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Last active September 6, 2024 19:05
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Converting English number sentences ("one hundred forty two point three") to numeric digits ("142.3")
convert("one hundred five"); // "105"
convert("six hundred and fifty three"); // "653"
convert("zero zero one two three"); // "123"
convert("twelve o three"); // "1203"
convert("thirteen zero nine"); // "1309"
convert("fifteen sixteen"); // "1516"
convert("fourteen ninety two"); // "1492"
convert("nineteen ten"); // "1910"
convert("twelve hundred"); // "1200"
convert("twenty three hundred"); // "2300"
convert("twenty twenty"); // "2020" <---- ugh!
convert("twenty twenty one"); // "2021" <---- ehhh...
convert("twenty twenty two"); // "2022" <---- let's hope!
convert("four five two three eight"); // "45238"
convert("sixteen thousand three eighty four"); // "16384"
convert("seven billion six hundred eighty-one million"); // "7681000000"
convert("twenty three trillion and nine"); // "23000000000009"
convert("four billion two hundred nine thousand"); // "4000209000"
convert("nine hundred ninety nine quadrillion nine ninety nine trillion nine hundred and ninety nine billion nine ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine ninety nine"); // "999999999999999999"
convert("one two three four five six seven eight nine eight seven six five four three two one two three four five"); // "123456789876543212345"
convert("negative forty two"); // "-42"
convert("negative zero"); // "-0"
// "free units": dozen, score, pair
convert("a dozen and one"); // "13"
convert("three dozen"); // "36"
convert("sixty four dozen eighteen"); // "786"
convert("four score and seven"); // "87"
convert("seventeen score"); // "340"
convert("nine hundred ninety nine score and ninety nine"); // "20079"
convert("three pair"); // "6"
convert("thirty five pair"); // "70"
convert("five pair and one"); // "11"
// decimals
convert("forty two point zero"); // "42.0"
convert("three point one four one five nine two six"); // "3.1415926"
convert("point"); // "0.0"
convert("four point zero o o o zero"); // "4.00000"
convert("negative point"); // "-0.0"
convert("negative o point zero zero"); // "-0.00"
convert("negative point one two three"); // "-0.123"
// unit-place separator: ","
convert("sixty five thousand five thirty six",","); // "65,536"
convert("four billion two hundred nine thousand",","); // "4,000,209,000"
convert("forty two",","); // "42"
convert("twenty one twenty three",","); // "2,123"
convert("one two three four five six seven eight nine eight seven six five four three two one two three four five",","); // "123456,789,876,543,212,345" <---- not a mistake, quadrillion is the highest supported "place"
convert("nine hundred ninety nine score and ninety nine",","); // "20,079"
// (c) 2021 Kyle Simpson | MIT License
"use strict";
var digits = {
"o": "0",
"zero": "0",
"one": "1",
"two": "2",
"three": "3",
"four": "4",
"five": "5",
"six": "6",
"seven": "7",
"eight": "8",
"nine": "9",
var tens = {
"ten": "10",
"eleven": "11",
"twelve": "12",
"thirteen": "13",
"fourteen": "14",
"fifteen": "15",
"sixteen": "16",
"seventeen": "17",
"eighteen": "18",
"nineteen": "19",
var doubles = {
"twenty": "20",
"thirty": "30",
"forty": "40",
"fifty": "50",
"sixty": "60",
"seventy": "70",
"eighty": "80",
"ninety": "90",
var units = [
var freeUnits = {
"pair": 2,
"dozen": 12,
"score": 20,
function convert(numstr,separator = "") {
var ast = parse(numstr);
var numberDigits = "";
var node = ast;
while (node) {
numberDigits += (
(node.unit == "decimal" ?
("." + (node.value || "0")) :
(numberDigits != "" ? separator : "") +
(node.value || "000")
node = node.and;
// normalize leading zeros
numberDigits = numberDigits.replace(/^0+/,"").replace(/^\./,"0.") || "0";
// append negative sign (if needed)
if (ast.negative) {
numberDigits = "-" + numberDigits;
return numberDigits;
function parse(numstr) {
var words = numstr.trim().replace(/[^\-0-9a-z\s]+/ig,"").toLowerCase().split(/[\s\-]+/).filter(Boolean);
// (STEP 1) tokenize the string
var tokens = [];
var inDecimal = false;
for (let word of words) {
let curToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
if (word == "negative" && tokens.length == 0) {
tokens.push({ type: "negative", value: "-", complete: true, });
else if (word == "point" || word == "dot") {
if (curToken && !curToken.complete) {
if (!curToken.unit) {
curToken.unit = "hundred";
curToken.complete = true;
if (!inDecimal) {
inDecimal = true;
tokens.push({ type: "point", value: ".", complete: true, });
