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Last active October 13, 2019 13:28
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NodeJS method that returns JavaScript object from bindings
static void Binding(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);
Local<String> module = args[0]->ToString(env->isolate());
node::Utf8Value module_v(env->isolate(), module);
Local<Object> cache = env->binding_cache_object();
Local<Object> exports;
if (cache->Has(module)) {
exports = cache->Get(module)->ToObject(env->isolate());
// Append a string to process.moduleLoadList
char buf[1024];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Binding %s", *module_v);
Local<Array> modules = env->module_load_list_array();
uint32_t l = modules->Length();
modules->Set(l, OneByteString(env->isolate(), buf));
node_module* mod = get_builtin_module(*module_v);
if (mod != nullptr) {
exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
// Internal bindings don't have a "module" object, only exports.
CHECK_EQ(mod->nm_register_func, nullptr);
CHECK_NE(mod->nm_context_register_func, nullptr);
Local<Value> unused = Undefined(env->isolate());
mod->nm_context_register_func(exports, unused,
env->context(), mod->nm_priv);
cache->Set(module, exports);
} else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "constants")) {
exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
cache->Set(module, exports);
} else if (!strcmp(*module_v, "natives")) {
exports = Object::New(env->isolate());
DefineJavaScript(env, exports);
cache->Set(module, exports);
} else {
char errmsg[1024];
"No such module: %s",
return env->ThrowError(errmsg);
env->SetMethod(process, "binding", Binding);
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