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Created December 5, 2012 02:16
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Pcomp'08 Problem M (... 4 years later)
structure M =
open MParser
fun pp (Int i) = Int.toString i
| pp (Var n) = n
and plist [h] = pp h
| plist t = String.concatWith ":" (map pp t)
fun put e k (v : exp list) = (k,v) :: e
fun get e k = case List.find (fn (k',v) => k = k') e of SOME (k,v) => v
fun calc Plus n m = (Int (n+m))
| calc Minus n m = (Int (n-m))
| calc Times n m = (Int (n*m))
| calc Divide n m = (Int (n div m))
fun eval1 env ((Var n)::t) = (get env n) @ t
| eval1 env ((UOpr (opr,[]))::t) = t
| eval1 env ((UOpr (opr,[Int i]))::t) = (Int i) :: t
| eval1 env ((UOpr (opr,(Int i)::(Int j)::t))::t') = (UOpr (opr,(calc opr i j)::t)) :: t'
| eval1 env ((UOpr (opr,(Int i)::t)::t')) = (UOpr (opr,(Int i)::(eval1 env t))) :: t'
| eval1 env ((UOpr (opr,l))::t) = (UOpr (opr, eval1 env l)) :: t
| eval1 env ((BOpr ([],opr,[]))::t) = t
| eval1 env ((BOpr ([Int i],opr,[Int j]))::t) = (calc opr i j) :: t
| eval1 env ((BOpr ((Int i)::t1,opr,[Int j]))::t) = (calc opr i j) :: (BOpr (t1,opr,[Int j])) :: t
| eval1 env ((BOpr ([Int i],opr,(Int j)::t2))::t) = (calc opr i j) :: (BOpr ([Int i],opr,t2)) :: t
| eval1 env ((BOpr ((Int i)::t1,opr,(Int j)::t2))::t) = (calc opr i j) :: (BOpr (t1,opr,t2)) :: t
| eval1 env ((BOpr (t1,opr,t2))::t) = (BOpr (eval1 env t1,opr,eval1 env t2)) :: t
| eval1 env ((Slice (e,NONE,SOME j))::t) = takeUntil env j e @ t
| eval1 env ((Slice (e,SOME i,NONE))::t) = drop env i e @ t
| eval1 env ((Slice (e,SOME i,SOME j))::t) = (drop env i (takeUntil env j e)) @ t
| eval1 env x = x
and takeUntil env _ [] = []
| takeUntil env 0 _ = []
| takeUntil env n ((Int i)::t) = (Int i) :: (takeUntil env (n-1) t)
| takeUntil env n e = takeUntil env n (eval1 env e)
and drop env _ [] = [] : exp list
| drop env 0 l = l
| drop env n ((Int i)::t) = drop env (n-1) t
| drop env n l = drop env n (eval1 env l)
and evalstm env (Print e) = (print (plist (takeUntil env 15 e) ^ "\n"); env)
| evalstm env (Assign (n,e)) = put env n e
fun main env =
case TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn of
NONE => []
| SOME "#\n" => []
| SOME l => main (evalstm env (kupeg_start l))
val _ = M.main []
%name MParser
%start stm
datatype opr = Times | Divide | Plus | Minus
datatype exp = Print of exp list
| UOpr of opr * exp list
| BOpr of exp list * opr * exp list
| Slice of exp list * int option * int option
| Assign of string * exp list
| Int of int
| Var of string
%nonterm sp of string
%nonterm _ of string
%nonterm res of string
%nonterm name of string
%nonterm res of string
%nonterm num of int
%nonterm lexp of exp list
%nonterm exp of exp list
%nonterm term of exp list
%nonterm slice of exp list
%nonterm sliceexp of (int option * int option)
%nonterm factor of exp list
%nonterm stm of exp
sp <- " " / "\n" / "\t".
_ <- sp _ / .
res <- "+" / "-" / "/" / "*" / "(" / ")" / "[" / "]" / ":" / "=".
name <- !res !sp !digit char.
num <- !res !sp d:digit e:((!res !sp digit)*) -> (valOf(Int.fromString (String.concat ($d :: ($e))))).
lexp <- e:exp _":"_ l:lexp -> (($e) @ ($l))
/ e:exp -> ($e).
exp <- t:term _"+"_ e:lexp -> ([BOpr ($t,Plus,$e)])
/ t:term _"-"_ e:lexp -> ([BOpr ($t,Minus,$e)])
/ t:term -> ($t).
term <- f:slice _"*"_ e:lexp -> ([BOpr ($f,Times,$e)])
/ f:slice _"/"_ e:lexp -> ([BOpr ($f,Divide,$e)])
/ slice.
slice <- f:factor _"["_ s:sliceexp _"]" -> ((fn (a,b) => [Slice($f,a,b)]) ($s))
/ factor.
sliceexp <- n1:num _":"_ n2:num -> ((SOME ($n1), SOME($n2)))
/ ":"_ n2: num -> ((NONE, SOME($n2)))
/ n1:num _":" -> ((SOME ($n1),NONE)).
factor <- _"("_ e:lexp _")"_ -> ($e)
/ n:num -> ([Int($n)])
/ n:name -> ([Var($n)])
/ _"+"_ e:lexp -> ([UOpr(Plus,$e)])
/ _"-"_ e:lexp -> ([UOpr(Minus,$e)])
/ _"*"_ e:lexp -> ([UOpr(Times,$e)])
/ _"/"_ e:lexp -> ([UOpr(Divide,$e)]).
stm <- "print" _ e:lexp -> (Print ($e))
/ n:name _ "=" _ e:lexp -> (Assign ($n,$e)).
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