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + word);
else if (word == "o" || word == "zero") {
if (curToken && !curToken.complete) {
tokens.push({ type: "digit", value: "0", complete: true, });
curToken.complete = true;
else {
tokens.push({ type: "digit", value: "0", complete: true, });
else if (word in digits) {
if (curToken && !curToken.complete) {
// replace a trailing zero (from a double or hundred)?
if (curToken.value.endsWith("0")) {
curToken.value = curToken.value.slice(0,-1) + digits[word];
curToken.complete = true;
else {
tokens.push({ type: "digit", value: digits[word], complete: true, });
curToken.complete = true;
else {
tokens.push({ type: "digit", value: digits[word], complete: true, });
else if (word in tens) {
if (curToken && !curToken.complete) {
// replace two trailing zeros (from a hundred)?
if (curToken.value.endsWith("00")) {
curToken.value = curToken.value.slice(0,1) + tens[word];
curToken.complete = true;
else {
tokens.push({ type: "ten", value: tens[word], complete: true, });
curToken.complete = true;
// promote a single digit to a complete triple?
else if (curToken && !curToken.unit && curToken.type == "digit") {
curToken.type = "triple";
curToken.value = curToken.value.slice(0,1) + tens[word];
else {
tokens.push({ type: "ten", value: tens[word], complete: true, });
else if (word in doubles) {
if (curToken && !curToken.complete) {
// replace two trailing zeros (from a triple)?
if (curToken.value.endsWith("00")) {
curToken.value = curToken.value.slice(0,1) + doubles[word];
// NOTE: leave complete:false since a digit can complete a double
else {
tokens.push({ type: "double", value: doubles[word], complete: false, });
curToken.complete = true;
// promote a single digit to an incomplete triple?
else if (curToken && !curToken.unit && curToken.type == "digit") {
curToken.type = "triple";
curToken.value = curToken.value.slice(0,1) + doubles[word];
curToken.complete = false;
else {
tokens.push({ type: "double", value: doubles[word], complete: false, });
else if (!inDecimal) {
if (word == "hundred") {
if (curToken && !curToken.complete) {
curToken.complete = true;
tokens.push({ type: "triple", value: "100", complete: false, });
// promote a single digit to an incomplete triple?
else if (curToken && !curToken.unit && curToken.type == "digit") {
curToken.type = "triple";
curToken.value = curToken.value.slice(0,1) + "00";
curToken.complete = false;
else {
tokens.push({ type: "triple", value: "100", complete: false, });
else if (
// thousand, million, etc
units.includes(word) ||
// dozen, score, etc
word in freeUnits
) {
if (curToken && !curToken.unit) {
curToken.unit = word;
curToken.complete = true;
else {
tokens.push({ type: "digit", unit: word, value: "1", complete: true, });
// harmless article or conjunction word?
else if ([ "a", "and", ].includes(word)) {
// unrecognized/invalid word
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + word);
// word not allowed while tokenizing decimal values
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + word);
// (STEP 2) parse the token list into an AST
var ast = {};
var curNode = ast;
for (let tokenIdx = 0; tokenIdx < tokens.length; tokenIdx++) {
let token = tokens[tokenIdx];
let nextToken = tokens[tokenIdx + 1];
if (token.type == "negative") {
curNode.negative = true;
// token indicates an assigned base-10 unit-place?
else if (units.includes(token.unit)) {
// current node has no assigned unit-place?
if (!curNode.unit) {
curNode.unit = token.unit;
curNode.value = (
curNode == ast ?
token.value :
let unit = nextUnit(token.unit);
if (unit) {
// create next placeholder node
curNode = curNode.and = { unit, };
// token unit same as current node?
else if (token.unit == curNode.unit) {
// current node is a placeholder that has not yet
// been assigned a value from token?
if (!curNode.value) {
curNode.value = (
curNode == ast ?
token.value :
let unit = nextUnit(token.unit);
if (unit) {
// create next placeholder node
curNode = curNode.and = { unit, };
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.unit);
// current node is different (higher?) unit place
// than token?
else {
// attempt to generate missing unit node(s)
let [ tree, leaf,] =
if (tree) {
curNode.and = tree.and;
curNode = leaf;
curNode.value = token.value;
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.unit);
// token indicates a free-unit (dozen, score, etc)?
else if (token.unit in freeUnits) {
// current node has no unit-place assigned yet?
if (!curNode.unit) {
// compute the free-unit real value
let val = BigInt(Number(token.value) * freeUnits[token.unit]);
// additional value following after free unit?
