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Last active August 7, 2020 20:50
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# python modules
import sqlite3
from collections import namedtuple
# 3rd party modules
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# named tuple... we do not need a class for this
Product = namedtuple('Product', ['product_id', 'category', 'name', 'price', 'discount'])
Class that defines functions for a generic crawler.
class Crawler(object):
def _init_database(self, name):
# step 1. connect to the sqlite database that contains the list of products
connection = sqlite3.connect(name)
# step 2. create the table products
connection.execute('''CREATE TABLE products (product_id text, name text, category text, price integer, discount integer)''')
# step 3. returns the connection
return connection
def _visit_or_return(self, url_or_element):
# step 0. check if parameter is a str or an element
if type(url_or_element) is str:
# step 1. if parameter is str, retrieves the site. Throws an exception if an error happens.
response = self.session.get(url_or_element)
# step 2. parse the site and extract the tags.
html_content = response.text
return BeautifulSoup(html_content, features='html.parser')
# step 1. return the same parameter
return url_or_element
def _visit_and_extract(self, url_or_element, tag, *args, **kwargs):
parsed_site = self._visit_or_return(url_or_element)
return parsed_site.find_all(tag, *args, **kwargs)
def _visit_and_extract_single(self, url_or_element, tag, *args, **kwargs):
parsed_site = self._visit_or_return(url_or_element)
return parsed_site.find(tag, *args, **kwargs)
# python modules
import re
import sqlite3
# 3rd party modules
import requests
# local modules
from crawler import Crawler, Product
# constants
PRICE_REGEX = r'((?:\d+\.?)+)'
DISCOUNT_REGEX = r'_(\d+)\.jpg'
Class to extract the list of products (and discount) from the site.
This is useful if you want to check the products that are on sale at the site.
class TravelDutyCrawler(Crawler):
The constructor for the Crawler class.
- self (TravelDutyCrawler): the instance of the class
def __init__(self):
# step 1. initialize the session we are going to use with the crawler.
self.session = requests.Session()
self.connection = self._init_database('travelclub.db')
def crawl(self):
self.connection.execute('DELETE FROM products')
root_url = ''
# step 1. retrieves the categories.
categories = self._visit_and_extract(root_url, 'a', {'class': 'op_sub_menu2'}, href=True)
# step 2. traverse each category and extract the URL
categories_urls = dict()
for category in categories:
category_name = category.text
href = category['href']
indice, categoria = href[href.index('(') + 1:href.index(')')].split(',')
url = f'{categoria[1:-1]}&p_categoria=categoriaproductoproducto&p_indice={indice[1:-1]}&p_subindice='
categories_urls[category_name] = url
# step 4. visit each category and extract all the products
products_attributes = dict()
for category_name, category_url in categories_urls.items():
products = self._visit_and_extract(category_url, 'td', {'class': 'box-prod'})
for product in products:
product_name_td = self._visit_and_extract_single(product, 'td', {'class': 'det-prod'})
product_name = product_name_td.text.strip()
sku_td = self._visit_and_extract_single(product, 'td', {'class': 'sku-prod'})
sku = ''.join(self._visit_and_extract_single(sku_td, 'span').text.split())
price_td = self._visit_and_extract_single(product, 'td', {'class': 'price-prod'})
price = int(re.findall(PRICE_REGEX, self._visit_and_extract_single(price_td, 'span').text)[0].replace('.', ''))
discount_td = self._visit_and_extract_single(product, 'span', {'class': 'txt-descrip-prod'})
discount = int(re.findall(DISCOUNT_REGEX, self._visit_and_extract_single(discount_td, 'img')['src'])[0])
discount = 100
products_attributes[sku] = [sku, category_name, product_name, price, discount]
for product_attributes in products_attributes.values():
self.connection.execute('INSERT INTO products (product_id, category, name, price, discount) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', product_attributes)
def retrieve(self, min_discount=0, max_discount=100, min_price=0, max_price=10000000):
stmt = self.connection.execute('SELECT product_id, category, name, price, discount FROM products WHERE discount >= ? AND discount <= ? AND price >= ? AND price <= ? ORDER BY discount DESC, price DESC', [min_discount, max_discount, min_price, max_price])
products = stmt.fetchall()
return [Product(*p) for p in products]
def close(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Crawl travel duty webiste and find products fulfilling a criteria.')
parser.add_argument('--refresh', dest='refresh', action='store_true', help='Refresh the database contents, otherwise use current values.')
parser.add_argument('--min_discount', nargs='?', type=int, dest='min_discount', const=90, default=90, help='the min discount allowed (defaults to 90)')
parser.add_argument('--max_discount', nargs='?', type=int, dest='max_discount', const=100, default=100, help='the max discount allowed (defaults to 100)')
parser.add_argument('--min_price', nargs='?', type=int, dest='min_price', const=0, default=0, help='the min price allowed (defaults to 0)')
parser.add_argument('--max_price', nargs='?', type=int, dest='max_price', const=10000000, default=10000000, help='the max price allowed (defaults to 10,000,000)')
args = parser.parse_args()
crawler = TravelDutyCrawler()
if args.refresh:
products = crawler.retrieve(args.min_discount, args.max_discount, args.min_price, args.max_price)
for product in products:
print(product.category,, product.price,
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