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Last active July 29, 2019 23:52
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def listen(actorSystem: ActorSystem, topic: String): Task[Queue[String]] =
for {
queue <- Queue.bounded[String](1000)
rts <- Task.runtime[Any]
_ <- Task(actorSystem.actorOf(Props(new SubscriberActor(topic, rts, queue))))
} yield queue
case class MessageEnvelope(msg: String)
class SubscriberActor(topic: String, rts: Runtime[Any], queue: Queue[String]) extends Actor {
DistributedPubSub(actorSystem).mediator ! Subscribe(topic, self)
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case MessageEnvelope(s) => rts.unsafeRunSync(queue.offer(s))
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