// * "three dozen and __" (digit, ten, double, or triple)
// * "four score and seven"
if (
nextToken &&
["digit","ten","double",].includes(nextToken.type) &&
) {
// include additional value in computed value
val += BigInt(nextToken.value);
tokenIdx += 1; // lookahead: 1 spot
// determine unit-places needed to represent
// computed value
let magnitudes =,idx) => [
idx == 0 ? 0 : 10n ** (BigInt(idx) * 3n),
let [,maxUnit] = magnitudes.reduce(
([val,nearUnit],[magnitude,unit]) => (
(val >= magnitude) ? [val,unit] : [val,nearUnit]
magnitudes = magnitudes.reduce(
(list,[magnitude,unit]) => (
(val >= magnitude) ? [ ...list, magnitude ] : list
// distribute the computed value into tree
// node(s) as needed
let [ tree, leaf,] =
do {
curNode.unit = tree.unit;
// compute this node's value
let magnitude = magnitudes.shift();
let nodeVal = (
(val >= magnitude && magnitude > 0) ?
// NOTE: bigints use integer division
(val / magnitude) :
curNode.value = String(Number(nodeVal)).padStart(3,"0");
// any more nodes left to fill in?
if (magnitude > 0) {
// compute remaining value for next node
val = val % magnitude;
tree = tree.and;
curNode = curNode.and = {};
else {
tree = null;
while (tree);
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.unit);
// decimal point?
else if (token.type == "point") {
// current node has no unit-place assigned yet?
if (!curNode.unit) {
curNode.unit = "hundred";
curNode = curNode.and = { unit: "decimal", value: "", };
else if (curNode.unit == "hundred") {
curNode = curNode.and = { unit: "decimal", value: "", };
else {
// attempt to generate missing unit-place node(s)
let [ tree, leaf,] =
if (tree) {
curNode.and = tree.and;
curNode = leaf;
curNode = curNode.and = { unit: "decimal", value: "", };
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.type);
// separate digit?
else if (token.type == "digit") {
// append digit to the decimal node?
if (curNode.unit == "decimal") {
// look-ahead to collect all consecutive digits, if any
let digitTokens = collectConsecutiveDigits(tokens,tokenIdx);
tokenIdx += (digitTokens.length - 1);
// add digit token(s) to current node
for (let digit of digitTokens) {
curNode.value = (curNode.value || "") + digit.value;
// multiple adjacent (non-decimal) digits?
else if (
nextToken &&
nextToken.type == "digit"
) {
// current node is "empty", so we can implicitly
// create arbitrary unit-place segment(s) from multiple
// digits?
if (!curNode.unit) {
// look-ahead to collect all consecutive digits
let digitTokens = collectConsecutiveDigits(tokens,tokenIdx);
tokenIdx += (digitTokens.length - 1);
// skip any leading zeros (since we're at the
// start of the number)
let firstNonZeroDigitIdx = digitTokens.findIndex(digit => digit.value != "0");
if (firstNonZeroDigitIdx > 0) {
digitTokens = digitTokens.slice(firstNonZeroDigitIdx);
// any digits remain to be added to the AST?
if (digitTokens.length > 0) {
// determine how many unit-place groups are needed
let numGroups = Math.ceil(
Math.min(digitTokens.length,units.length * 3) / 3
// determine number of digits in first group
let groupSize = (
digitTokens.length > (units.length * 3) ?
digitTokens.length - (units.length * 3) + 3 :
digitTokens.length % 3 || 3
// create the necessary unit-place nodes in the AST
let [ tree, leaf ] = generateMissingUnitNodes(
Math.min(units.length - 1,numGroups - 1)
if (tree) {
curNode.unit = tree.unit;
curNode.value = "";
if (tree.and) {
curNode.and = tree.and;
// fill in the unit-place groups to the AST
do {
// collect a group of digits into current node
let digitGroup = digitTokens.slice(0,groupSize);
digitTokens = digitTokens.slice(groupSize);
curNode.value = digitGroup.reduce((val,digit) => val + digit.value,"");
// more digits to add as a unit-place group?
if (curNode.and && digitTokens.length > 0) {
curNode = curNode.and;
// from here forward, all digit groups are
// fixed size of 3
groupSize = 3;
// keep going while digits remain to be grouped
while (digitTokens.length > 0);
else {
// NOTE: should never get here
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.value);
else {
// look-ahead to collect up to 3 consecutive digits
let digitTokens =
tokenIdx += (digitTokens.length - 1);
// combine digits into a single value
let val = digitTokens.reduce((val,digit) => val + digit.value,"");
// assign combined-digits to "hundred" unit-place node
curNode = assignHundredUnitPlaceNode(
// zero-pad the value
else {
// assign single digit to "hundred" unit-place node
curNode = assignHundredUnitPlaceNode(
// zero-pad the value
// stand-alone ten or double token?
else if (token.type == "ten" || token.type == "double") {
