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Last active June 12, 2016 13:44
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Mad Libs Game - Practice
#Mad Libs Game
print ("Mad Libs has started")
#Get words from player
char = input("Enter your name: ")
adjOne = input("Enter an adjective: ")
adjTwo = input("Enter an adjective: ")
adjThree = input("Enter an adjective: ")
verbOne = input("Enter a verb: ")
verbTwo = input("Enter a verb: ")
verbThree = input("Enter a verb: ")
nounOne = input("Enter a noun: ")
nounTwo = input("Enter a noun: ")
nounThree = input("Enter a noun: ")
nounFour = input("Enter a noun: ")
animal = input("Enter an animal: ")
food = input("Enter a food: ")
fruit = input("Enter a fruit: ")
number = input("Enter a number: ")
hero = input("Enter a superhero: ")
country = input("Enter a country: ")
dessert = input("Enter a dessert: ")
year = input("Enter a year: ")
#The template for the story
print ("This morning I woke up and felt " + adjOne + " because " + char + " was going to finally " + verbOne + " over the big " +
adjTwo + " " + nounOne +". On the other side of the " + nounTwo + " were many " + animal + "'s protesting to keep " + food + "
in stores. The crowd began to " + verbTwo + " to the rythym of the " + nounThree + ", which made all of the " + fruit + "'s very "
+ adjThree +". " + char + " tried to " + verbThree + " into the sewers and found " + number + " rats. Needing help, " + char +
"quickly called " + hero + "." + hero + "appeared and saved " + char + " by flying to " + country + " and dropping " + char +
"into a puddle of " + dessert + "." + char + "then fell asleep and woke up in the year " + year + ", in a world where " + nounFour +
"'s ruled the world.")
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