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Created March 26, 2015 13:15
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a thrift files generator
"use strict";
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var async = require('async');
var childProcess = require('child_process');
var walk = function (dir, done) {
var results = [];
fs.readdir(dir, function (err, list) {
if (err) return done(err);
var pending = list.length;
if (!pending) return done(null, results);
list.forEach(function (file) {
file = dir + '/' + file;
fs.stat(file, function (err, stat) {
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
walk(file, function (err, res) {
results = results.concat(res);
if (!--pending) done(null, results);
} else {
if (!--pending) done(null, results);
walk('./thrift-api', function (err, files) {, function (item, cb) {
var out_path;
if (item.indexOf('.thrift') != -1) {'item_', item);
out_path = path.dirname(item);
childProcess.exec('thrift' + ' -o ' + out_path + ' -r --gen js:node ' + item, cb);
} else {
}, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
console.error('thrift_generate_err', err);
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