// append numbers to the decimal node?
if (curNode.unit == "decimal") {
curNode.value += token.value;
// literal/year form:
// * "seventeen nineteen"
// * "seventeen thirty"
// * "twenty fourteen"
// * "twenty fifty"
else if (
nextToken &&
(nextToken.type == "ten" || nextToken.type == "double")
) {
if (!curNode.unit) {
curNode.unit = "thousand";
curNode.value = token.value.slice(0,1);
curNode = curNode.and = {
unit: "hundred",
value: token.value.slice(1) + nextToken.value,
tokenIdx += 1; // lookahead: 1 spot
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.value);
// "twelve hundred"
// "twenty three hundred"
else if (
!curNode.unit &&
nextToken &&
nextToken.type == "triple" &&
nextToken.value == "100" &&
) {
curNode.unit = "thousand";
curNode.value = token.value.slice(0,1);
curNode = curNode.and = {
unit: "hundred",
value: token.value.slice(1) + "00",
tokenIdx += 1; // lookahead: 1 spot
// ten/double followed by:
// * any 3 digits
// * '0' plus another digit
else if (
!curNode.unit &&
nextToken &&
nextToken.type == "digit" &&
) {
let tokenN2 = tokens[tokenIdx + 2];
let tokenN3 = tokens[tokenIdx + 3];
// any 3 digits
if (
tokenN2 &&
tokenN2.type == "digit" &&
tokenN3 &&
tokenN3.type == "digit"
) {
curNode.unit = "thousand";
curNode.value = token.value;
curNode = curNode.and = {
unit: "hundred",
value: nextToken.value + tokenN2.value + tokenN3.value,
tokenIdx += 3; // lookahead: 3 spots
// '0' plus another digit
else if (
nextToken.value == "0" &&
tokenN2 &&
tokenN2.type == "digit"
) {
curNode.unit = "thousand";
curNode.value = token.value.slice(0,1);
curNode = curNode.and = {
unit: "hundred",
value: token.value.slice(1) + nextToken.value + tokenN2.value,
tokenIdx += 2; // lookahead: 2 spots
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.value);
// assumed "thousand" unit:
// * "thirteen nine forty two"
// * "thirty nine two o six"
else if (
!curNode.unit &&
nextToken &&
nextToken.type == "triple" &&
) {
curNode.unit = "thousand";
curNode.value = token.value;
curNode = curNode.and = {
unit: "hundred",
value: nextToken.value.padStart(3,"0"),
tokenIdx += 1; // lookahead: 1 spot
else {
// assign ten/double value to "hundred" unit-place node
curNode = assignHundredUnitPlaceNode(
// zero-pad the value
// encountered a stand-alone triple?
else if (token.type == "triple") {
if (curNode.unit == "decimal") {
curNode.value += token.value;
else {
// assign triple value to "hundred" unit-place node
curNode = assignHundredUnitPlaceNode(
// zero-pad the value
else {
// NOTE: should never get here
throw new Error("Invalid! " + token.type);
// append missing AST nodes (if any)
if (![ "hundred", "decimal" ].includes(curNode.unit)) {
let [ tree ] = generateMissingUnitNodes(curNode.unit,"hundred");
if (tree) {
curNode.and = tree.and;
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + curNode.value);
return ast;
function assignHundredUnitPlaceNode(curNode,val) {
if (curNode.unit != "hundred") {
// current node is "empty", so we can assign it
// as the "hundred" unit-place node
if (!curNode.unit && !curNode.value) {
curNode.unit = "hundred";
curNode.value = val;
return curNode;
else {
// attempt to generate missing unit node(s)
let [ tree, leaf,] =
if (tree) {
curNode.and = tree.and;
curNode = leaf;
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + val);
// current node is a placeholder in the "hundred"
// unit-place, that has not yet been assigned any
// value from a token?
if (!curNode.value) {
curNode.value = val;
return curNode;
else {
throw new Error("Invalid! " + val);
function collectConsecutiveDigits(tokens,tokenIdx,limit = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
var digitTokens = [ tokens[tokenIdx], ];
for (
let adjIdx = tokenIdx + 1;
adjIdx < tokens.length &&
tokens[adjIdx].type == "digit" &&
!tokens[adjIdx].unit &&
digitTokens.length < limit
) {
return digitTokens;
function generateMissingUnitNodes(curUnit,targetUnit) {
if (units.includes(curUnit) && units.includes(targetUnit)) {
let unit = curUnit;
let tree = { unit: curUnit, };
let leaf = tree;
while (unit && unit != targetUnit) {
unit = nextUnit(unit);
if (unit) {
leaf = leaf.and = { unit, };
if (unit && unit == targetUnit) {
return [ tree, leaf ];
return [];
function nextUnit(unit) {
var unitIdx = units.indexOf(unit);
if (unitIdx > 0) {
return units[unitIdx - 1];
Copyright (c) 2021 Kyle Simpson <[email protected]>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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Hey Kyle, there's also the case of using hundreds to express thousands, for instance "twelve hundred" should output 1,200 instead of 12,100.

