgBox. By default: none
Set re = New RegExp
' The pattern that matches the URL. Used to check the URL format provided and find fields in it.
re.Pattern = "^([^:]+)://(([^:]+)(:(.*))?@)?(([^/@:]+)(:([0-9]+))?)/?$"
' Check if only 1 parameter is passed to the script, else throw an error
if Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 then
url = Wscript.Arguments(0)
exitWithError("Please pass only 1 parameter to this script like:" & vbCrLf & " - ssh://login:password@host:port " & vbCrLf & " - telnet://login@host:port" & vbCrLf & "login, password & port are optional")
end if
' Check if the URL is valid, else throw an error
If re.Test(url) Then
log("URL is valid: " & url)
exitWithError(url & " is NOT a valid URL" & vbCrLf & "Please pass only 1 parameter to this script like:" & vbCrLf & " - ssh://login:password@host:port " & vbCrLf & " - telnet://login@host:port" & vbCrLf & "login, password & port are optional")
End If
' Find the putty parameters in the URL
Set Matches = re.Execute(url)
protocol = Matches.Item(0).Submatches(0)
login = Matches.Item(0).Submatches(2)
pwd = Matches.Item(0).Submatches(4)
host = Matches.Item(0).Submatches(6)
port = Matches.Item(0).Submatches(8)
log(" host: " & host)
log(" protocol: " & protocol)
log(" port: " & port)
log(" login: " & login)
log(" pwd: " & pwd)
if protocol = "ssh" then
paramProtocol = " -ssh"
elseif protocol = "telnet" then
paramProtocol = " -telnet"
exitWithError("Protocol: " & protocol & " is not a valid protocol (ssh or telnet).")
end if
if host <> "" then
paramHost = " " & host
exitWithError("Host cannot bu null.")
end if
if login <> "" then
paramLogin = " -l " & login
end if
if (pwd <> "") and (protocol <> "telnet") then
paramPwd = " -pw " & pwd
end if
if port <> "" then
paramPort = " -P " & port
end if
' build the putty command like:
' putty.exe -ssh host -l login -pw password -P port
' putty.exe -telnet host -l login -P port
puttyCommand = chr(34) & puttyPath & chr(34) & paramProtocol & paramHost & paramLogin & paramPwd & paramPort
log (puttyCommand)
' For debugging purpose, uncomment following line:
' Execute putty
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run puttyCommand,1,False
' ****************
' Error Output
' ****************
' Outputs a msgBox including the log and the error message
function exitWithError(str)
logIcon = vbCritical
logTitle = "Error"
end function
' ***********
' Logging
' ***********
' Adds a message to the log String
function log(str)
if logResult = "" then
logResult = str
logResult = logResult & vbCrLf & str
end if
end function
' Outputs a msgBox including the log String
function outputLog()
if logResult <> "" then
MsgBox logResult, logIcon, logTitle
end if
end function
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