- Let’s Build A Simple Interpreter
- Let's Build a Compiler, by Jack Crenshaw
- Project: A Programming Language
- Understanding Compiler Optimization - Chandler Carruth - Opening Keynote Meeting C++ 2015
- Adventures in JIT compilation
- Juozas Kaziukėnas - Building An Interpreter In RPython - PyCon 2016
- Anders Hejlsberg on Modern Compiler Construction
- Build Your Own Lisp
- Beginner's Guide to Linkers
- Dynamic Compilation and Adaptive Optimization in Virtual Machines
- Efficient and General On-Stack Replacement for Aggressive Program Specialization
- Combining Analyses, Combining Optimizations
- A Simple Graph-Based Intermediate Representation
- Optimizing Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages With Polymorphic Inline Caches
- Polymorphic Inline Caching on JavaScript for fun and profit
- How does NodeJS work?
- How does V8 optimise JavaScript code? (Part 1)
- How does V8 optimise JavaScript code? (Part 2)
- A tour of V8: Crankshaft, the optimizing compiler
- A closer look at Crankshaft, V8's optimizing compiler
- V8: A tale of two compilers
- A tour of V8: Garbage Collection
- An Introduction to Speculative Optimization in V8