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cmosguy commented Feb 25, 2021

@getify /Kyle, could you have not used Google speech-to-text API ?

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getify commented Feb 25, 2021

@binarica that's already supposed to work, but it's a regression bug I missed. Thanks, will fix ASAP. :)

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getify commented Feb 25, 2021

@cmosguy I needed a backup option for when you're using an app offline. I'm sure Chrome's SpeechRecognition API already uses this under the covers, and I'm using that API if present (and online). But if offline, or in a non-chrome browser, I wanted a fallback.

The fallback I chose is PocketSphinx.js...which works entirely in the browser. But it outputs "twenty three" instead of converting to number digits "23". Hence, this util.

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Why not considering to do from this gist a js library? A gist will be forgotten, meanwhile a js library/module will remain in time

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getify commented Feb 25, 2021

I may indeed promote it to a repo and npm package... but honestly I wasn't sure if it would garner enough interest to be worth the effort.

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web20opensource commented Feb 25, 2021

I may indeed promote it to a repo and npm package... but honestly I wasn't sure if it would garner enough interest to be worth the effort.

I'm a experienced developer, but to create this code It would take me a few weeks(months) definitely and later, other weeks(months) to fix bugs... The main idea deserves an utility/library js. There are super famous npm modules of string utilities for example... shorter than your gist code. Apps related with Speech to Text will come more often than today so is just a fact of time that this code is useful for others.

And I guess I don't need to say it but just in case... You are an author of JS books and conferences around the world, frontendmasters Mentor... So your code lines could be measured in years of experience, studying, practicing, etc... Definitely it is not the same that my lines of code ;)

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getify commented Feb 25, 2021

@binarica fixed that bug with inputs like "twelve hundred" and "twenty three hundred". Thanks for pointing it out!

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getify commented Feb 26, 2021

Updated the code to support "free units" like "dozen", "score", and "pair". :)

"thirty seven dozen and six" --> "450"

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getify commented Feb 26, 2021

Also now supporting negative numbers:

"negative forty two point zero" --> "-42.0"

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getify commented Sep 6, 2024

UPDATE: I've decided to create a real repo and npm package for this utility. Stay tuned.

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